
educational reform ﹣ was there to deliver a keynote. I was chosen to be part of a small group that got to meet with him. So there we were, five or six of us siting in a room, and I asked him, \?\man was speechless.

I'll never forget that moment. It speaks to a larger truth. Towns like mine are forgotten. This trend of exporting talent and resources to our big cities ﹣ this mindset of leaving small towns and never coming back ﹣ I don't want to add to that movement. I want to reverse that movement.

Now it's my turn to help people younger than me. And you know what? I'm a sixth grade teacher in Helena now.

(1)What do people in American countryside think of the future of the youth at home? B A. Secure. B. Fragile. C. Promising. D. Bright.

(2)What did the author find in his college classroom? B A. Students chatted freely. B. Countryside was ignored. C. He was looked down upon. D. Students concentrated on education.

(3)How would the author feel about the professor's reaction? D A. It's emotional. B. It's natural. C. It's positive. D. It's disappointing.

(4)What is the author doing now? D A. Teaching in a college. B. Fighting for the movement. C. Working with the professor.


D. Devoting himself to his hometown. 【考点】O6:社会文化类阅读.


【解答】1.B.细节理解题.根据第一段In American countryside, the message we hear is this: Go and get an education. Leave your small town and make something of yourself. Success and opportunity are found elsewhere. Leave. Co.在美国农村,我们听到的信息是:去接受教育.离开你的小镇,为自己做点事情.可知未来的年轻人很脆弱,故选B.

2.B.细节理解题.根据第三段 I absolutely loved my time there. But one thing took me by surprise ﹣ the lack of countryside representation. Most of the other students at Colby were from big cities我非常喜欢我在那里的时光,但有一件事让我感到惊讶﹣﹣农村地区缺乏代表性.可知农村被忽视了,故选B.

3.D.细节理解题.根据第三段 I went to an education conference a couple of years ago, and a professor ﹣ someone who had been at the forefront of educational reform ﹣ was there to deliver a keynote. I was chosen to be part of a small group that got to meet with him. So there we were, five or six of us siting in a room, and I asked him, \on the state of education in the countryside?\位教授﹣﹣他曾站在教育改革的最前沿﹣﹣在那里发表了一个主旨演讲.我们是一小群人中的一部分人,他们中有五、六人坐在一个房间里,我问他:\你对农村的教育状况有什么看法?\这个人说不出话来.可知对于教授很失望,故选D.

4.D.细节理解题.根据最后两段This trend of exporting talent and resources to our big cities ﹣ this mindset of leaving small towns and never coming back ﹣ I don't want to add to that movement. I want to reverse that movement. Now it's my turn to help people younger than me. And you know what? I'm a sixth grade teacher in Helena now.这种向我们的大城市输出人才和资源的趋势﹣﹣这种离开小城镇,再也不回来的心态﹣﹣我不想助长这种运动.现在轮到我来帮助比我年轻的人了.我现在是海伦娜六年级的老师.可知作者正献身于农村,故选D.




13.(8分)Anxiety is a natural response that changed gradually over millions of years to make us more careful and our bodies prepared to flee danger. But feeling anxious because you heard a noise on a dark street isn't the same thing as having an anxiety disorder. \look for in the clinic is whether anxiety is interfering(妨碍)with a person's day﹣to﹣day life, or causing them a lot of unhappiness,\.

To clinical psychologists like Grey, \(不恰当的)beliefs\are typical in anxiety disorders and are often used to determine the type of anxiety someone has. In social anxiety disorder, the most common anxiety disorder, you might believe that your face turning red will result in people laughing at you. People with this type of disorder experience constant and great fear before, during and after social events.

If you have panic disorder, you might assume that you are having a heart attack if your heart starts to race. The physical symptoms of anxiety ﹣ a pounding heart, difficulty breathing, feeling dizzy ﹣ will then come on in a rush. Everyone can experience such panic attacks from time to time, but in panic disorder the attacks are regular and become a source of anxiety themselves.

Other maladaptive beliefs are less specific. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by continuous worries about a range of different events or activities, for at least six months. If you have this condition, the belief driving your anxiety could, for example, be the feeling it's your job to take care of other people, or that you have responsibilities that you must meet at all cost. To decide who to refer for further treatment, doctors might use a tool called the GAD7test.

(1)Which of the following belongs to an anxiety disorder? A A. Quarreling with parents. B. Getting to school earlier. C. Missing a lunch.


D. Knocking on the wall.

(2)What is social anxiety characterized by? D A. Continuous worries. B. Past experiences. C. Maladaptive beliefs. D. Frequent terrors.

(3)What will happen to you when you have panic disorder? A A. You can't stand steadily. B. Your face turns red. C. You can't touch anything. D. Your hands feel numb.

(4)What anxiety disorder occurs more often than others? C A. Generalized anxiety. B. Panic attacks. C. Social anxiety. D. Acute anxiety attacks. 【考点】O6:社会文化类阅读.


【解答】1.A.细节理解题.根据第二段To clinical psychologists like Grey, \(不恰当的)beliefs\of anxiety someone has. In social anxiety disorder, the most common anxiety disorder, you might believe that your face turning red will result in people laughing at you. People with this type of disorder experience constant and great fear before, during and after social events.对于像灰色这样的临床心理学家来说,\不适应的信念\在焦虑症中是很典型的,并且经常被用来确定某人的焦虑类型.人们嘲笑你.这种类型的人在社交活动之前、期间和之后会经历持续不断的巨大恐惧.可知根据特点和父母亲吵架属于焦虑紊乱,故选A. 2.D.细节理解题.根据第二段In social anxiety disorder, the most common anxiety disorder, you might believe that your face turning red will result in people laughing at you. People with this type of disorder experience constant and great fear before, during and after social events.这种类型的人在社交活动之前、期间和之后会经历持续不断的巨大恐惧.可知赋

