
Text A & text-related exercises teaching plan (4 periods) 1) Starter

After a brief explanation of the instructions, the teacher

A. gives the students a few minutes to think about the questions in the starter; B. asks some students to respond to the questions (10 minutes). 2) Text A A.

lets the students answer the text related questions, helps them identify the main idea of each paragraph and analyzes some difficult sentences and some language points while discussing the whole text with the students (one and a half periods); B.

Guides the students through the exercises, focusing on certain items or leaving some exercises as the students’ homework according to the students’ different levels of English (one period). Practical Writing

The teacher tells as well as shows the students how to reply to an invitation by doing Exercise 11 of Practical Writing, and then requires the students to do Exercise 12 as their homework.

Step 1 Starter:

1. Have you ever been mistaken for someone else? Or do you know someone who has been mistaken for another person? Please share your story with your classmates.

2. Now imagine you have the same name as the mayor of your city and look like him too. What might happen when you go to a hotel asking for a room and are told that the rooms are all booked?

Now read the following passage and see what happened to Mark Twain when he tried to get a train ticket.

Step 2 Reading Analysis Para.1

Though thinking himself to be well known, Mark Twain failed to get the train tickets he needed. Para.2-5

Mark Twain was invited by the conductor to get onto the train. Para.6-8

Mark Twain received good service on the train. Para.9-12

Mark Twain got to know why he was given such nice treatment. Questions about paragraph 1

1) Why couldn’t Mark Twain get the two tickets for the sleeper train? Because the train was already full.

2) Whom did Mark Twain ask for the tickets and how did they reply?

He asked the man in the ticket office and a local official for two tickets, but they flatly rejected him.

3) How did Mark Twain feel when his request was rejected? He felt it was a heavy blow to his dignity.

4) Why did Mark Twain mention his name the second time he talked to the local official?

Because he wanted to take advantage of his fame to get onto the train.

5)Did the local official change his attitude when he heard the name “Mark Twain”?

No. He remained the same as before.

6) Why did Mark Twain feel such shame as cannot be described?

Firstly, his name didn’t bring him the respect that he expected; secondly, his companion had seen the whole scene. Step 3: Language Points

1. I was to take the sleeper train there: I planned to take the sleeper train there. 我计划在那儿搭乘卧车。

The structure “be to do sth.” is often used to talk about arrangements which have been planned. e.g.


The Queen is to visit Japan next year. 运动会定于5月28日举行。

The sports meet is to take place on May 28.

2. platform n. (at a railway station) flat surface built next to and at a higher level than the track, where passengers get on and off trains(火车站的)站台,月台 e.g.

I stepped from the platform into the train. 我由站台登上列车。


The Beijing train will depart (or leave) from platform six.

3. swarm: vi. move in large numbers (in the specified direction) 成群地(朝某方向)移动 e.g.

Ants swarmed all over the rotten apple 烂苹果上爬满了蚂蚁。

4. in sb.’s face: directly into, straight onto, sb.’ s face; in front of sb. without hiding anything 对着某人的面;当着某人的面 e.g

“I don’t want to see you,” Mary said to jack, and with these words she shut the door in his face.

“我不想见你,”玛丽对杰克说,说完便砰的一声把他关在了门外。 I told the boys that they were wrong, but they laughed in my face. 我对男孩们说他们错了,但他们却当面嘲笑我

5. dignity/: n. quality that earns or deserves respect; true worth 尊贵;尊严 e.g.

My mother is a woman of great dignity. 我母亲是位极有尊严的女性。 Whatever happens, we must not lose our human dignity. 无论发生什么事情,我们都不能失去人的尊严。

6. at the same time: at once; together; however; but, nevertheless 同时;一起;然而;但是,不过 e.g.

Besides his company, grandfather was running a farm at the same time, so he must have been a very busy man.

除了他的公司,爷爷还同时经营着一家农场,所以他一定是个大忙人。 John did pass the test; at the same time, he didn’t know the subject very well. 约翰考试是及格了,可是对这门学科掌握得并不好。 7. I asked him if I couldn’t …= I asked him if I could…

The negation is used to indicate that the speaker is more polite and feels less likely to get what he asks.

否定的用法表示说话者的态度更客气,估计自己的要求不太可能得到满足。 8. cut short: stop (sb.) doing or saying sth.; stop doing (sth.) usu. Suddenly 打断(某人);中断(某事 e.g.

John tried to say something, but Frank cut him short. 约翰想说点什么,但是弗兰克打断了他。

I hate to cut you short, but we are really running out of time. 我真不愿打断你,不过我们确实没有多少时间了。

9.bother : vt. cause trouble or annoyance to (sb.) 打扰,烦扰,麻烦;使恼怒 e.g.

He kept bothering me with the same question. 他不断地拿同一个问题来烦我。

10. turn one’s back on: refuse to help (sb. in trouble or need); turn away from (sb./sth.) rudely; refuse to have anything (more) to do with (sb./sth.) 拒绝帮助;对…掉头不顾;不理睬;拒绝 e.g.

He will turn his back on me if I ask him for money, even if other people think we are good friends!

尽管别人以为我们俩是好朋友,但如果我向他借钱,他肯定会拒绝我的。 Tim has always been kind to me — I can’t just turn my back on him now that he needs my help.


11. expect: vt. think or believe that (sth.) will happen or that (sb./sth) will come 预料,预计;期待,盼望 e.g.

I didn’t expect you to be back so soon. 我没料到你这么快就回来了。

We expect that fifty guests will come. 我们预计会有50位客人来。

12. in a state not to be described: not to be described 是修饰state的定语。 describe: vt. say what (sb./sth.) is like; depict (sth.) in words 描写,描述;形容 e.g.

Can you think of any other words to describe Mary? 你想得出任何别的词来描述玛丽吗?

Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene. 景色之美难以用词语描绘。

13. companion: n. person or animal that goes with, or spends much time with, another 同伴,伙伴,伴侣

a pleasant companion令人愉快的伙伴 a lifelong companion终身伴侣

14. Even if they did know who you were…:
