毕业论文:小功率单相正弦在线互动UPS模拟装置 - 图文

摘 要

本课题研究单相在线小功率互动式UPS模拟装置,UPS的优势在于掉电后还可以继续为设备供电、或者是输入市电小于额定值时,能够确保正常输出。模拟装置主要包括八个部分,第一、蓄电池充电器为蓄电池存储能量,保证蓄电池电量充足;第二、辅助电源,主要为系统芯片提供驱动电源;第三、DC/DC BOOST变换器,掉电后为逆变提供母线电压;第四、AC/DC PFC系统,输入低于额定值时,经功率因数校正后提供母线电压,稳定输出;第五、H桥逆变,将直流母线电压经调制后输出单相交流电源;第六、模数转换器,ADS1286采集电压信号;第七、单片机液晶显示,实时显示电池电压和母线电压,用户可以根据当前值确定UPS的能量。该系统输出电压精度高、抗干扰能力强,切换时间短,并且可视性好,以便于用户在使用过程中随时了解电源的能量。 关键词: 在线小功率互动UPS;蓄电池;不间断; 功率因数校正;模数转换;



This topic research small power single-phase online interactive UPS simulator, this system based on AT89S51 MCU control system. Device is mainly include eight parts, first is input/output filter design, a utility, utility input variable pressure after the isolated transformer after LC filters filter out the high frequency interference, will pure alternating current to the bridge rectifier, DC after rectifying subsection two roads, going directly to battery, utility normal circumstances will give battery to supplement the battery energy, the charger adopts UC3906 integrated chips accurate control of the charging process; Another all the way through the single-chip microcomputer control relay choose path, if detection to the input utility normal (here refering to pass for variable pressure 22V), the input directly to load power supply, if detection to the input below normal (22V), then input need to pass the AC/DC power factor correction voltage to control at 22V, always give load normal voltage, if detected no input, right now, mainly by battery-powered after the whole bridge through to boost inverter, full bridge inverter adopts single polarity SPWM control technology, the output of the 22V AC voltage to the load power,not immediately to load power outage. Keywords: Online interactive UPS; small power AT89S51; Battery; UC3906; AC/DC power factor correction; Single polarity SPWM;

目 录

1 绪论 ................................................... 1 1.1 课题研究的意义 .................................... 1 1.2 课题研究背景 ...................................... 1 1.3 课题研究的主要内容 ................................ 2

2 系统总体方案设计与分析 .......................................... 2

2.1 系统总体框图设计 .................................. 2 2.2 系统工作流程图设计 ................................ 3 2.3 系统方案论证 ...................................... 3

3 硬件电路设计 ......................................................... 8

3.1 AT89S51单片机最小系统硬件电路实现 ................. 8 3.2 基于UC3842的BOOST变换器电路实现 ................ 10 3.2.1 BOOST电路储能元件参数分析 ................... 10 3.2.3 峰值电流控制的斜坡补偿设计 .................. 13 3.3 基于UC3525的双路输出反激变换器辅助电源设计 ...... 16 3.3.1 隔离变压器设计 .............................. 16 3.3.2 TLP521线性光耦隔离器性能及设计 .............. 17 3.3 全桥逆变电源设计及驱动 ........................... 19 3.3.1 SPWM实现与分析 .............................. 20 3.3.2 IR2110驱动电路设计及特点 .................... 26 3.4 UC3906专用铅酸蓄电池充电电路 ..................... 27

3.4.1 铅酸蓄电池特性及使用方法 .................... 27 3.4.2 蓄电池充电器参数计算及电路实现 .............. 28

4 系统程序设计 ...................................... 32 5 系统调试及性能指标测量 ............................ 33 6 总结与展望 ........................................ 37

参考文献 ............................................. 38 附录(实物及主要程序) .................................. 40 英文文献 ............................................. 50 中文对照 ............................................. 56 致谢 ................................................. 62
