法律英语教程 齐筠 课后答案

causation between the tortious act and the injury. Under the doctrine of no-fault liability, the wrongdoer shall be liable if his act is what is prescribed by the law and there is injury incurred regardless of the wrongdoer’s fault.

5. If the defect of a product causes personal injury or damage to other's property, the injured or damaged person may claim compensation from the producer of the product or may also claim compensation from the seller of the product. If the compensation lies to the liability of the producer of the product but the seller of the product has made the compensation, the seller of the product has the right to seek the compensation from the producer of the product. If it lies to the liability of the seller of the product but the producer of the product has made the compensation, the producer of the product has the right to seek the compensation from the seller of the product.

Unit Seven Contract Law


I. 1.F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5.T

II. .promise consideration offer acceptance written express

oral conduct implied enforced

Text A

Build up your vocabulary

I.Match the items in the following two columns.

1-b 2-j 3-c 4-h 5-g 6-a 7-f 8-d 9-k 10-e

II.Filling the blanks

1.Expectation damages 2.specific performance 3.counteroffer 4.revocation 5.restitution 6. misrepresentation 7.Mutual assent 8. rejection 9. minors 10.impossibility


consideration offer meeting of the minds promise unilateral contract performance bilateral contract oral contract counteroffers option


1. 如果商人在签名的书面函件中提出购买或出售货物的要约,且函件保证该要约将保持有


2. 如果法院在法律上发现合同或合同的任何条款在制定时显失公平,法院可以拒绝强制执


3. 受要约人用信函或电报发出的拒绝要约或反要约,在要约人收到时方可终止承诺权,但




4. 允诺人在作出允诺时应该合理预见其允诺可能导致受允诺人或第三方作为或不作为,且


Text B

Checking your understanding

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 7.T 8.F 9. T 10. F

Build up your vocabulary

I. Give the corresponding translation of each of the following terms. Adhesion contract – 附意合同;格式合同 sufficiency of consideration – 对价的充分性 adequacy of consideration – 对价的适当性 undue influence – 不正当影响 illusory promises – 虚假允诺 past consideration – 过去的对价

detrimental reliance – 不利益的信赖;致人损害的信赖 promisor – 允诺人

unconscionable – 显失公平的 rescission – 解除(合同);撤销(合同) injunction – 禁止令

II. Put the following terms into Chinese

express contract 明示合同 liquidated damages 约定违约金 implied contract 默示合同unjust enrichment 不当得利

executory contract 待履行的合同 reliance damages 基于信赖利益的损害赔偿金 executed contract 已履行的合同 quantum meriut 合理金额 void contract 无效合同 substantial performance 实质履行

voidable contract 可撤销的合同material breach 重大违约;实质性违约

unenforceable contract 不可强制执行的合同nominal consideration 名义对价;象征性对价 anticipatory repudiation 预期违约 constructive condition 推定条件


1. The terms of the acceptance shall be identical to those of the offer. A purported acceptance

dispatched by the offeree which materially alters the terms of the offer constitutes a new offer. A change in the subject matter, quantity, quality, price or remuneration, time, place and method of performance, liabilities for breach of contract or method of dispute resolution is a material change to the terms of the offer.

2. The parties may prescribe that effectiveness of a contract be subject to certain conditions. A

contract subject to a condition precedent becomes effective once such condition is satisfied. A contract subject to a condition subsequent is extinguished once such condition is satisfied. Where in order to further its own interests, a party improperly impaired the satisfaction of a condition, the condition is deemed to have been satisfied; where a party improperly facilitated


the satisfaction of a condition, the condition is deemed not to have been satisfied.

3. The parties shall fully perform their respective obligations in accordance with their contract.

The parties shall abide by the principle of good faith, and perform obligations such as notification, assistance, and confidentiality, etc. in light of the nature and purpose of the contract and in accordance with the relevant usage.

4. Where a party breached the contract, the other party shall take the appropriate measures to

prevent further loss; where the other party sustained further loss due to its failure to take the appropriate measures, it may not claim damages for such further loss. Any reasonable expense incurred by the other party in preventing further loss shall be borne by the breaching party.

Unit Eight Property Law


I. Listen to the passage, and then answer the questions according to what you hear on the tape. 1. Both tangible and intangible things.

2. Copyright and financial instruments such as stocks, bonds and mutual fund shares. 2. Relationships among people with respect to valuable resources. 3. A bundle of rights. 4. A bundle of sticks.

5. Liberty to use, right to exclude, power to transfer, immunity from damage. 6. The right to exclude.

II. Spot dictation.

center trespass property invasion exclude unreasonable nuisances things allocation qualifies

Text A

Build up your vocabulary

I. Match the items in the following two columns.

1-f 2-e 3-d 4-g 5-g 6-c 7-i 8-b 9-j 10-k

II. Fill in the blanks

1.fee simple 2.Real property 3. life estate 4. Tenancy by the entirety 5. joint tenancy 6. right of survivorship 7. tenancy in common 8. Personal property 9. lateral support 10. subjacent support


nuisance easements run with the land servitudes life estate air rights condominium joint ownership future interest land use Zoning












Text B:

Checking your understanding

1.F 2. F 3.F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T

Build up your vocabulary I. Give the corresponding translation of each of the following terms. adverse possession – 逆占有;实效占有 permanent injunction – 长期禁止令 premises – 房屋

mortgage – 抵押权人

constructive possession – 推定占有

Statute of Limitations/ Law of Limitations/ Limitation Act – 诉讼时效法 Power of attorney – 授权书;委托书 tenant – 承租人 lien – 留置权 grantee – 受让人

II. Put the following trms into Chinese. freehold estate 自有保有地产(权) partition 分割

eminent domain 国家征用权 condemnation 征用(补偿) zoning 分区;分区制 takings 没收;征用

marketable title 可转让的产权

warranty of habitability 可居住性担保 accessions 添附物;添附 improvements 不动产的改进 reversion 归复(权);土地归复(权);财产归复(权) alienability 可转让性;可流通性

