
第2讲 同位语从句与定语从句的区别 (参看P. 错误!未定义书签。错误!未找到引用源。)

第3讲 what, when, where, how, why等引导的名词性从句

考点1. what引导的名词性从句 that和what的区别:

that引导名词性从句时,在主从句中不充当任何句子成分,也没有任何含义;而what引导名词性从句时,在主从句中都要充当一定的句子成分,what可以分解成定语从句中的“先行词 + 关系代词”即常说的“先行词 + that”。what从句,在功能上相当于一个名词,常译作“……的事/话/地方/时间/……”,可以作主语、宾语、表语和同位语。

1. A modern city has been set up in ______ was a

wasteland ten years ago. A. that

B. where

C. what

D. which

bitter smile. A. which

B. it

C. what

D. that

7. The teacher returned after ______ seemed to be a long

time. A. it

B. that

C. what

D. when

8. I was close to being killed the other day. A car

passed me at ______ I thought was a dangerous speed. A. as

B. which

C. what

D. that

9. Generally speaking, ______ we have seen seems more

believable than ______ we have been told. A. what; that C. that; what

B. what; what D. that; that

10. 【2011四川】Our teachers always tell us to believe

in ______ we do and who we are if we want to succeed. A. why

B. how

C. what

D. which

2. What a different man he is ______ he was four years


A. from what B. with what

D. by whom

C. from whom

11. I think that this meal was well worth ______ was

charged for it. A. that

B. what

C. which

D. how many

3. 【2014江苏】—What a mess! You are always so lazy!

—I’m not to blame, mum. I am ______ you have made me. A. how

B. what

C. that

D. who

12. The shopkeeper didn’t want to sell for ______ he

thought was not enough. A. how

B. after

C. what

D. when

4. The city is no longer ______.

A. what it is C. which it was used to be

5. Our school is no longer ______ it was 10 years ago,

______ it was not well equipped. A. what; which which C. what; when

D. that; where



B. that it used to be

D. what it

13. Output is now six times ______ it was before

liberation. A. that

B. which

C. what

D. of which

14. Mr. Smith told me ______ he was doing was important.

A. that

B. why D. why what

C. what that

15. 【2013新课标I】Police have found ______ appears to

be the lost ancient statue. A. which

B. where

C. how

D. what

6. After ______ seemed like hours, he came out with a

考点2. when, where, how, why引导的名词性从句 why,……的原因;when,……的时间; how,……的方法;where,……的地方

16. —Do you think it a must for me to try to do

everything for my children?

—No, that’s ______ you’re mistaken; they should do everything on their own. A. where

B. when

C. what

D. that

24. 【2008天津】The last time we had great fun was

______ we were visiting the Water Park. A. where

B. how

C. when

D. why

考点3. when表示“……时候的事情”

25. I remember ______ this used to be a quiet place.

A. when

B. how

C. that

D. if

26. I remember ______ we had our lessons in a shed (小

棚子). A. when

B. which

C. where

D. what

17. 【2010江苏】—I prefer shutting myself in and

listening to music all day on Sundays.

—That’s ______ I don’t agree. You should have a more active life. A. where

B. how

C. when

D. what

考点4. 感叹句作名词性从句

27. The travelers drank up ______ little water there was

in the bottles. A. how

B. which

C. what

D. that

18. Is this ______ we met each other two years ago?

A. place C. where

B. place in which D. place which

28. Mary: Helen is a mere washer woman, yet she’s now

buying a big house.

Carol: Yes. Because she’s always saved ______. A. what little she earns B. how little she earns

19. Go and get your coat. It’s ______ you left it.

A. there

B. where



C. there where there

C. for little she earns D. with little she earns 29. Parents are taught to understand ______ important

education is to their children’s future. A. that

B. how

C. such

D. so

20. 【2010全国2】— Have you finished the book?

—No, I’ve read up to ______ the children discover the secret cave. A. which

B. what

C. that

D. where

30. 【2011北京】The shocking news made me realize ______

terrible problems we would face. A. what

I. 单句改错

1. 【2010全国Ⅰ】So if they had said was true, I would

have a chance of winning the prize.

2. 【2005江苏】Leaving him at home all day, we would

return at night to hear that he’d picked up from the radio in the day.

C. Why

D. When

3. That he referred to in his article was unknown to

the general reader.

4. They do these is because they want to earn some

B. how

C. that

D. why

21. 【2011山东】 I am afraid he’s more of a talker than

a doer, which is ______ he never finishes anything. A. that

B. when

C. where

D. why

22. —I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.

—Is that ______ you had a few days off? A. why

B. when

C. what

D. where

23. 【2015北京】______we understand things has a lot to

do with what we feel. A. Where

B. How


II. 语法填空(每空至多填三词)

5. 【2014上海】Perhaps ______my mother had told me was

deeply rooted in my mind. I just did as she had expected.

6. 【2014山东】It is difficult for us to imagine______

life was like for slaves in the ancient world. 7. Mr. Hopkins has not yet answered my question whether

I can go with him to ______ he calls the Underground Treasure House next week.

8. 【2015上海】______ makes the game unique is that it

helps children learn how to cope with problems in real life. III.


10. 【2012湖北】事情往往不是它们看上去的那样。(appear) 11. 她变化很大,看起来与过去不同了。(change, look

different from)

12. 过了数小时的样子,他苏醒过来了。(what seemed like

hours, come to oneself)

13. 如果我们想成功,我们应当相信我们做的事情,相信我

们自己。(succeed, believe in what we do, who we are) 14. 与我期望的相反,我的英语考试又一次不及格。

(contrary to, expect, fail, a second time.) 15. 我们得不到的似乎总比我们拥有的好。(seem better


16. 【2008湖北】由于科技的快速发展,我很难想象我的家

乡十年后会是什么样子。(with, can’t imagine) 17. 你很难想象我在学英语中遇到多么大的困难。(you

can’t imagine, have difficulty in doing something) 18. 我的家乡与过去有多么大的不同啊!(how different, my

hometown, what it used to be)

9. 近几年,我们的学校发生了很大的变化,已不再是过去

的样子了。(great changes, take place, what it used to be)

第4讲 whatever, whoever, whichever与whenever, wherever, however

“连接词 + ever”可分为两类:

“连接代词 + ever”: whatever / whichever /

Whichever he likes will be given to him.

whoever (宾格 whomever )

(whichever引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语, 在主

“连接副词 + ever”: wherever / whenever / however


不论是“连接代词 + ever”还是“连接副词 + ever ”,

引导名词性从句不能换为no matter+连接代词。

其意义都是“不管 / 无论 + 该连接词的本义”。

Whatever you say is of no use now.√

考点1. “连接代词 + ever”既可引导名词性从句又可引导


1. I don’t believe ______ he says now. He is a cheat.

A. 引导名词性从句时,既作主句成分又作从句成分。

Whoever smokes here will be punished. (whoever引导主语从句,在主句和从句中都作主语)

A. no matter what C. whatever

B. everything D. how

No matter what you say is of no use now.× Beggars will eat whatever they are given. (whatever引导宾语从句,在主句和从句中都作宾语)

2. ______ comes to the party will receive a gift.

A. No matter who

B. Who

C. Which one D. Whoever serious problem

C. However serious a problem serious a problem



B. 引导让步状语从句时,可换为no matter+连接代词;

Whatever happened,he wouldn’t say a word. = No matter what happened, he wouldn’t say a word. 3. Do ______ you think is right, ______ difficulties

you may have. A. what; however C. whatever; whoever

B. that; whatever D. what; whatever

考点3. “连接代词+ever ”和“连接副词+ever ” 都可用


与原疑问词的意思、用法完全相同,只是表达的语气更为强烈,翻译时可加上“到底;究竟”等。如: Which (ever) do you want to buy ? 你 (究竟) 要买哪一个?

When (ever) can I enjoy a long vacation? (究竟) 什么时候才能给我放个长假呢? How (ever) did you collect so much money? 你 (到底) 是怎样筹到这么多钱的? 注意:这种强调的特殊疑问句往往是简单句。如: It was a matter of ______ would take the position.

4. She liked the ancient Chinese vase so much that she

would like to take it, ______ it cost. A. how much C. no matter what

B. what D. how expensive

5. 【2011重庆】To show our respect, we usually have to

take our gloves off ______ we are to shake hands with. A. whichever B. whenever C. whoever D. wherever 考点2. “连接副词 +ever ”:只能引导让步状语从句,可

以替换为“ no matter + where / when /how ” Wherever he goes (may go),I’ll follow him. = No matter where he goes (may go), I’ll follow him. 无论他去哪里,我都会跟随他。

A. who B. whoever C. whom D. whomever 答案与解析:一些同学可能选B,理解为“这是一个有关到底谁将取得这个职位的问题”。但whoever这类词用于强调时,往往是简单句。所以选A。

考点4. whatever与however引导的让步状语从句可省去连

Whenever I visited him, he was always busy working. = No matter when I visited him, he was always busy working. 无论我什么时候去看他,他总是在忙于工作。 6. 【2013山东】_______ I have to give a speech, I get

extremely nervous before I start.

A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whoever D. However 7. No matter ______ hard it may be, I will carry it out. A. what

B. whatever C. how

D. however


whatever省略后面的系动词be, however 省略后面的主语和系动词。

The old tower must be restored, whatever the cost. (cost后省略了is)

In our company, every body is well taken care of, no matter what his position (is).


8. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any

difficulty, ______ great it is. A. how

B. what

C. however D. whatever

I refuse, however favorable the conditions. 不管条件如何有利,我都不干。(conditions后省去了are) I’d rather have a room of my own, however small (it is), than share a room. 无论房间多么小,我宁愿一个

B. What a


9. 【2010上海】______ you may have, you should gather

your courage to face the challenge. A. However a serious problem
