最新资料欢迎阅读 答案:
4、It can be changed as the writer has __ ideas. A:better B:improve C:overcome D:exceed 答案:
5、At this stage, the __ of ideas are more important than getting grammatical structures, punctuation or spelling correct. A:developed B:developmental C:development D:developing 答案: 第十章
1、Aim means the __ goals for the lesson. A:authentic B:realistic C:true D:lifelike 答案:
最新资料欢迎阅读 2、The teacher needs to have a_____ idea of what he/she would like to achieve for the lesson. A:clear B:obvious C:apparent D:evident 答案:
3、Flexibility means preparing some __and alternative tasks and activities as the class A:other B:another C:extra D:the other 答案:
4、Students find out sentences that show the __ of the Great Wall
A:feature B:lineament C:characteristic D:boast 答案:
最新资料欢迎阅读 5、 Ask students to do brainstorming of the __ information in a cutting. A:helpful B:assistant C:useful D:beneficial 答案: 第十一章
1、说课的定义:教师在备课的基础上,面对同行或教研人员等,讲述自己的教学设计及其理论依据,然后由听者评说,达到互相交流、共同提高的一种 __ 活动。 答案:教学研究
2、以下 __ 是说课的分类。 答案:考核型说课 3、说课技能目标 __ 。 答案:听,说,读,写 4、说课情感目标 __ 。
答案:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野 5、说课要从 __ 个方面进行评价? A:11 B:15 C:22
最新资料欢迎阅读 D:36 答案:22 第十二章
1、The success of many teaching activities depends on good organization and clear instruction of the teacher, so teacher is a(n)_. A:assessor B:organizer C:prompter D:resource person 答案:organizer
2、To use the _ only when it is necessary. A:Chinese B:English C:mother-tongue D:all of them 答案:mother-tongue
3、Students work in small groups of 3-5 students is _. A:Whole class work B:Pair work C:Group work D:Individual study