Unit 7The Sea重点单词短语句型及练习(含答案)

Unit 7 The Sea

分类记单词 ?填准记牢·快速掌握


1.evaluate vt. 评估,评价 2.sign n. 符号,记号 3.voyage n. 航海,航空 4.further adv. 更远,较远 5.eventually adv. 最终,终于 6.ban vt. 禁止 7.altogether adv. 完全 8.handle vt. 对付 9.present vt. 讲演,演示 10.discount n. 折扣,减价

11.measure vi.& vt. 度量(大小、长短等),测量 12.escape vi. 逃脱,逃跑 13.debate n. 辩论,争论 拓展词汇——记一记

1.recognise vt.辨认出→recognition n.认识,认出

2.participate vi.参加→participant n.参加者→participation n.参与,参加 3.arrange vt.安排;准备→arrangement n.安排,筹备 4.apologise vi.道歉→apology n.道歉 5.pollute vt.使污染→pollution n.污染

6.intelligent adj.有才智的,理解力强的→intelligence n.智力,理解力 7.energetic adj.有活力的→energy n.精力,活力 8.discovery n.发现→discover vt.发现,发觉

9.educate vt.教育→educator n.教育工作者→education n.教育,培养 10.attract vt.吸引→attraction n.吸引人的地方;吸引人之物

11.terror n.恐怖,恐惧→terrify vt.令人感到恐惧→terrifying adj.使人感到恐惧的→terrified adj.感到恐怖的

12.explorer n.探险家→explore v.勘探;探索;考察→exploration n.勘探;探索;探究

13.frightening adj.令人惊恐的,骇人的→frighten vt.(使)惊恐→frightened adj.害怕的;

受惊的→fright n.恐惧,害怕

14.survive vi.幸存;生存下来→survival n.幸存→survivor n.幸存者 15.recover vi.痊愈,康复→recovery n.痊愈,康复

16.disagree vi.意见不合,不同意→disagreement n.分歧,争议→agreement n.同意 17.persuade vt. 说服,劝服→persuasion n. 劝说,劝服 ◎ 语境应用[用所给词的适当形式填空]

1.He had changed so much that you couldn’t recognize him.As a matter of fact,illness and age changed him beyond recognition.(recognize) 2.Luckily,I survived the terrible car crash last week and I was the only survivor of the accident.(survive)

3.On seeing the frightening scene of the traffic accident,the frightened child was frightened out of mind.(fright)

4.Yesterday Michael apologized to his boss for being late,but much to his disappointment,he didn’t accept his apology.(apologise) 5.In our daily life,we use fuels which pollute the environment very badly,and it is reported that twenty-five thousand deaths per year are caused by air pollution.(pollute) 联想背短语 ?高效识记·稳固根基


1.fill_out 填写 2.set_sail 启航

3.according_to 根据,依照

4.get_into_trouble 陷入麻烦,陷入困境 5.make_it_to 到达 6.in_search_of 寻找,寻求 7.make_a_living 谋生 8.watch_out 注意 9.all_at_once 突然,忽然

10.pick_up 取,接,载,学会;恢复 11.in_addition_to 除……之外(还有) 12.be_covered_with 被覆盖 13.from_then_on 从那时起 14.make_sense 有意义,讲得通 15.in_the_direction_of 朝……的方向 ◎ 语境应用——练一练(选用以上短语填空)

1.More and more people from the countryside come to big cities in_search_of jobs to raise their families.

2.Many teens got_into_trouble when they first left home to live abroad. 3.The old man made_a_living by fishing on the sea every day. 4.See,your computer has broken down again!It doesn’t make_sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars.

5.The boy picked_up some English while living in America with his parents. 6.Watch_out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly. 精彩写句式 ?典句背诵·夯基提能


1.It’s three times as big underwater.(“倍数+as...as...”是表达倍数的常用句型) 2.One day,my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands,our boat full of fish.(独立主格结构)

3.You certainly won’t find a noisier fish.(否定副词与比较级连用表示最高级)

4.Our boat survived,and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear,and screamed out the terrifying word “Whirlpool!”.(be doing...when...正在做……这时……)



A person with a severe mental health problem is four_times_more_likely to have no close friends than the average.


I heard that she got injured in the accident,my_heart_full_of_worry. 3.多么好的一本小说啊!我从未读过比这更感人的了。 What a wonderful novel!I have_never_read_a_more_moving_one. 4.我正在练习弹钢琴这时停电了。

I was_practising_playing_on_the_piano_when there was a failure power.

第一板块 重点单词 participate vi.参与;参加

(2017·石家庄一模书面表达)We all feel honoured if you can participate in the activity with us.

如果你能与我们一起参加活动我们感到非常荣幸。 (1)participate with sb.in sth.

与某人分担……; 同某人一起参与某事 participate in sth./doing sth. 参加……

(2)participant n. 参加者;共享者 participation n. 参与;分担;共享

(2014·山东卷书面表达)I am going to participate in the English speech contest for senior high school students to be held in July this year.

今年我要参加7月份举行的高中生英语演讲比赛。 ◎ 巧学巧练1


①All the participants (participate) in the debate will have an opportunity to speak.

②(2014·辽宁卷书面表达)All the students are expected to_participate (participate) in the event actively,which can not only inspire their imagination but also offer them a stage to show yourselves.



For example,how Americans celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving Day,what food they eat,and what_activities_they_participate_in_during_these_festivals. arrange vt.筹备;安排;整理

(佳句诵读)Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success.

父母为孩子准备一切,不遗余力地为他们的成功铺路。 (1)arrange sth.for sb. 为某人安排某事 arrange (for sb.) to do sth. 安排(某人)做某事 (2)arrangement n. 安排;筹备

make arrangements for 为……做好安排

If you are interested,please sign up at the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary arrangements.

若感兴趣,请在下周四下午5点前到办公室签名,以便于我们做些必要的安排。 ◎ 巧学巧练2

