
be a lot of activities for the whole family, including sailing on the lake, cycling in the mountains or just swimming on the sandy beaches.

The ticket to the new Peppa Pig theme park is €37.50 for an adult and €32.50 for children under the age of ten.

56. Venice is about 120 kilometers ________ of Lake Garda.

A. northwest A. White.

B. northeast

C. southwest C. Green.

D. southeast D. Blue.

57. What color will Peppa Pig¡¯s house be in the new Peppa Pig theme park?

B. Yellow.

58. What can people do in the theme park? ¢ÙRide a bike in the mountains.

¢ÛSwim on the beach. A. ¢Ù¢Ú¢Ü

B. ¢Ú¢Û¢Ü B. €112.50

¢ÚPlay with Peppa Pig.

C. ¢Ù¢Û¢Ü

D. ¢Ù¢Ú¢Û¢Ü

¢ÜSail on the lake.

59. If Mr. and Mrs. Black take their six-year-old son to the park, they need to pay _________.

A. €107.50

C. €100.00 D. €75.00

60. What can we infer(ÍƶÏ) from the passage?

A. Lake Garda is the deepest lake in Italy. B. The Peppa Pig theme park is boring for parents. C. Parents can also enjoy themselves in the theme park. D. There is only one Peppa Pig theme park in the world. D

¡°As soon as I get the job, I¡¯ll be able to leave this city and be free from the orders from my father,¡± Mike thought to himself on his way to a job interview.

On the lane (×ßµÀ) to the interview office, Mike saw the water running in the hosepipe (Èí¹Ü) and he couldn¡¯t see the gardener anywhere. There was water on the lane. Then Mike lifted the hosepipe and placed the hosepipe near other plants.

On his way upstairs to the interview room, he noticed that the lights on the stairway were on, though it was very bright. He remembered his father¡¯s order, ¡°Turn the lights off!¡± So, Mike turned off the lights.

Finally, Mike walked into the interview room and stood before the interviewers. After he introduced himself, one of the officers asked, ¡°When can you start to work?¡±

¡°Is this a trick question or is this a signal (ÐźÅ) that I have been offered the job?¡± Mike thought to himself. As Mike was thinking how to reply, the officer continued, ¡°We don¡¯t ask anyone any question here. We watch everyone through cameras in this building. You are the only one who passes our test today. And this is why we¡¯ve decided to choose you for this job.¡±

Mike couldn¡¯t believe it. He couldn¡¯t wait to tell his father the good news and how thankful he was for his father¡¯s orders.

61. At first, Mike __________ his father¡¯s orders.

A. was tired of

B. paid no attention to D. was surprised at

C. was angry about

62. Why were the lights on the stairway on?

A. To make the stairway brighter. B. To test the job applicants (ÇóÖ°Õß). C. Because someone forgot to turn them off.

D. Because it was the rule of the interview office.

63. How did Mike feel when the officer asked when he could start to work?

A. Excited.

B. Frightened.

C. Surprised.

D. Confident.

64. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Mike¡¯s father wasn¡¯t strict with him. B. Mike was sure that he would get the job.

C. Mike was the first one to be interviewed that day. D. Mike had got into the habit of setting everything right. 65. The passage mainly wants to tell us ____________.

A. how to prepare for an interview B. that good habits are always helpful

C. to pay no attention to every little thing in life D. that we should follow our parents¡¯ orders

µÚ¶þ²¿·Ö ·ÇÑ¡ÔñÌ⣨25·Ö£©

V. ÓÃËù¸øµ¥´ÊµÄÊʵ±ÐÎʽÌî¿Õ¡£(¹²5СÌ⣬ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö5·Ö£©

66. My classmates and I spent five hours _________(pick) up bottles in the park. 67. Anna felt really tired so she fell _________(sleep) soon.

68. The Great Wall weles _________(million) of tourists to visit it every year. 69. Excuse me, may I use your phone _________(make) a call to my mother? 70. Two hours later, we _________(final) got to the top of the mountain. VI. Óï·¨Ìî¿Õ¡££¨¹²10СÌ⣬ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö10·Ö£©


Anna came home and sat on the sofa. She looked 71 (happy). Mrs White came and sat next to her. She asked, ¡° 72 is the matter, dear?¡±

Anna said, ¡°Mum, Celia had 73 fight with me. She said I was not her best friend any more.¡± ¡°Dear, I¡¯m sorry to hear that. But would you like 74 (tell) me why you had a fight?¡± said Mrs White.

Anna said, ¡°Yes, Mum. She 75 (get) a new haircut yesterday. I thought it was ugly, so I made 76 (funny) of her. She got very angry.¡±

¡°Then did you apologize 77 her?¡± asked Mrs White.

Anna said no. She was worried that Celia wouldn¡¯t forgive (Ô­ÁÂ) her. Mrs White gave Anna a kiss and said, ¡°Dear, I know you are good friends, 78 it doesn¡¯t mean you can hurt her. If you don¡¯t want to lose 79 (she), I think you should say sorry to her. I¡¯m sure she doesn¡¯t want to lose you either.¡±

After 80 (hear) this, Anna decided to say sorry to Celia the next day.

VII. ÊéÃæ±í´ï¡££¨10·Ö£©

¼ÙÉèÄãÊÇÀî¿É£¬Õâ¸ö¼ÙÆÚÄ㽫ȥÂ׶Øѧϰһ¸öÔ£¬µ½Ê±Ä㽫¼ÄËÞÓÚMr. HudsonµÄ¼ÒÖС£ÎªÁ˸üºÃµØÓëMr. HudsonÒ»¼ÒÈËÓѺÃÏà´¦£¬ÄãÔÚ¶¯ÉíÇ°¾ö¶¨¸øMr. Hudson·¢Ò»·âÓʼþ£¬Çë¸ù¾ÝÒÔÏÂÌáʾÍê³É¸ÃÓʼþ¡£


¢ÙIntroduce yourself and express your thanks. ¢ÚAsk the best way to his home. Your email to Mr. Hudson ¢ÛTell him your time to arrive.

ÒªÇ󣺲»ÉÙÓÚ60´Ê£¨Óʼþ¿ªÍ·ºÍ½áβÒѸø³ö£¬²»¼ÆÈë×Ü´ÊÊý£©¡£ Dear Mr. Hudson,

I¡¯m writing to tell you something about myself. _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ I¡¯m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Ke

ÆßÄ꼶ӢÓï²Î¿¼´ð°¸ 2018.7.10

1-5 ACACA 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 ACBCA

A. classmate B. March C. patient D. member E. skiing

16-20 ACABA 21-25 ABBCC

26-30 ACCBC

31-35 CCABA

36-40 CBCBA 41-45 BACBA 46-50 ADBDC 56-60 DBCAC

51-55 ABBCD 61-65 ABCDB

68. millions 69. to make 70. finally

74. to tell 79. her

75. got

66. picking 67. asleep 71. unhappy 76. fun

72. What 77. to

73. a

78. but 80. hearing

One possible version: Dear Mr. Hudson,

I¡¯m writing to tell you something about myself. My name is Li Ke and I¡¯m from China. I think you¡¯ve heard about me already. Thank you very much for having me stay with you for a whole month. I¡¯m really excited about the trip. Since this is my first time to go to London, I¡¯m also a little nervous about my stay there. Could you please tell me the best way to get to your house from the airport? My plane will arrive at 14:30 on July 10. Then I plan to go directly to your home. Is it the right time for me to visit you?

I¡¯m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Ke
