
gold medals the first three teams gained in each game?

Date Place

Totals of Gold medals 2nd



1 1896 Athens

Germany 7

USA 11 Greece 10

2 1900 Paris 17

France 27 USA 19 Britain

3 1904 St. Louis, USA

Germany 4

USA 70 Cuba 5

4 1908 London Britain 56 USA 23

Sweden 7


5 1912 Stockholm 10

6 1916 Berlin

Sweden 24 USA 23

Not held because of World War I

Sweden 19


7 1920 Antwerp, Belgium USA 41 15

8 1924 Paris

USA 45

Finland 14 France 13 Finland

9 1928 Amsterdam 8

USA 22 Germany 10

10 1932 Los Angeles 10

11 1936 Berlin 10

USA 41 Italy 12 France

Germany 33 USA 24 Hungary

12 1940 Helsinki 13 1944 London 14 1948 London 10

15 1952 Helsinki 10

16 1956 Melbourne

Australia 13

Not held because of World War II Not held because of World War II USA 38

Sweden 16 France

USA 40 USSR 22 Hungary

USSR 37 USA 32

17 1960 Rome 18 1964 Tokyo


USA 34 Italy 13

USA 36 USSR 30

Japan 16 Japan 11 GDR

19 1968 Mexico City USA 45 USSR 30

20 1972 Munich, W. G. 20

21 1976 Montreal 22 1980 Moscow 8

23 1984 Los Angeles

USSR 50 USA 33


GDR 40 GDR 47

USA 34 Bulgaria

USA 83 Romania 20 W. G. 17

GDR 37


24 1988 Seoul, S. Korea 36

25 1992 Barcelona

Germany 33


CIS 45 USA 37

Note: CIS = Commonwealth Independent States;GDR = E.


1. By the year 1992, the modern summer Olympic Games had been held _______ times in U. S. A.

A. four B. two C. one D. Three

2. How many gold medals had E. Germany won in the Summer Olympic Games?

A. 124 B. 144 C. 198 D. 200

3. From the date(资料) we can arrive at a conclusion that _______.

A. every country should hold the Olympic Games in turn B. any Olympic Games should not be called off for any reason

C. no peace, no sports

D. if there is a war anywhere, the Olympic Games mush be stopped


本文列举了从 1896 年到 1992 年期间夏奥会举办的时间、地点、及前 3名金牌数的有关情况。 【答案与解析】

1. D。细节题。根据 1904 St. Louis, USA,1932 Los

Angeles和1984 Los Angeles 得知在美国共举行了三次,故选D。

2. B。细节题。 根据1972获20枚,1976获40枚,1980获47枚,1988获37枚得知GDR(=E. Germany)共获得144枚金牌,故选B。

3. C。推断题。 根据1916 Berlin,1940 Helsinki,1944 London三年都因战争而没有举行夏奥会可推知C为正确答案。

