江苏省苏州市高新区2016_2017学年八年级英语下学期期中测试试题2-含答案 师生通用



本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。共八大题,满分100分。考试用时100分钟。 注意事项:






(A) 每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。 1.What will the speakers probably (可能) go to buy? A. Bananas.

B. Oranges.

C. Pears.

2.When will the supermarket close? A. At 5:00.

B. At 5:15.

C. At 4:45.

3. Why did the girl come to school by bus today? A. Because it is sunny.

B. Because it is rainy.

C. Because it is snowy.

4.Why did the man's daughter go to London? A. To study.

B. To have a holiday. C. To visit her friends.

5.Where does the dialogue take place?

A. In a shoe shop. B. In a clothes shop. C. At a bookshop. (B)听下面一段对话,完成6-7题。对话读两遍。 6.What are Lucy and Mike talking about? A. A birthday party. 7.What did Lucy ask Mike to do?

A. Say thanks to his parents. B. Join her in the party. C. Try her new bike. (C) 听一篇短文,回答第8~10小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表 Where What Alice comes from __8___. She is good at ___9____. B. A new bike.

C. Lucy's parents.



How long They will stay in London for ___10___days.

B. France B. science

C. America

8. A. England 9. A. Chinese 10. A. four

C. P. E. C. five

B. three

(D)听一段独白,回答第11至15小题。 11. Bob's favourite was _______. A singing

B dancing

C drawing

12. It was difficult for Bob to join the school dancing group because_______.

A. the school only had a girls' dancing group B. the school didn't allow (允许) boys to dance

C. the group had enough dancers already

13. The school was worried that_______ if Bob stayed in the group.

A. nobody would watch their dance B. other boys would join and the girls might leave C. other schools would laugh at them

14. The judge (法官) thought the school's decision was_______. A. useful

B. necessary

C. wrong

15. We can infer (推断) that Bob felt_______ when he went back to the group.

A. sad

二、单选(1*15分) 16.

— How do you find _______ year 8 English teaching group?

B. happy

C. hungry

—Excellent . I have never seen __________ better group.

A. the; the

B. a; the

C. the; a D. a; a

17. He used to _____ in a village, but now he has been used to _____ in the big city.

A. live; living


18.一Miss, ________I play chess with my friend here?

一Yes, but you ________talk loudly. Mr Huang is having a rest now.

A.Must;can’t B.May;must C.Can;mustn’t D.Can’t;can 19. The supermarket ________ at 8:00 a.m. this morning. It means it ________ for 8 hours.


B. live; live C. living; living D. living;


A. was open, has opened C. opened, has been open

B. opened, has opened D. was opened, has been open

20. ---I’m going to Italy for a holiday this weekend. --- _______ you are there, could you buy me some spaghetti?

A. Because B. While C. During D.Before 21. 1.- You have never visited there,________?- ______. I have been there twice.

A. have you; Yes, I have. C. have you; No, I haven’t

B. haven’t you; No, I haven’t. D. haven’t you; Yes, I have.

22.He is _________ preparing for the exam __________ go out with you. A. so busy; that too busy; to

23. They moved to Russia______ 1960. That means they have been in Russia _______ 1960.

A. at; since since

24. --Do you mind me_________ here? -- ________. Didn’t you see the sign “No smoking”?

A.smoking; Not at all. B.smoking; I’m afraid so C.smoking; I am afraid you can’t

D.to smoke; Yes, I do

B. on; in

C. in; since

D. for;

B. too busy; that C.so busy; can’t


25.Millie ________ shopping with her mother till her homework_________.

A.will go; will be finish

B.has gone; has been finished

C.doesn’t go; finishes D.won't go; is finished 26.She felt ________ excited when she ________ that she could get the job.

A.a bit, told B.a bit of, am told C.a little, was told

D.a little bit, was heard

27.If you feel ________, you can call me. Just remember you are not ___________ and I will always be here.

A. alone; alone alone

28. _______, Do you know when Millie left? A. By the way ways

29. I enjoyed all the other subjects, but history ________.


B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely;

B. In a way C. In some ways D. In different
