

测试内容:Starter Units and Unit 1



( ) 1.下列四组字母中,按字母表的顺序排列正确的一组是 。 A. EAD B. MNO C. VWU D. QPB ( ) 2.下列字母含有相同元音音素的一组是 。 A. ABD B. CEN C. GLP D. FMN ( ) 3. 下列全部是元音字母的组合是 。

A. NBA B. UFO C. AEI D. BBC ( ) 4.书写占上中下三格的字母是 。

A. i B. y C. t D. f ( ) 5.下面与字母B发音含有音素不同的字母是 。 A. C B. F C. D D. G ( ) 6.早上你在学校见到外国老师时,你可以用“ ”问候。 A. Good afternoon. B. Good evening. C. Good morning. D. Good night.

( ) 7.玛丽想给奶奶买一件大号的毛衣,她应该选择 号的。 A. S B. M C. L D. N ( ) 8.下列哪组字母表示“千克”?

A. NBA B. kg C. CD D.HB ( ) 9.当别人夸奖你的字写得工整时,你应该说: 。 A. Fine. B. Thank you. C. Yes. D. OK. ( ) 10.----- are you? ------I’m fine, thanks. A. How B. What C. Who D. What color ( ) 11.-----Nice to meet you! ----- .

A. Thanks. B. Nice to meet you, too! C. I’m fine. D. Hi! ( ) 12.------ is it? -----It’s black.

A. How B. What C. Who D. What color

( ) 13. ----- this in English? -----It’s a quilt.

A. How B. what’s C. What D. What’s

( ) 14. It’s orange. It’s green orange.

A. a ; an B. an ; a C. / ; a D. an ; the ( ) 15.----- it, please. -----M-A-P.

A. spell B please C. Spell D. say ( ) 16. The key is .

A. a yellow B. pur ple C. yellow D. Green ( ) 17. 下面哪个不能作为How are you?的回答

A. I’m OK. B. Fine. C. I’m fine, thanks. D. Thanks. ( ) 18. I Cindy. you Linda?

A. am ; am B. is ; am C. am ; Are D. are ; is ( ) 19. This a jacket. Those my keys.

A. are ; are B. is ; is C. is ; are D. are ; is ( ) 20.-----What’s your telephone number? ------ 330-2789.

A. It’s B. I’m C. They’re D. It

( ) 21.-----What’s her last name? ----- .

A. Jane B. Gina C. Gina Brown D. Brown

( ) 22. name is Mary. is a girl.

A. She; She B. Her; His C. His; He D. Her; She

( ) 23. 下面哪个单词或字母与you 所含的因素不同?

A. Q B. U C. yellow D.W

( ) 24.-----What’s your name? ------My name is .

A. Li Fei Fei B. Li Feifei C. Green Gina D. Smith

( ) 25. -----How do you do? ------ .

A. I’m OK. B. Thanks. C. How are you? D. How do you do?

( ) 26. -----Are you Helen? ------ .

A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I’m. C. No, I am. D. No, I aren’t.

( ) 27.下面哪个不能作为What’s your name? 的回答

A. Alan B. I’m Alan. C. You’re Alan. D. My name’s Alan.

( ) 28. 307 is in English.

A. two one seven B. three zero six C. three zero seven

( ) 29.Mrs. is my math teacher. (数学老师) She is nice.

A. Brown B. Gina C. Eric D. Helen

( ) 30.-----How Helen? -----She is fine. A. is B. are C. am D. the 二.从方框中找出相应的答语。(10分)

A. Fine, thanks. B. It’s a desk. C. Good morning, Dale. D. Hi, Eric! E. It’s yellow. F. Good evening! G. Nice to meet you, too. H. Q-U-I-L-T,quilt. I. It’s 6895347. J. Good afternoon, Helen! ( ) 31.Hello, Miss Green! ( ) 36.Good evening! ( ) 32.What’s his phone number? ( ) 37.What color is it? ( ) 33.What’s this in English? ( ) 38.Good afternoon! ( ) 34.Spell it, please. ( ) 39.How are you? ( ) 35.Good morning, Eric! ( ) 40.Nice to meet you! 三.完形填空。 (10分)

Good morning! My 41 is Eric Smith. I 42 a boy. 43 is my last name. My phone 44 is 3615842. Look! This 45 a key. What 46 is it? It’s white. It’s 47 white key. I can 48 “key”. K-E-Y. What’s that? It’s 49 orange. It’s 50 orange. ( ) 41. A. phone number B. color C. name D. first name ( ) 42. A. am B. is C. are D. isn’t ( ) 43. A. Eric B. Smith C. Eric Smith D. Bob ( ) 44. A. number B. name C. color D. this ( ) 45. A. am B. is C. are D. isn’t ( ) 46. A. number B. name C. color D. this ( ) 47. A. the B. a C. an D. / ( ) 48. A. say B. meet C. see D. spell ( ) 49. A. the B. a C. an D. / ( ) 50. A. his B. your C. her D. my



Smith: Good morning, class!(同学们) Students(学生): Good morning, Mr. Smith!

Smith: Look at the picture, please. What’s this in English, Bob? Bob: Sorry, I don’t know. Smith: Frank, what’s this? Frank: It’s a key. Jenny: No, it’s a ruler. Smith: Can you spell it, Jenny? Jenny: R-U-L-E-R, ruler. Smith: Very good!

( ) 51.It’s now.

A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night ( ) 52. is a teacher.(老师)

A. Bob B. Frank C. Smith D. Jenny ( ) 53.划线单词 “know”的汉语意思为 “ ”。 A.听讲 B. 喜欢 C. 愿意 D. 知道 ( ) 54.Frank thinks (认为) it is a .

A. ruler B. key C. pen D. picture ( ) 55.下面哪项陈述是正确的?

A. They aren’t in the classroom.(教室) B. Jenny can spell the word.

C. Bob has(有) a ruler. D. Smith is a student.(学生)


Name School Age(年龄) Telephone Peter Brown No.1 Middle School 12 325-8768 First Name Last Name Age(年龄) Telephone Jenny Smith 13 5656866
