

George has found where Peppa was hiding.

-- George found me! Now it's Daddy's turn to hide! -- Oh, I think George should have another turn. -- But George isn't very good at hiding...

-- I'm sure he'll be better this time. Close your eyes and start counting. -- One... two...three...

Oh, dear. Peppa will easily find George. -- four...five...six...

-- George! Come over here...

-- seven...eight... nine... ten! Ready or not, here I come! -- Oh, George isn't hiding under the table! But George always hides under the table!

-- Have you thought of looking upstairs?

-- I know where he is! George is in the toy basket. Oh~~~

George is not in the toy basket! Where can he be? Peppa can not find George anywhere.

-- Daddy? I can't find George anywhere. -- Oh, dear, I wonder where he can be.

-- Actually, I think there's something about George in this newspaper... -- Whee...

-- George! Found you!

-- Oh, George! That was a good place to hide! George was hiding behind Daddy Pig's newspaper all the time! 乔治找到了佩奇藏在哪。

-- 乔治找到我 了!现在轮到爸爸藏起来了! -- 我想乔治可以再来藏一次。


-- 可是乔治不是很擅长藏起来。 -- 这次我相信他会藏好的。闭上你的眼睛开始数数吧。 -- 1、 2、 3。。。


-- 4、 5、 6 。。。 -- 乔治,到这来。

-- 7、 8、 9、 10!准备好了吗?我来了!

哦,乔治没有藏在桌子下面。 但是乔治总是藏在桌子下面啊! -- 你觉得他会不会藏在楼上? -- 我知道他在哪了!乔治在玩具篮子里。喔~~~

乔治不在玩具篮子里!他会在哪呢 ? 佩奇哪里都找不到乔治。 -- 爸爸,我哪都找不到乔治。 -- 哦亲爱的, 我也想知道他在哪。 -- 事实上,我想报纸上有关于乔治的消息。。。 -- 嗨!!!


-- 哦乔治,那真是个玩捉迷藏的 好地方!



-- I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig.

6 The Playgroup

