

Chapter Six: Pragmatics 第六章 语用

一、核心提示 二、概念定义

Conversational implicature….. Ostensive communication…..


1. What does pragmatics study? How does it differ from traditional semantics?

语用学是研究什么的?它和传统语义学有什么不同? 2. How is the notion of context interpreted? 怎样解释语境这一概念?

3. How are sentence meaning and utterance meaning related, and how do they differ?


4. What possible contexts in which the given sentences can be used for other purposes than just stating facts?


5. Of the following pairs of sentences, say whether A entails B in each case?


6. According to Austin, what are the three acts a person is possibly performing while making utterance? Give an example.

根据奥斯汀的提法,人们说话时有可能实施哪三种行为? 7. Each of following conversational fragments is to some degree odd. To What extent can the oddness be explained by reference to Grice’s CP and Maxims?


8. What are the five types of illocutionary speech acts Searle has specified? What is the illocutionary point of each type? 瑟尔把言外行为详细地分为哪五类?每一类的言外之力是什么?

9. In terms of the Gricean theory, what maxim is exploited in the following?


10.What are the four maxims of the CP? How does the

violation of these maxims give rise to conversational implicatures?

合作原则下属的四条准则是什么? 学

Chapter Seven: Historical Linguistics 第七章 历史语言

一、核心提示 二、 概念定义 historical Linguistics….

language family vs. family tree…. 三、理解简答

1. What to conclude about the nature of language change from the linguistic division of English language history?


2. What are the major historical events that led to the English transition from one period to the next?


3. What are the main factors leading to language change? 引起语言变化的主要因素有哪些?

4. Why the word order of Old English is more varied than that of Modern English?

古英语的词序为何要比现代英语的词序多样化? 5. How to define the terms given? 如何定义所给术语?

6. What is the original source language for each of the words provided?


7. What types of semantic change can be identified from the clues given?


8. What is the purpose of reconstruction in historical linguistics and the method employed

by historical linguists?


9. Can you offer examples to show sound changes in English language?


10. What syntactic changes took place in English? Examples are necessary.



Linguistics Related to Disciplines


Chapter Eight: Language and ethnology 第八章 语言与人类

一、核心提示 二、 概念定义 Sociolinguistics….

Ethnography of Communication:…. 三、理解简答

1. What are some important contributions that sociolinguistics has made to linguistic studies?

社会语言学对语言研究有何重要贡献? 2. What is the field of discourse? 什么是话语场

3. What are some aspects of sociolinguistic research in social dialects?


4. What should be noticed by sociolinguists about a speech community?

社会语言学家注意言语社团的哪些现象? 5. What is Anthropological Study of Linguistics? 什么是人类语言学:

6. Why do we need to teach culture in our language classroom?


7.What are the three features of Black English? 黑人英语的三种特征是什么?至少要包括一种音系特点和一种句法特征。

8. What distinction, if any, can you draw between bilingualism and diglossia?


9. How do the speech of women and the speech of men differ from each other?


10. Can you point out some words considered as instances of sexist language?


11. As a student of linguistics, how should we understand the relationships between functionalism and formalism?

作为语言学专业的学生,如何理解功能与形式之间的关系? 12.How could do you demonstrate your correct understanding of the Register and the Context?

如何说明你对语域及语境概念的正确理解? 13. Can you tell the difference between slang and well-accepted expressions? Try with specific cases.
