第6章 总复习题
The conductivity of polyacetylene drops rapidly in contact with air. There is a brighter future for intelligent devices in the home.
The scientists found that the blood vessels in the leg cannot swell.
Once upon a time, bold claims were made about computers, the future and the “paperless office”. 聚乙炔一接触空气,其导电性就迅速下降。 家庭智能装置仍有着更加光明的前景。(省译) 科学家们发现腿内的血管不会肿胀。
曾几何时,有人就有关计算机、未来和“无纸化办公”做过大胆的预测。 The doctor advised against the use of the new treatment.
If a good base cannot be found at a reasonable depth, then a so-called deep foundation must be provided.
Magnetic lines of force cannot be seen, but we know they exist by what they do. 磁力线是看不见的,但是我们按照它们的作用即知它们的存在。 医生建议不要使用新的治疗方法。
若在合理的深度内找不到坚实的地基层,那就要采用所谓的深基础。 We may process directly with Kirchoff’s voltage law for the circuit. The proper values of a and b are determined from two conditions. Optional communications are free from electromagnetic interference. This type of discrepancy could have resulted from differences in kinetics. a和b的值由两个条件决定。
对于电路,我们可直接从克希荷夫电压定律讲起。 光电通信不受电磁的干扰。
The visual image of the letters making up the word is converted into its spoken equivalent. Primitive man made weapons, tools, and utensils of copper, brass, and bronze.
The longer wavelengths of radio signals pass through the atmosphere relatively undisturbed. 将组成词的各字母的视觉形象转换成该词对应的发音。 相对来说,波长较长的射电讯号通过大气时没有受到干扰。 原始人类用铜、黄铜和青铜制作成各种武器、工具和器皿。
Most hardness-testing systems employ a standard load which is applied to a ball or pyramid in contact with the material to be tested.
All metals are corrodible under the proper circumstances.
The design of the rocket nozzle also has much to do with the behavior of the exhaust and the re