The Good Doctor《良医》第三季第7集完整中英文对照剧本


Good morning. 你短信响了三次了 That's your third ding.

早上好 是卡莉发的 Good morning. It's Carly. 她已经到了病理学会议

She has arrived at her pathology conference. 肖恩 你得给她回信

Shaun, you need to text her back.

她的短信没有提问 不需要回复

Her text wasn't a question. It doesn't require a response. 确实 但这样干等着太糟糕了 True. But it sucks to be left hanging. 你以为卡莉不理你时 You didn't like how it felt


when you thought Carly was ignoring you. 我收到你的信息了

I have received your message. 发送 Sent.


You made me breakfast? 天哪 没有 我点了早餐

Oh, God, no. I ordered breakfast. 但我帮它保温了

But I managed to keep it warm. 你没必要这么做 我没事

You don't have to do this. I'm fine. 你有睡着吗

Did you get any sleep?

睡得够多了 I got enough.


Her death's not your fault. 她知道有风险 She knew the risks.

为了拯救孩子 她做出了选择 She made a choice to save her baby. 我打赌即使知道结局如何

I bet she'd make the same choice again, 她还会做出同样的选择

even knowing how it would end.


Thank you. 谢谢这顿早餐

Thanks for breakfast.


We do a complete enucleation of the right eye, 然后换上了临时植入物

then replace it with the temporary implant, 几周后 你会...

and in a few weeks, you'll --


You know why blind people don't skydive? 会把狗吓死的

It scares the hell out of the dog. 让医生说完 好吧 伙计

Let the doctors finish. Okay, bud? 好吧 摘除癌症眼 植入假眼 Yeah, cancer eye out. Fake eye in. 跟上次一样 我知道的 Just like last time. I got it. 看看

Check it out.


It even moves and everything.

你甚至看不出这是假眼 You can't even tell it's fake.

很酷 就像一个仿生超级英雄 Very cool. Like a bionic superhero.

是啊 我的超能力就是随时被东西绊倒

Yeah, and my superpower is tripping over stuff. 手术是几点

What time is the surgery?

三点 3 o'clock.


Which means I've got six hours left 来轰炸消灭外星人 to blast some aliens.

BGM: Dance Yrself Clean by LCD Soundsystem ? We've got to bring our resources ? ? I wanna play it 'til the time comes ? 如果有人说我是「泡泡女孩」

If anyone utters the word \我立马转到另一家医院

I will transfer to a different hospital.

你在他这么大时会这么幽默 成熟地

When you were his age, would you have faced going blind 接受自己即将失明的现实吗

with h-humor, maturity, and acceptance? 我会把东西全烧了

I would have burned things down. 他在用自己的方式来处理

He's dealing with it in his own way.


We'll check in with him 我们会看好他的

while you're taking care of the rest of the paperwork. 确保查理知道这里有他说得上话的人

Make sure Charlie knows there's people he can talk to. -谢谢 -谢谢

- Thank you. - Thank you.

雷兹尼克医生 把查理的血送到化验室 Dr. Reznick, take Charlie's blood to the lab. 布朗医生 去和他谈谈 Dr. Browne, talk to him. 也许他会对你敞开心扉 Maybe he'll open up to you.

心音正常 没有心包积液的迹象

Heart sounds are normal. No sign of pericardial effusion. 你是我所知的最年长的严重联合免疫缺陷病患者 You are the oldest SCID-patient I am aware of. 和你同样病症的人通常很小就去世了

People with your condition usually die very young. 真棒 我赢了 Yay. I win.

泰拉 影像证实

Tara, imaging confirms 你的右肺有点组织感染

that you have infected tissue on your right lung 所以才导致你呼吸困难

that's what's causing your breathing issues. 我们会移除感染组织 And we're gonna remove it 手术叫作皮质剥除术

with a procedure called decortication... 你会用到胸腔镜

And you'll use the thoracoscopic approach 来降低感染的风险

to decrease risk of infection.

我会被关在手术室里 还有什么

And I'll be in an enclosed chamber in the O.R. What else? 我向你保证 我们会采取一切预防措施 I assure you, we'll be taking every precaution 确保你的安全 to keep you safe.

梅伦德斯医生 这栋建筑其实就是美化后的 Dr. Melendez, this building is a glorified incubator 用来隔离地球上各种感染源的恒温箱 for every infection on the planet. 考虑到我生来没有免疫系统

Considering I don't come with an immune system, 我不需要保证

I don't need assurances.


I need you to tell me how you're gonna not kill me. 我们会给你用一个疗程的广谱抗生素

We will administer a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics. 你会在呼吸罩的保护下被送往手术室

You will be transported to the O.R. under a respiratory hood. 房间将配备层流空气

The room will be equipped with laminar air flow 并保持八帕斯卡的正压

and kept at a positive pressure of 8 Pascals. 手术器械会双重消毒

Surgical instruments will be double-sterilized 所有血液制品都会事先进行放射处理 and all blood products will be irradiated. 谢谢你 莫菲医生 Thank you, Dr. Murphy. 访客也要经过

Visitors will also have to go through 严格的去污净化

a strict decontamination --

不会有什么访客了 There won't be any.


The less time I spend with people, the better. 说完了吗 Are we done?


How'd your talk with Charlie go? 他想一个人呆着
