毕 业 论 文
院 系 专 业 学 号 学生姓名 指导老师
研究得出: F1,,F2,F3,,F4分别代表下等阶层,劳动阶层,中等阶层,上等阶层。阶层级别越高,时间支付能力和货币支付能力越强,对旅游消费行为的意愿度也越高,社会阶层上的差异导致不同层次的消费者旅游偏好不同,接收旅游信息的途径也有所不同。在统计分析的基础上,从目标市场的角度为旅游企业提供以自身企业资源满足消费者旅游消费需求的营销建议。
Selected social class variable as a theoretical foundation and background factors on tourists' consumption behavior with the help of social class background of tourists, we can study and analyze the characteristics of their tourism consumption behavior. Using the SPSS statistical analysis software to analyze the data that obtained through the questionnaires process. At last, getting the analytic result of characteristics of tourism consumption behavior.
Conclusion: F1, F2, F3, F4, representing the lower class, working class, middle class, upper class. Class the higher the level, the stronger the ability to pay of time and the ability to pay of money, the higher willingness of tourism consumer behavior, social class differences lead to different levels of consumer travel preferences are different ways to receive travel information. On the basis of statistical analysis, from the point of view of the target market for tourism enterprises to provide marketing advice for them to use own resources to meet consumer demand for tourism consumption
The innovation of this paper is: first ,by Coleman's status index, the consumer social class were divided into four groups: F1 group, F2 group, F3 group , F4 group. So the companies can understand consumers better and enhance the will and confidence of the consumers of tourism consumption by effective strategies, improving the efficiency of business marketing.
Second, the use of questionnaires, depending on the different social classes of consumer spending habits, we analyzed the characteristics of group travel consumer behavior. From this perspective, we summarize the different social classes of consumers shopping tourism,and thus, put forward relevant suggestions. Not only for China's tourism enterprises to plan new ideas of the target market, but also to expand the content and scope of theoretical research market.
Key words: Social class; tourism consumption; consumption characteristics; market segments
摘要 ........................................................................ I Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... II
一、绪论 .................................................................... 1
(一)研究背景 .......................................................... 1
(二)研究目的与意义 .................................................... 1 (三)相关文献研究综述 .................................................. 2
1.社会阶层概念及其划分标准或方法 ...............................................2 2.社会阶层与消费者行为 .........................................................3
(四)研究方法 .......................................................... 3 二、消费者社会阶层划分与旅游消费行为的变量设计 .............................. 4
(一)科尔曼地位指数分析法 .............................................. 4 (二)旅游消费行为变量 .................................................. 6 三、消费者社会阶层划分与旅游消费行为分析 .................................... 7
(一)数据收集与整理 .................................................... 7
(二)基于社会阶层不同的旅游消费者分类 ................................. 11 (三)基于社会阶层不同的消费者旅游消费行为分析 ......................... 11
1.不同社会阶层消费者付出时间成本的能力差异分析 ...............................11 2. 不同社会阶层消费者付出货币成本的能力差异分析 ..............................14 3. 不同社会阶层消费者旅游消费偏好的差异分析 ..................................21 4. 不同社会阶层消费者选择接受信息途径的差异分析 ..............................24 5. 不同社会阶层消费者旅游资源和消费偏好的异同点分析 ..........................26 6. 收入与时间成本支付能力的相关性分析 ........................................27 7. 收入与货币成本支付能力的相关性分析 ........................................28
四、对旅游企业单位提出的市场营销策略和建议 ................................. 29 (一)不同社会阶层旅游消费者的消费特征 .................................. 29 (二)旅游企业单位的市场营销策略 ........................................ 31 结论 ....................................................................... 33
(一)主要研究结论 ..................................................... 33
1.关于不同社会阶层旅游消费者的消费特征 .......................................33 2.关于不同社会阶层消费者旅游目的地偏好差异 ...................................33 3.关于不同社会阶层的旅游消费者市场细分 .......................................33 4.关于企业对策 ...............................................................34
(二) 创新点 .......................................................... 34