
------《吾爱网络项目》精选教育应用文档,如需本文,请下载 -----

2、Read the sentences 3、Draw a picture. 教学后记:

学生基本上掌握新单词及新句子. 教学内容:Unit 6 at the zoo (4)


1、 Learn the sentences 2、 Learn the animals . 教学重点:The new words 教学难点:The new words

教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things 教学过程: Step1: Revision

Step2: Learn the new words of animals Look at the animals

1、 Learn the new works 2、 Listen to the recording 3、 Read the words 4、 Say out the animals 5、 Step3: Let’s do 5、 Look at the pictures 6、 Listen and do


------《吾爱网络项目》精选教育应用文档,如需本文,请下载 -----

Step4: Exercises 1、活动手册 2、 Look and say

Step5:Summary and homework 板书设计:

Unit 6 at the zoo You’re right. 作业布置:

1、 Listen to the tape 2、Read the words.

教学后记:学生基本上掌握新单词及新句子. 教学内容:Unit 6 at the zoo (5) 教学目标和要求: 1、 Let’s check 2、 Let’s chant 3、 Story time

教学重点:Let’s check/ Let’s chant/ Story time 教学难点:Let’s check

教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures 教学过程:

Step1: Let’s check 1、 Listen to the tape


------《吾爱网络项目》精选教育应用文档,如需本文,请下载 -----

2、 Finish the exercises 3、 Check the answers Step2: Let’s chant

1、 Look at the pictures 2、 Find out the numbers. 3、 Listen to the tape

4、 Read the sentences after the recording 5、Read the sentences together Step3: Story time

1、 Look at the pictures 2、 Listen to the recorder

3、 Try to understand the meaning of the story 4、 Read the sentences after the recording 5、 Read the sentences Step4:Summary and homework 板书设计:

Unit 6 at the zoo AM PM TV CD VCD


1、Listen to the tape 2、Read the sentences 教学后记:



------《吾爱网络项目》精选教育应用文档,如需本文,请下载 -----

教学内容:Unit 6 at the zoo (6)


1、 To know the culture 2、 Learn the song 3、 Finish the exercises 教学重点:The exercises 教学难点:The exercises 教学用具:Tape/recorder 教学过程:

Step1: To know the culture 1、 Look at the pictures

2、 Say out the lucky numbers. Step2: Let’s sing

1、 Look at the words of the songs 2、 Listen to the tape 3、 Read the words 4、 Sing the song Step3: Finish the exercises 1、 Listening work 2、 活动手册

Step4:Summary and homework 板书设计:

Unit 6 at the zoo

