

1. It's told that the men of Gomorrah were wicked. True False

2. Lot's wife became a pillar of salt because she was a wicked woman. True False 3. According to the story, the Lord rained fire and brimstone to destroy the city of Sodom. True


4. Graham Harris worked as an archeologist in the Dead Sea valley for ten years. True False

5. Graham Harris believed that the story was grounded in truth. True False Answer: 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True Oral test

Directions: Look at the picture below. SET 1

Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer. If possible, try to find something relevant

to talk about. SET 2

Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer. If possible, try to find something relevant

to talk about. Oral test SET 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Dissatisfaction leads to progress. Use

specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. SET 2

\you agree or

disagree with this statement? Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own

experience, observations, or reading.

大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 9 - 10 Comprehension

Directions: Listen to the short conversations and choose the correct answers to the questions you

hear. The conversations and questions will be read ONLY ONCE. SET 1

1. A. John's ankle should be better now. B. This isn't a good time for John to quit. C. The news about John is quite a surprise. D. John should have stopped playing earlier. 2. A. He may write a check for ten dollars. B. He may write a check for fifteen dollars. C. He may write a check for the amount of purchase. D. He may write a check for thirty-five dollars. 3. A. In New York. B. In Boston. C. In Michigan. D. In Washington.

4. A. Margaret knows what to eat. B. Margaret always knows how to help. C. Jack is usually happy. D. Jack made the wrong order. 5. A. 19,000.

B. 200,000. C. 5,000,000. D. 1,000,000. Answer: 4 4 4 2 2 SET 2

1. A. She's working hard on it all the time.

B. She works only in the morning and in the evening. C. She works every other day. D. She studies twice a day. 2. A. $180. B. $165. C. $135. D. $55.

3. A. If Michael is there, he will offer to help them.

B. There are a couple of areas that are not well known in the Rocky Mountains. C. Michael might be able to assist them.

D. Campers are better off if they have more information. 4. A. He hated to lose face.
