
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A.big B.small C.new ( )6. There’s ____ next to the store.



一. 根据你所听到的录音选择答案.(16分) ( )1.He’s in No.____ Middle School. A. 1 B.2 C.4 ( )2.Is there a ____ near here?

A.supermarket B.hotel C.park ( )3.- Where’s the cat? -It’s ____ the table.

A.under B.on C.behind ( )4._____ can do it ______ A.Mike himself B.Mary herself C.Jack himself

( )5. There’s a very ____ toy store.

A.a movie theater B.a department store C.a shopping mall

( )7. There are ____ people in the room. A.14 B.15 C. 50 ( )8.____ Chinese teacher is ______

A. Their Mr Wang B.Their Mr Zhang C. Our Mrs Wang

二.听录音,选出你所听到的单词,短语或句子.(10分) ( )1.A. way B.pay C. day ( )2.A.theater B.brother C.sister ( )3.A.itself B.herself C.himself ( )4.A.boot B.book C.back

( )5.A. airport B.drugstore C.shopping mall ( )6.A.a few B.a little C.a cat

- 25 -

( )7.A.go to school B.go to work C.go to bed ( )8. A. By the way ,where’s the pay phone? B. By the way ,where’s the drugstore? C. By the way, where’s the toy store? ( )9.A. I can do it myself. B.We can do it ourselves. C.He can do it himself.

( )10.A. What can you see in the picture? B. What’s in the picture? C. What class are you in ? 三.听两遍短文,判断正误并选择.(14分) I.听短文,在下列句了前标T或F. ( )1.This is the teacher’s table. ( )2.There are some books in the bag. ( )3. There’s a ruler under the book. ( )4. The pencil box is in the bag. II.听短文,回答问题.

( )1.A. It’s a desk. B.It’s a table.

( )2.A. Yes, it is . B. No, it isn’t. C .Yes, it does. ( )3.A. A pencil box. B.Some pencils C. Some books. ( )4.A. It’s under the bag. B.It’s under the pencil box. C. It is in the bag.


一、单词辩音,找出与其他三个划线部分读音不同的单词。 ( )1.A.look B. good C. food D. foot ( )2.A.show B. how C. know D. snow ( )3.A.play B. day C. way D. Sunday ( )4.A.up B. some C. home D. come ( )5.A.shine B. child C. drive D. dish 二、补全下列单词,并写出汉语意思。

1. el__ __ en( ) 2. ball__ __ n ( ) 3. f__ m __ ly( ) 4. a__ im__l( ) 5. sup__ rm__ rket( )


1. trumpet(复数)___________ 2. sad(反义词)___________ - 26 -

3. that(复数)____________ 4. snow(形容词)__________ 5. fish(复数)__________ 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. --- Would you like fries? ---Yes, ________. A. she would B. I do C. I would

( ) 2. --- How many books are there on the desk? ---_______. A. Yes, they are B. Four C. Yes, there are ( ) 3. I hope you are _______ a better time. A. have B. has C. having ( ) 4. The old man can’t hear. He’s _______. A. blind B. deaf C. nice

( ) 5. She’s talking to friend ______ the phone is ringing. A. but B. and C. or

( ) 6. --- Whose bag is this? --- It’s ______. A. his B. him C. her ( ) 7. It’s going to ______ in Harbin. A. raining B. windy C. snow ( ) 8. --- What do you want to_____? --- Colas, please.

A. drink B. eat C. play ( ) 9. --- _____ are we going to eat dinner?

--- At twelve o’clock.

A. Where B. When C. What ( ) 10. ---Who can help ______? --- Sorry, I ______.

A. my, can B. me, can C. me, can’t 五、用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. --- What do you want? --- I _______(want) a hot dog. 2. It’s going to _________(warm) in Dalian tomorrow. 3. In this photo, the birds ________(sing) in the trees.

4. It ________ (get) very dark, but I am going to the park ________(play).

5. Oh, dear, I can’t ________(carry) them all. And the apples _______(fall) down the stairs. 六、按要求完成句子。

1.It’s twenty yuan.(对划线部分提问) _______ ________ is it?

2. He wants two hamburgers and a cola.(对划线部分提问) _________ does he _______?

3. There is some rice in the bag.(改为否定句) There _______ ______ rice in the bag. 4. I want a nice kite.(改为否定句)

- 27 -

I ______ _______ a nice kite.

5. The man in the car is my uncle.(对划线部分提问) _______ is the man in the car? 七、选词填空。

to on at in for 1. I’m going to the zoo _________ 8:30.

2. His mother usually goes to work ________ foot. 3. Thank you ________ helping me. 4. I’m sorry ________ hear that.

5. What’s the weather like ________ Beijing. 八、连词成句。

1. buying Mum for things birthday is your . _____________________________________________ 2. picnic ducks are the eating our.

_____________________________________________ 3. of window I out the looking am . _____________________________________________ 4. tomorrow to it going is hot be . _____________________________________________

5. Daming trumpet playing but ringing the phone is the is .



My name is Li Lei. I am a student. I study 1_____ No.1 Middle School .There 2_____ six grades in our school. I am 3______ Class Three, Grade One.

I go to school 4_____seven fifteen 5______the morning. Many of us go to school by 6______.There are six classes 7______ a day. We study Chinese, English and 8_____ lessons. There are about two 9______ teachers in our school. They work 10 ____. They work hard for students. ( )1.A.on ( )2.A.am ( )3.A.IN ( )4.A.in ( )5.A.for ( )6.A. a bike ( )7. A. in ( )9.A.hundreds



B. in B.is B.at B. at B.in B.the bike B.for B.hundreds’ C. to C.are C.on C.on C. over C.bike C. at C.others C.hundred D. with D.have D.to D.to D.from D.bikes D. on D.other D.hundred’s ( )8.A.the others B. the other ( )10.A.all a day B.all day C.all the days D.all days - 28 -
