
A. do, wash B. doing, wash C. doing, washing ( ) 10. --- Is Lingling doing her homework? --- ______.

A. No, she is B.No, she isn’t C.Yes, she does ( ) 11. Let’s _____ at six o’clock. A. going B. to go C. go ( ) 12. Can you play _____ piano? A. a B. 不填 C. the 三.用动词的适当形式填空。

1.My father often ________(work) hard. 2.I’m ________ (make) a kite. 3.Yesterday Kate ____(write) to me.

4.Father ____ (enjoy) ____(read) newspaper. 5.Do you mind my____(open) the door? 四.句型转换

1. Can you help me?(做肯定回答) _____, I ______.

2. She is walking to school.(对划线部分提问) ______ is she ______ _______?

3. He wants to get off the bus.(对划线部分提问) ______ does he ______ to do?

4. She’s trying to stand up.(变为一般疑问句) _____ she _____ to stand up?

5. Will you help the little girl?(做否定回答) ______, I ______. 五.连词成句

1. girl who help this can ? ___________________________

2. walking blackboard is to he the . ___________________________

3. carry bag this heavy will Daming ___________________________

4. kite away is flying Sam’s . ___________________________ 5. and us help come . ___________________________ 六.英汉互译

1. She is going to the supermarket. _____________________________ 2. 这些气球飞走了。

______________________________ 3. I can’t help you now.

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______________________________ 4. 我将要送你一张生日卡。

______________________________ 5. Look at the pictures on the wall. ______________________________ 七.问答连线

1. Who can help me? A. They’re eggs. 2. What are you doing? B. Yes, she can. 3. What is he going to do? C. Sorry, I can’t. 4. Can she help? D. I’m walking.

5. What are they? E. He is going to pick up the apples. 八.完形填空

Henry and Allan wanted to go 1____. On the way, Henry saw some 2___.He liked flowers very much and 3____ into the grass. Then Allan heard Henry 4______. ―A snake!Help!‖ ―What’s the 5_______?‖asked Allan. ―Sit down quickly.‖ Allan told Henry.

Allen went to the hospital 6______. Some minutes 7______, a doctor came to Henry and 8____ the wound for him.

― You are very 9_____ to help me, Allen.‖ said Henry. ―We are friends and we 10_____ always help each other.‖ Said Allan. ( )1.A. fish B.to fish C.fishing D.fishes ( )2.A. grass ( )3.A.ran B.flowers B.run C.flower C.runs C.shout C.happening C.slow C.later on C.cleaned C.kinds C.could D.a flower D. running D.to shout D.matter D.slowly D.lating D.to clean D.kind D.couldn’t ( )4.A.shouted B.shoutes ( )5.A.thing B.wrong ( )6.A.quick B.quickly ( )7.A.later ( )8.A.clean ( )9.A.good



B.late B.cleans B.kindly ( )10.A.should B.shouldn’t 根据短文,判断正误。正确为(T)错误为(F)

This is my friend Lisa.She is ten years old.She is taller than last year.The boy next to her is her brother.His name is Tom.Tom wears a white T-shirt.She and her brother stand in front of the big tree.There are three rabbits beside the tree.They’re looking at the 1. My friend’s name is Tom.( ) 2. Lisa is taller than last year.( ) 3. Tom is ten years old.( )

4. There are two rabbits beside the tree.( ) 5. Tom wears a white T-shirt.( )

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Look at these students .They are on the playground.Some are

playing football.Some are walking and talking.Some are singing and dancing.And It’s not easy to find the twin brothers.What are they wearing?Well,Jack is wearing a black shirt.His shoes are

black ,too.Tom is wearing a red aweater.And his shoes are white . ( )1.The twin brothers are ____________

A.Jack and John B.Tom and Jim C.Jim and John D.Jack and Tom ( )2.What are the students doing ?__________

A. Playing football B. Singing and dancing C. Walking and talking D.All of above ( )3.Where are the students ?_____________ A.In the park B.On the playground C.In the photo D.At the supermarket ( )4.What’s Tom wearing ?______________ A.A black shirt and black shoes B. A black shirt and white shoes

C.A red sweater and white shoes C

Winter was gone, spring comes. I love spring best, because it’s very beautiful. In spring, the weather is always sunny, it’s not cold and not hot, it’s warmer and warmer. The flowers begin to bloosom and the trees begin to turn green. The birds are singing in the sky, they are happy. The animals will go out to play. Many people like to go out

and enjoy the sunshine. I like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites, plant trees and see the beautiful flowers.

Spring is colorful, I think it’s a wonderful season. What’s your favourite season? Please tell me.

( )1. The weather is always ___________ . A. sun B. sunny C. suny

( )2.The flowers ____to bloosom and the trees ____to turn green. A. begins, begins B. beginning, begins C. begin, begin

( ) 3. I like to__________ kites. A. put B. fly C. take

( ) 4. ----What’s your ________ season? -----I love spring best.

A. like B. like best C. favourite

十.作文:以 My subject 为题,谈一谈你锁学的科目。词数为80 。 内容包括:

1:你最喜欢什么学科? 2:什么学科最有趣?

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3:什么学科最枯燥? 4:什么学科最难?



3. Is it an English bike? 4. Yes, it is.

5. Excuse me, Tom. Is this your football? 6. No, it isn’t. It’s a Chinese bike. 7. Oh, yes.

8. Thank you very much. Is that your bike, Linda? 9. Hi, Linda! Morning! 10. Wow. How nice! Ⅲ. 听一听,选一选,找出你所听到的词。(6分) ( )1. A. fast B. strong B. vegetables B. canteen B. chicken C. gentle C. donkeys C. playground C. go to school C. beef ( )2. A.fruits ( )3. A. library ( )5. A. mutton smelly Ⅳ. 看图,听短文,根据录音内容填词。(8分)

In our classroom, we can’t arrive 1 for 2 ,



Ⅰ. 听录音,给下列单词排序。(6分) ( )1. A. first B. shirt ( )2. A. flow B. slow ( )3. A. visitor ( )5. A. flight B. doctor B. night ( )4. A. rainbow B. wait ( )6. A. hard B. park C. skirt C. grow C. actor C. paint C. light C. star ( )4. A.go to bed B. get up ( )6. A. fresh and B.yummyandtender C.tasty and juicy

Ⅱ. 听音排顺序,根据录音将句子的序号填入题后的方格中。(20分) 1. Good morning, Tom! 2. Here you are, Tom.

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