新冀教版初中八年级上册英语Unit 3单元测试卷(含听力材料及答案)

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Unit 3标准检测卷


一、听句子,选择句中所包含的信息(每小题1分,共 5分) 1.A. noise B.voice


2.A. February 1,1997

B.August 25,1997 C.August 28,1996

3.A. blew out B.threw out C.rushed out 4.A. They made a gift for Li Ming.

B.They bought a gift for Li Ming. C.They sold a gift to Li Ming. 5.A. The girl is old enough to go to school.

B.The young girl doesn't like to go to school. C.The girl is so young that she can't go to school. 二、听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(每小题1分,共 5分) 6.A. Yes, it is. B.Yes, it's Size 8. C.Size 9.

7.A. It's Lucy's. B.It's on the top. C.A present.

8.A.OK, I will. B.Sorry, I won't.

C.Yes, I do.

9.A. Yes, I can. B.No,thanks.

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C.You're welcome.

10.A. The same to you. B.Thank you.


三、听对话和问题,根据内容选择正确答案(每小题1分,共 5分)

11.A. B. C.

12.A. B. C.

13.A.A T-shirt. B.A jacket. C.A book. 14.A. They are watching TV.

B.They are telling stories. C.They are eating something. 15.A. She is going to stay at home.

B.She is going to help her brother. C.She is going to buy a gift.

四、听下面一段短文及问题,选择正确的答案(每小题1分,共16.A. In December or January.

B.In January or February. C.In February or March. 17.A. At home. B.In a bank. C.In the open air.

18.A. Some books. B.Some old clothes.

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C.Some lucky money.

19.A. Five days. B.About half a month. C.A month.

20.A. By sending birthday cards to their friends.

B.By holding meetings.

C.By having some kinds of dances and other colourful activities. 笔试部分(100分)


21.His uncle will give him ________ birthday present. It'll be


A.a B.an C.the D./

22.Lucy is the same age ________ Lily. They're twins.

A.with B.like C.as D.to 23. —The sweater is not the right ________for me.

—Well, shall I get you a bigger one or a smaller one? A.price B.color C.size D.material

24.Here are some cards ________our teacher ________ our best wishes.

A.in; with B.for; with C.on; for D.for;in

25. We shall have a ________holiday after the final exam.

A.three weeks B.three-week

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C.three week's D.three-weeks

26.Thank you ________ me to come to your party.

A.for ask B.about ask C.to asking D.for asking

27.Our English teacher always makes her classes________ .We all like


A.boring B.lovely C.lively D.interested

28.________ mothers can't come here today because they are too busy.

A.Mary and Mike's B.Mary's and Mike's C.Mary and Mike D.Mary's and Mike

29.—The classroom is so bright now. You should ________the lights.

—OK, I will.

A.turn on B.turn up

C.turn down D.turn off

30. Look out! The cars are moving fast. It's ________ dangerous

________ cross the road. A.not;to B.such;to C.many;to D.too;to

31.Who ________to our dinner tomorrow evening?

A.is coming B.has come C.came D.come

32.________ the building in our school is finished, it will be a reading

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