
本 科 毕 业 设 计

题 目: 中小企业ERP管理系统--销售管理子系统的设计与实现






The small and medium-sized enterprise ERP management

system, sales management subsystem

Abstract: Today's social economy and the rapid development of information technology, the sales management system of small and medium-sized enterprises enterprises can determine a profit, but also the small and medium enterprise development and management of the key a. The ERP system is convenient, time-saving and labor-saving, almost all enterprises will use the ERP system.

The SSH framework in this system mainly use J2EE as background, the ExtJS as the front. The struts framework to do the application layer, business logic layer is responsible for calling service; Hibernate framework for object relational mapping and database manipulation; spring framework for management of container, management framework and the framework; and ExtJS was used as the front-end interface, interactive.

The system is based on the record of sales documents and return the documents in the small and medium-sized enterprises, the actual demand sales records and return records query, to facilitate the realization of the document generation and storage function. The concrete realization of the process of commodity sales process, sales documents and document generation, query and delete function. Also the handling of customer

return, customer returns documents survive, query and delete function. The user can at any time in the computer upwelling browser landing systems management, simple and convenient realization of document records, improve the working efficiency of enterprises, improve the query speed, to achieve efficient management of enterprises. Keywords:ERP;marketing management;SSH;ExtJS
