单位代码 01 学 号 100102057 分 类 号 TN92 密 级
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信息工程学院 电子信息工程
第 I 页
摘 要
第 II 页
Indoor Plants and Automatic Watering System Design
Author:Li Yongfei Tutor:Zhang Juqin
With the development of science and technology, automatic control is playing a more and more important role in people's daily life. This design use AT89S52 single chip and get the soil moisture through the humidity sensor ,and the use of system of watering the flowers realize the LCD system of soil moisture.When the testing humidity is lower than setting humidity,it will begin to water the flowers.When the humidity comes to the setting one ,it will stop .
Firstly,this text tells the purpose and the meaning of watering system, and knows well the advantages and the limitations,and we can know its advantages through the comparison . Then, the article state the working principle of automatic watering system modules, and lists the reason of using it , and complete the circuit design of general layout and simulation, and make it real. Finally, it has a good hope of the domestic automatic watering system .
Key words:AT89S52, Humidity sensor, DS1302, LCD
第 III 页
目 录
1 绪论 .................................................................... 1 1.1 选题的目的和意义 ................................................... 1 1.2 不同浇花器的比较 ................................................... 1 1.3 毕业设计所用的研究方法和手段 ....................................... 2 2 智能浇花器的系统框图 .................................................... 3 3 浇花系统硬件模块设计 .................................................... 4 3.1 显示器模块设计 ..................................................... 4 3.2 时钟模块设计 ....................................................... 5 3.3 传感器模块设计 ..................................................... 7 3.4 继电器驱动模块设计 ................................................. 8 3.5 报警模块设计 ...................................................... 10 4 总电路设计 ............................................................. 12 4.1 总电路图 .......................................................... 12 4.2 电路图仿真 ........................................................ 13 5 软件设计 ............................................................... 14 结论 ..................................................................... 15 致谢 ..................................................................... 16 参考文献 ................................................................. 17 附录 ..................................................................... 18