
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True

Listening Comprehension

Directions: Listen to the passage and choose the correct answers to the questions. The passage

will be read ONLY ONCE. SET 1

1. A. The river systems of portions of North America. B. Certain geological features of North America.

C. An exploratory trip sponsored by the United States government. D. The discovery of natural resources in the United States. 2. A. Gain easy access to the gold and other riches of the Northwest. B. Become acquainted with the inhabitants of the West. C. Investigate the possibility of improved farmland in the West. D. Facilitate the movement of commerce across the continent. 3. A. Wood.

B. Missouri. C. Columbia. D. Mississippi. 4. A. Mineral deposits. B. The weather. C. Animal life. D. Native vegetation.

5. A. Prior to the Lewis and Clark expedition the size of the continent had been of little interest.

B. Prior to the Lewis and Clark expedition the size of the continent had been underestimated.

C. Prior to the Lewis and Clark expedition the size of the continent had been known to native

inhabitants of the West.

D. Prior to the Lewis and Clark expedition the size of the continent had been unpublished but

known to most scientists. Answer: 3 4 2 1 2 SET 2

1. A. Music that was performed before the showing of a film. B. Music that was played during silent films.

C. Music that was specifically composed for certain movie theaters. D. Music that was recorded during film exhibitions. 2. A. They were truly \

B. They were accompanied by symphonic orchestras. C. They incorporated the sound of the actors' voices. D. They corresponded to specific musical compositions. 3. A. It produced electricity. B. It distributed films.

C. It published musical arrangements. D. It made musical instruments. 4. A. 1896. B. 1909. C. 1915. D. 1927.

5. A. \B. \C. \

D. \Answer: 2 3 2 2 1

Listening Comprehension

Directions: Listen to the passage TWICE and fill the blanks with the missing words SET 1

To be able to use both hands equally well, practice is the key. During the day, use your left

hand more (if you're right-handed by (1 switching when you're about ready to do something --

pouring a glass of milk, bouncing a ball, (2 and picking up coins, hammering a nail, cutting and

buttering bread, stirring your coffee, swirling water in a glass, twisting off bottle caps, etc.

Wherever you would use your one hand, use the other instead -- putting a key in the door, (3 your

hair, brushing your teeth, shaving, grasping objects, etc. When putting on your clothes, put your

other hand or foot into the (4 first. (5 your belt around your waist in the (6 direction. Put
