

1.He glared at John and was annoyed by his refusal to cooperate.

2.John's sincere speech shows his gratitude to the people who rendered him generous help when he was in difficulty.

3.He is something of a stamp collector. The fact that once he saved up for two years to buy a rare stamp is proof of it.

4.The beauty of these roses could not be overstated. They took/caught all the visitors fancy in one way or another.

5.At first he took it for granted that they should build more highways in this area. Then a careful calculation of the expenditure compelled him to think twice before he made the final decision. 6.Each time he receives a gift from me, no matter how small, my friend Bill never fails to acknowledge it.

7.The journalist has decided to trace the young man referred to in the old couple's letter, which is a tribute to the young man's effort at improving their living conditions.

8.Though he was fed up with the salesmen who knocked at his door and boasted about their products every day, he refrained from slamming the door in their face.



1.He changed his perspective and observed people who did not have smallpox. 2.He wants to give a good example of lateral thinking.

3.He compares the human brain to a computer and the change of one's point of view to the reprogramming of the computer. 4.It is to fight it.

5.He calls it vertical thinking.

6.He used the technique of lateral thinking.

7.The key is to make a shift in emphasis instead of fighting the problem head-on.

8.They should change their point of view and regard themselves as their body's keeper. 9.Very often lateral thinking yields much better results than vertical thinking.

10.It is approaching the target from a sideways point of view instead of approaching it directly. III

1.tactic 2.utmost 3.structure 4.slack 5.significance

6.head-on 7.dead end 8.erased 9.framework 10.vertical;vertical 11.ceased 12.flaw 13.implies 14.affirmed


1.wound up being 3.take in 5.take over

2.pulling on 4.in effect 6.ended up teaching V

1.approach 2.fought 3.cure 4.pressured 5.focus 6.approach 7.program 8.experienced 9.switch 10.escape 11.fail 12.escaped VI

assistant accountant servant dependant attendant contestant defendant consultant inhabitant occupant

1.attendant 2.servant 3.consultans 4.contestant 5.accountant 6.occupants 7.assistant 8.inhabitants 9.dependants 10.defendant VII

1.of use

2.of great importance

3.of great/critical/extreme significance 4.of little value 5.of marked benefit 6.of invaluable help VIII

1. should have told me at once2. 2.should have told me beforehand3. 3.should have left the company long ago 4. never should have happened

5. should have left thirty minutes ago 6. should have phoned IX


一般西方人解决问题的方法是与之搏斗。“进展越困难,硬汉子越向前”这句话便代表了这种解决问题的积极进取的态度。不管是什么问题,不管可以用来解决问题的方法是什么,我们西方人的思维方式所产生的框架总是搏斗。德·博诺医生称之为纵向思维;即那种传统的、按顺序的、亚里士多德式的逻辑思维,坚定地从一步移到下一步,就像玩具积木一块搭在另一块之上。当然,它的缺陷是,如果在任何时刻其中一步没有达到,或者一块积木没有放对,那么整个结构就会坍塌。事情就会陷入僵局,沮丧、紧张和搏斗的情绪就会笼罩心头。横向思维,德·博诺医生说,是对事物进行思考的一种新方法——一种完全避免这种拼搏,用一种完全出人意料的方式解决问题的方法。 XI

1.Tom was hung up on the problem but could do nothing about it until he learnt to solve it with different tactics.

2.Lateral thinking has helped him to advance his new theory which had seemed to reach a dead end.

3.The framework of our latest construction plan has been affirmed by the local government. Whether it will be carried out on time is of the utmost significance to the development of this coastal city.

4.While trying to find a solution to the problem, Edward reached an impasse in his thinking, but later he changed his point of view and solved the problem in an entirely unexpected fashion.

5.Many people believe that computer labs will eventually take over from the libraries and students who want to take in new knowledge will end up learning everything in the computer lab.

6.Yesterday his car crashed into a truck almost head-on. If he does not stop driving so carelessly, I am sure he will wind up in the emergency room of a hospital.

7.There is a flaw in the structural design of the painting. Why don't you erase the vertical lines and simplify it a little bit?

8.John should have given up smoking a long time ago. After all, health is of the utmost importance to everybody.




1.The IQs among the students were within the normal range.

2.The study showed that a teacher's positive view and high expectations of students convinces them that they are gifted and enables them to do better than average work.

3.She did not see this as evidence that the student was not bright or capable, but rather viewed it as one day抯 poor performance, an exception to a normally good pattern of work.

4.It is hard to describe exactly, but her tone was assured and she did not express any negative qualities such as irony, putdowns and/or irritation.

5.This shows that positive expectation can be effective even on mice, who do not, of course, understand human language.

6.Labeling means thinking of people in terms of the general prejudices which we have about their nationality, their race, or their gender, rather than thinking of them as individuals.

7.Labels define a broad, heterogenerous group too specifically. They are usually prejudicial, non-inclusive, and often racist or sexist.

8.This example shows how labeling can create a sense of guilt in a person who does not do what is expected, even when he follows his talents and is quite successful. IV

1.breed 2.accordingly 3.racial 4.homogeneous 5.inclusive 6.welfare 7.deceiving 8.irritation 9.variables 10.uncover 11.irony 12.verbal 13.readily 14.indifference 15.certainty;certainty 16.superior V

1.in terms of 2.due to 3.measures/lives up to 4.as often as not 5.consisted of 6.go through with 7.in reality 8.in part VI

1.unfolded 2.unpacked 3.undo 4.unbend 5.unfastende 6.unload 7.undressing 8.unlocked VII

1.transmit 2.transforming;transferring 3.transcribed 4.transplanting 5.transfer 6.transparent
