外研版七年级英语下册Module 3 Making plans测试卷及答案

Module 3 Making plans 测试

限时:60分钟 满分:100分

一、单项选择(每小题1. 5分, 共15分) 1. —Do you have any interesting news to tell us? —No, ________ much. A. anything C. something

B. nothing D. everything

2. There ________ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon. A. is going to be C. are going to be

B. will have D. is going to have

3. She lived ________ in a small village, but she didn't feel ________. A. lonely; lonely C. lonely; alone

B. alone; lonely D. alone; alone

4. —I'm worried about tomorrow's talent show.

—Be confident! If you don't believe in yourself, ________ will. A. nobody C. everybody

B. anybody D. somebody

5. We look forward to ________ presents from our parents during the Spring Festival. A. getting

B. get

C. gets

D. got

6. —What a nice model plane!

—Thanks. I made it with a 3-D printer by________. A. me

B. him

C. itself

D. myself

7. —What________ the girl ________ tonight? —She is going to watch a film. A. does;do C. is;doing

8. The cartoon Tom and Jerry ________ the heart of everyone all over the world.


B. do;do D. is;going to do

A. wins B. makes C. laughs D. leads

9. —What are you going to do on Sunday? —________.

A. I'm watching TV at home now B. I'm going to visit Lily C. I'd like to go with you D. I can play table tennis

10. —What about________ swimming on Sunday? —Great. I'd like ________ with you. A. to go; to go C. to go; going

B. going; going D. going; to go

二、完形填空(每小题1分, 共10分)(原创)

“Tell me what your plans are for the weekend, Daming, ” our teacher asks. “I'm going to see ________11 robot show on Sunday morning. It's an exciting show ________12 the future life of people. Lingling tells me it's ________13 interesting. ”

“After ________14 the show, what are you going to do?” Our teacher wants ________15. “I'm going to read English, ” Daming says. “Do you like it?” asks our teacher. “English is not easy ________16 me, but I like it very much. I'm going to work hard ________17 it. After lunch I'm going to do ________18 homework. I think I can do it better than before. ” “Then, ________19 about Sunday evening?” our teacher asks. “After supper I'm going to help my sister with her math. She wants my help, ” Daming says.

“You are going ________20 a busy day, aren't you?” says our teacher. 11. A. a 12. A. of 13. A. much 14. A. see 15. A. know 16. A. for 17. A. in

B. an B. with B. most B. seeing B. knowing B. of B. at


C. the C. for C. very C. to see C. knows C. about C. with

D. / D. about D. many D. sees D. to know D. on D. to

18. A. her 19. A. when 20. A. have

B. your B. where B. to have

C. my C. who C. has

D. his D. what D. had

三、阅读理解(每小题2分, 共10分)

We are in the city of Bangkok(曼谷)now. Bangkok is wonderful(奇妙的)and surprising(使人惊奇的)!The places are interesting. This is our first trip to Thailand(泰国). We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel here is cheap and very clean. Everything is so colourful, and we are going to take hundreds of photos!We want to stay here for a few days to visit some places in the city, and then we are going to take the train north and stay in Chiang Mai for two days.

21. Where is Bangkok?

A. In England. C. In Thailand.

B. In America. D. In Japan.

22. This is the ________ time for the writer(作者)to Thailand.

A. first

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

23. What about the hotel in Bangkok?

A. Clean and expensive. C. Clean and cheap.

24. How many cities are mentioned?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

D. Four.

B. Dirty but cheap. D. Dirty and expensive.

25. How is the writer going to Chiang Mai?

A. By train. C. By bus.

四、任务型阅读(每小题3分, 共15分)

Jack is going to be a pilot(飞行员). He wants to fly an airplane. But Jack is not a rich man. He doesn't have an airplane. He has only a chair. Jack ties(系)45 big balloons(气球)to his chair and then sits in the chair. His chair goes up.

For a few minutes, everything is fine. The view from the chair is beautiful. Jack can see houses and trees below him. He is happy. He is flying.


B. By plane. D. On foot.

The chair goes up very high. Jack is afraid. “I don't want to go very high, ” Jack thinks. “I want to go down a little. ” With a small gun(枪), Jack shoots 10 balloons. Then something terrible happens. Jack drops the gun, and it falls to the ground. Jack can't shoot more balloons. The chair goes up and up.

Jack is three miles above the ground. Airplanes are flying over him and under him. Jack has a small radio. “Help! Help!” he says into the radio. “ I'm flying in a chair, and I want to come down!” People hear Jack, but they can't help him.

Jack flies in the chair for 45 minutes. Then the balloons begin to lose air. Slowly the chair comes down, and Jack is back on the ground. He is not hurt. 26. What does Jack want to be?

_________________________________________________________________ 27. Why does the chair go up into the air?

_________________________________________________________________ 28. What does Jack do when the chair goes up higher and higher?

_________________________________________________________________ 29. Do the airplanes give him any help?

_________________________________________________________________ 30. Why does the chair come down at last?

_________________________________________________________________ 五、情景交际(其中有一项多余)(每小题2分, 共10分) Daming: Hello, Monica. How are you?

Monica:________31 Daming, where are you going for your holiday? Daming:________32 Monica: Who will you go with? Daming:________33

Monica: Are you going there by train? Daming:________34 Monica: Have a good trip. Daming:________35

