大学生方程式赛车设计(发动机匹配试算与装配设计)-汽服11403班 - 图文

序号 (学号):


长 春 大 学 毕 业 设 计 说 明 书



姓 名 学 院 专 业 班 级 指导教师

沈姗姗 车辆工程学院 汽车服务工程 1140303 李未(教授)

2015 年 5 月 20 日

大学生方程式赛车设计 (发动机匹配试算与装配设计)

摘 要




Design of FSAE

(trial matching and assembly design of engine)


Contest of Chinese college students formula car is by each team for university students in car design and manufacture of a game. Each participating team strictly follow the rules of the game, the independent design and production in one year out of a good in all aspects of small single leisure car, for the game.

This article is on college students' formula engine system matching of the trial and the structure design, through understanding engine performance parameters, structure parameters, using the principle of automobile design, engine, automobile structure, such as knowledge, through the Internet query information of engine to choose. This paper mainly discusses how to improve the inlet and exhaust and cooling system of engine, the engine the desired state, and in accordance with the rules of the competition. I will use the GT - Power, FLUNT optimize the exhaust system design of software, such as the four division of the intake manifold, to avoid the phenomenon make gas due to different inlet and exhaust time, makes the exhaust more smoothly and the engine better in terms of Power. Suggested that the air intake system use flow-limiting valve so that we can make cars safer, this can let students learn how to better improve the air intake system, make it two of the shape of the nose cone, making intake no dead Angle, and comply with the regulations of competition.

Application of fluid mechanics cavity is designed to ensure the air inflow.

Keywords: formula (FSAE), engine, match, into the exhaust

目 录

第一章 大学生方程式赛车简介 .................................................................................... - 1 -

§1.1 赛事简介 ..................................................................................................... - 1 - §1.2 愿景与使命 .................................................................................................. - 1 - 第二章 发动机的匹配 ....................................................................................................... 1

§2.1 发动机的匹配 .................................................................................................. 1

§2.1.1 匹配的定义 ........................................................................................... 1 §2.1.2 发动机匹配的应用场合 ........................................................................ 2 §2.2 发动机的机械匹配技术 ................................................................................... 3

§2.2.1 发动机和变速器的选型和匹配 ............................................................. 4 §2.2.2 设计与分析 ........................................................................................... 2 §2.3 发动机管理系统及其开发技术 ........................................................................ 2

§2.3.1 发动机管理系统 .................................................................................... 2 §2.3.2 发动机管理系统开发技术 ..................................................................... 3 §2.4 发动机的标定技术 .......................................................................................... 3

§2.4.1 发动机标定 ....................................................................................... - 3 - §2.4.2 发动机标定软件 .................................................................................... 3 §2.4.3 发动机标定设备 .................................................................................... 3 §2.4.4 发动机标定试验 .................................................................................... 3 §2.5 其它相关电气系统的开发 ............................................................................... 3

§2.5.1车载网络系统的开发 ............................................................................. 3 §2.5.2 电气线束系统的开发 ............................................................................ 3 §2.6 发动机的选购 .................................................................................................. 3

§2.6.1 赛车发动机的选择原则 ........................................................................ 3 §2.6.2 以下是国内几款常用FSAE发动机的资料 ............................................ 3

第三章 发动机进排气系统的匹配 .................................................................................... 7

§3.1 FSAE进排气系统和限流阀的关系 ................................................................ 7 §3.2 GT-Power介绍 ............................................................................................... 7 §3.3 发动机的进排气管 ......................................................................................... 7
