
必修三Unit2重点词汇 7. 被放过,免于处罚

1. 好奇心

2. 限制;限定

3. 利益;好处


5. 折扣

6. 生的,未加工的

7. 顾客,消费者 8. 弱点,缺点

9.强项,长处 10. 饮食 ;节食

11.平衡;权衡 ;天平 12.有限的

13. 叹息 14.女主人;女主持人 15.consult vt. 16.fibre n. 17.digest v . n. 18.debt n. 19.glare v.n. 20.spy v. n. 21.benefit n. 22.combine v. 1.节食 2.保持平衡 3.减肥 4.增加体重 5.平衡的膳食 6.令人好奇的






14、怒视 15、从…中受益

16. 删节

17.不久以后 很久以前 18.把…与…相结合 19.失去平衡 20.满足…好奇心 21.出于好奇 22.对…感到好奇 23.以…折扣 24.向…咨询某事 25.与某人商量某事 27.查词典 28.不欠债 29.还清债务 30.把…限制在…内 31.毫无限制 10. 而不是 11. 除了 12. 不仅仅,超过


一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1.____________ n.景色 2.____________ n.讲述者 3.____________ n.仆人 4.____________ vt.& vi.允许 5.____________ vi.凝视 6._____________ adj. 未付款 7._____________ n.说明 8._____________ n.出现 9._____________ n.耐性

10._____________ adj.难以置信 11.____________ adv.仅仅 12._____________ adv.真正的 13._____________ vi..尖叫 14._____________ vt.& vi.发行 15._____________ n.礼貌 16._____________ adj.很少的 17._____________ adj.妒忌的 18._____________ n.小说

19._____________ n.理发师 20._____________ adj.粗魯的

二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个适当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

1. I can’t yet tell you I will go to travel after exam. 2. The woman looked after the baby as if he________ her child. 3. Henry by accident on the sea one day. (spot)

4. The teacher stared at the kid , him not to be absent-minded . (warn) 5. Most students don’t know they should do themselves when parents are not at home .

6. be honest , I have no time to argue this silly question with you now . 7. is not clear that you have to leave so soon .

8. It you that I met in the library on Sunday afternoon. 9. Do you mind my here ? (smoke)

10. China exported a large amount textile to the western countries ever since 2007 it .(decrease)

三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

1. We can do whatever we like now ,for we have our head teacher’s to do our favorite. (permit)

2. Though it was , everyone loved to took an active part in this activity as volunteers. (pay)

3. At last the singer appeared at the stage, and the audience were amazed at his .(appear)

4. You should try to your explanation for the children. They can only work out the of the math’s at this age. (simple)

5. What he said is ,because he often lies to his friends. (believe)

6. The often gives me help. I make rapid progress under his .(direct)

7. Both of the countries showed a to finish their argument of the border. So the problem will continue to be remained. (willing)

8. The two enjoyed the of their life on the island and never felt .(lonely)

9. Rainy days are of March in Guangzhou and most novelist it as a _____ different from that in the north. (character)

10. After three hours of waiting for the train, our ___________was finally exhausted. (patient)

四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。 1. 处理____________________ 2. 偶然____________________ 3. 养育____________________ 4. 解释____________________ 5. 至于____________________ 6. 即使____________________ 7. 正相反____________________ 8. 盯住____________________ 9. go ahead ____________________ 10. in rags ____________________

11. get in trouble ____________________ 12. to be honest ____________________ 13. in a rude manner ____________________ 14. be about to ____________________ 15. take a chance ____________________ 16. earn one’s passage _________________


词组填空 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。 1. He is ,but he is a millionaire.

2. The secret is only found ___ . 3. When the thief found the police had already

_ him he ran away quickly.

翻译填空 根据汉语意思,从上述短语中选一个适当的词组完成句子。 4. 没人能解释为什么他会犯如此愚蠢的错误。

No one can the reason why he made such stupid mistake.

5. 说到吸烟,它确实对身体有害。

Smoking, it does do harm to health. 6. 看去天好像要下雨了。

It looked it was going to rain.

六、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

Mark Twain was born in Florida and spent [1] _______ boyhood in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River. Three of his most famous books describe people on this great river. This author loved the river [2]_________ much that even his pen name is about the river. “Twain” is[3]________ old word for “two”. So, to “mark twain,” is to say that the water is two fathoms deep. A fathom is equal to six feet or 1.83 meter. Twain left school [4] the 4 age of twelve to look for work. Over the next two decades he was a printer, a riverboat pilot, a soldier,

a gold miner, a businessman and a newspaper reporter. His first successful story was about a [5] (jump) frog contest . His writing became famous for its [6] (describe) of common people and the way [7] they talked, but especially for his humor, He became rich from the many novels, short stories and travel journals he wrote and was very popular at public readings. Yale and Oxford Universities honored him for his writing, [8] , the last years of his life [9]___________ (fill) with sad events, loneliness and the loss of much money . His writing lost most of its humor and became sad like him. Yet he is still one of the[10]________popular writers in the world today.

★辨析:scene, scenery, sight, view表示“风色”

(1)scenery 指一个地区的山水风光或自然风景,着重美,不可数名词。

(2)view 是scenery的一部分,即从某处看到的东西或自然美景,可数名词。用of短语表示所看到的东西或景色,用from短语表示从某处看。

(3)scene 与view相当,只是scene(场面)多半包括人和动作在内;指具体场面所表示的“一处风光,一幕景色”,不分乡间或城市、室内或室外,动态或静态,好看或难看,可数名词。 (4)sight可数名词,指值得看的“奇观”;或指某处或某地令人有趣的名胜、建筑物(常说the sights)。
