法律英语教程 齐筠 课后答案

1. defendant 2. jurisprudence

3. grand jury, government tyranny. 4. prosecution

5. the capital punishment 6. conviction, proceeding 7. self-incrimination, 8. the nature of criminality

9. governmental searches and seizures, 10. adversarial


civil liberty, searches and seizures, vague and broad, government conduct, unlawful, proof, provides, violation, inadmissible, prosecution, coupled, witness, appeared





Check Your Understanding 1. F

2. T 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F

Build Up Your Vocabulary


I.Give the corresponding translation of each of the following terms: English Chinese Guilty verdict 有罪裁定 Criminal procedure 刑事诉讼程序 Double jeopardy 双重危险 Beyond a reasonable doubt 排除合理怀疑 Arraignment 提审,传讯 Right to remain silent 沉默权 Right to speedy trial 快速审判权 Death sentence with a reprieve/ death sentence 死刑缓期执行 with a say of execution Voir dire 选陪审员,预先审核陪审员 Termination of action 诉讼终结 Hearing 听审,听证 Presumption of innocence 无罪推定 Guilty plea 认罪,有罪答辩

II.Put the following terms into Chinese. dismissing an appeal驳回上诉

appeal against conviction 不服定罪的上诉 counter action 反诉

effect of appeal上诉效力

principal action/ action in chief主诉 private prosecution/oneself action自诉 appellant上诉人

counter-charge/protest抗诉 protestant抗诉人

complaint/ caption起诉书/(起诉书上的)案件说明 custody/ detention羁押/拘留 inquisitorial system纠问制度 appeal for mercy诉请宽刑

instituting prosecution提起公诉 bill of prosecution公诉书


dossier案卷 brief案情摘要 major case主案件 pending case待决案件 adversary system抗辩制度 defeat suit败诉案件

hot criminal被警方通缉的罪犯

commitment/commital/detention/custody关押监禁/拘留/羁押 evidentiary presumption证据推定


1. The aim of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China is: to ensure accurate and timely ascertainment of facts about crimes, correct application of law, punishment of criminals and protection of the innocent against being investigated for criminal responsibility; to enhance the citizens' awareness of the need to abide by law and to fight vigorously against criminal acts in order to safeguard the socialist legal system, to protect the citizens' personal rights; their property rights, democratic rights and other rights; and to guarantee smooth progress of the cause of socialist development. 2. The public security organs shall be responsible for investigation, detention, execution of arrests and preliminary inquiry in criminal cases. The People's Procuratorates shall be responsible for procuratorial work, authorizing approval of arrests, conducting investigation and initiating public prosecution of cases directly accepted by the procuratorial organs. The People's Courts shall be responsible for adjudication. Except as otherwise provided by law, no other organs, organizations or individuals shall have the authority to exercise such powers. 3. Defence lawyers may, with the consent of the witnesses or other units and individuals concerned, collect information pertaining to the current case from them and they may also apply to the People's Procuratorate or the People's Court for the collection and obtaining of evidence, or request the People's Court to inform the witnesses to appear in court and give testimony.

4.During a trial, the defendant may refuse to have his defendant continue to defend him and may entrust his defence to another defender.

Unit Five Civil procedural Law



1.T, 2.F, 3.T, 4. F, 5.T

II. the adversary, shaping, investigating, guiding, arise, manifold, contest, resolution, determination, battle


Text A

Build up your vocabulary

I. Match the items in the following two columns.

1-c 2-e 3-a 4-g 5-h 6-b 7-d 8-f 9-i 10-j

II. Fill in the blanks

1. issue 2.dismissed 3.claim 4.represent 5.hearing

6.file 7.violation 8.substantive 9. entitled 10. remedy, remedies


reflective, randomly, panel, criminal, plea, trial, Sitting, duty, contempt, justice


1. 民事案件是民事法院管理的因民事侵权行为而要求得到损害赔偿金的诉讼案件或法律诉讼。

2. 如果被告声称彻底解决争议还必须有其他当事人,他可以将其他人作为第三人被告纳入该案。

3. 民法调整的是涉及财产所有权、土地所有权、订立契约和履行契约、组织企事业、雇用劳力、买卖货物、结婚离婚、继承财产等人和人之间的主要社会关系。

4. 当法院收到原告的起诉书以后,就会通知被告人已经有人对他提起法律诉讼,并指示被告人提交答辩书。

5. 当辩论程序开始时,双方律师作首次发言,并通过安排自己一方的证人作证,展示物证和相互盘问对方证人等方式,分别为自己的一方提出证据,最后作结束性发言。

Text B

Check your understanding

1.T, 2. F, 3.T, 4.F, 5. T, 6.T, 7.T, 8.F, 9. F, 10.T

Building up your vocabulary

I. Give the corresponding translation of each of the following terms. English Chinese summary judgment litigation process procedural device jurisdictions testimony allegation deposition affidavits The court of Appeal

即决判决 诉讼程序 程序性手段 管辖权 证词 指控 作证 宣誓书 上诉法院 12
