穿PRADA的恶魔 The Devil Wears Prada 中英文剧本

What is it that you want me to say to you, huh? 你希望我对你说什么?

Do you want me to say, \you. Miranda's picking on you. Poor you. Poor Andy\

要我说“真可怜,马琳达又欺负你了 可怜的安迪”

Hmm? Wake up, six. 是吗? 醒醒,六号女生

She's just doing herjob.


Don't you know that you are working at the place... 你知道吗,你工作的这个地方?

that published some of the greatest artists of the century? ?负责出版近百年来顶尖艺术家的作品?

Halston, Lagerfeld, de la Renta. 豪斯顿、拉格费尔德、德拉伦塔

And what they did, what they created...


was greater than art because you live your life in it. 比艺术更伟大 因为你生活在这种艺术之中

Well, not you, obviously, but some people. 哦,当然不包括你 但包括不少人

You think this is just a magazine, hmm? 你以为这只是本杂志,对吗?

This is not just a magazine. 这不仅仅是杂志

This is a shining beacon of hope for... 这是希望的灯塔,指路给?

oh, I don't know...


let's say a young boy growing up in Rhode Island with six brothers...

比方说一个生活在罗得岛上 有六个兄弟的男孩

pretending to go to soccer practice when he was really going to sewing class...


and reading Runway under the covers at night with a flashlight.


You have no idea how many legends have walked these halls.


And what's worse, you don't care. 更糟糕的是,你根本不在乎

Because this place, where so many people would die to work...


you only deign to work. 而你是被迫的

And you want to know why she doesn't kiss you on the forehead...


and give you a gold star on your homework at the end of the day.


Wake up, sweetheart.


Okay. So I'm screwing it up. Mmm. 好吧,我搞砸了 嗯

I don't want to. 我不想这样的

I just wish that I knew what I could do to... 我只希望知道自己该怎么做

Nigel? Hmm? 奈杰尔? 嗯?

Nigel, Nigel.

奈杰尔,奈杰尔 No.


I don't know what you expect me to do. 我不知道你要我做什么

There's nothing in this whole closet that'll fit a size six. 这里的衣服,六号穿不下的

I can guarantee you. 我向你保证

These are all sample sizes... two and four. 这里都是样品尺寸 二号和四号

All right. We're doing this for you. And... A poncho? 好吧,这个给你,还有?披风?

You'll take what I give you and you'll like it. 你收下我给你的,你会喜欢的

We're doing this Dolce for you. Hmm! 还有这个 Docle 嗯!

{\\an8}Docle,就是前面提到的 D&G,意大利时尚品牌

And shoes. 还有鞋子

Jimmy Choo's. Hmm. 吉米·周 嗯

Manolo Blahnik. Wow.

布朗尼克 哇

Nancy Gonzalez. Love that. 南茜·港渣勒兹,我喜欢

{\\an8}南茜·港渣勒兹 - Nancy Gonzalez,皮包品牌

Okay, Narciso Rodriguez. This we love.


{\\an8}娜西索·洛吉杰斯 - Narciso Rodriguez,时尚品牌

Uh, it might fit. It might. What? 呃,或许合身 什么?

Okay. Now, Chanel. You're in desperate need of Chanel. Darling, shall we?

好了,现在你非常需要香奈儿 亲爱的,走吧

We have to get to the beauty department, and God knows how long that's going to take.

我们还要去美容部 老天知道那要多久才够

I mean, I have no idea why Miranda hired her. 我不知道为什么马琳达雇了她

Me neither. The other day, we were in the beauty department.

我也是 有天我们在美容部

She held up the Shu Uemura eyelash curler and said, \

她拿起植村秀的眉毛卷毛器 她问“这是什么?”

I just knew from the moment I saw her... 从第一次看到她我就知道?

she was going to be a complete and utter disas... 她会是个大祸害?

Miranda Priestly's office. 马琳达·皮斯里办公室

No, actually, she's not available, but I'll leave word. 不,她现在没空 要留口信吗?

Okay, thanks. Bye. 好的,谢谢,再见

How did...


Are you wearing the... The Chanel boots? 你穿的是? 香奈儿的靴子?

Yeah, I am. 没错

You look good. 你看上去不错

Oh, God. What? 哦,天哪 怎么了?

She does. Oh, shut up, Serena. 是真的 哦,闭嘴,赛琳娜

See you guys tomorrow. Good night, man. Take it easy. 明天见 晚安,伙计,当心点

Take care of that finger, huh? 当心那手指

So, what do you think?


Uh, I think we better get out of here... 我想我们该在我女友看到我之前

before my girlfriend sees me.


The gowns are fabulous.


Mm-hmm. We're gonna use the burgundy. 嗯 还要勃艮第红酒

Gotta find... 得去找?

So we spent a whole semester on potatoes alone. 我们整个学期都只吃土豆

You take the fry and squeeze it. 拿起薯条捏一下

See how firm that is? Hey. Oh, I'm so sorry I'm late. 能吃得饱吗? 嘿,抱歉我迟到了

There was a crisis in the accessories department. 首饰部出了点状况

I needed to find a python headband. Pythors hot right now.

我得找条蛇皮头巾 蛇皮现在火着呢

I have exciting presents for all of you. 我有很棒的礼物送给你们

Are you ready?


What is that? It's a Bang & Olufsen phone. 那是什么?B&O 的电话

{\\an8}B&O - 丹麦一家高档电子公司

Charlie Rose sent it to Miranda for her birthday. 查理·罗斯送给马琳达的生日礼物

I looked it up on line. It's $1,100.


What? Wow! 什么? 厉害!

And I have some products. Mason Pearson hairbrushes. 还有一些其他产品 梅森·皮尔森的梳子

A little Clinique. Ooh! 一些倩碧 哦!

{\\an8}倩碧 - 美容品牌

Oh, damn it. I love your job. Oh! One more. 该死,我爱死你的工作了 哦!还有一个?

A little thing.


Do you want it? You want... Oh. Gimme! Gimme, gimme, gimme!

你想要吗?想要?哦 给我!给我!给我!

I think she likes it. Oh, my God! This is the new MarcJacobs!

我想她会喜欢的 我的天!这是新的 MJ {\\an8}MJ - MarcJacobs,皮包品牌

This is sold out everywhere. Where did you get this? 这个皮包到处都脱销了 你怎么得到的?

Miranda didn't want it, so...


No, no, no, no, no. This bag is, like, $1,900. I cannot take this from you.

不,不,不,这包值一千九百美金 我不能收下

Yeah, you can. 你当然可以

Why do women need so many bags? Shut up. 女人要这么多包做什么? 闭嘴

You have one. You put all your junk in it, and that's it. You're done.

一个包就够了 把东西都放进去不就得了

Fashion is not about utility. 时尚不是实惠
