
摘 要

摘 要

随着通信技术的发展日新月异,通信系统也日趋复杂。目前,电子设计自动化EDA(Electronic Design Automatic)已成为通信系统设计的主潮流。美国Elanix公司推出的基于PC机Windows平台的SystemView动态系统仿真软件,是一个比较流行的,优秀的仿真软件。


关键词:软件仿真 滤波 频谱图



With the rapid development of communication technology, communication systems arebecoming increasingly complex. At present, the electronic design automation EDA (Electronic Design Automatic) has become the main trend of

the communication system design.Elanix company launched the PC-based Windows platform the SystemView dynamicsystem simulation software, is a popular, good simulation software. 。

SystemView is a signal-level system simulation software, mainly used in the circuit and communication system design, simulation, and able to meet from the signal processing, filter design, to complex communication system requirements The main features of the SystemView simulation system: a large number of simulationapplications; to quickly and easily design and simulation of dynamic systems

In this article, you can easily join the results of the SystemView Complete filtering and linear design; advanced signal analysis and data processing;perfect self-diagnosis function. SystemView by the two-window system design window analysis window. System design window, including title bar, menu bar, toolbars, scroll bars, hint bar, icons,libraries and design workspace.

Key words: software simulation filter frequency spectrum
