
7. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a museum. B. In a cinema. C. In a park. 8. How often does t

A. About five times a week. B. Five times a month. C. Once a week. 听下面一段对话,回答第9—10小题。 9. What' s wrong with t

A. She has a fever. B. She has a headache. C. She has a cold. 10. Why can't t

A. She does a lot of sports. B. S

C)笔录要点。根据你听到的内容,填写下面表格,每空一词。(共5小题,计5分) In the past had so 11 time when being young Now get up early and stay in school all day spent lots of time playing 12. with have no time to play with friends friends watched TV or13. with my have to study for l4. hours at grandmother in the evening went to concerts with my father

D)短文理解。听短文,根据所听到的内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(共5小题,计l0分) 16. The news is broadcast(播报) in the evening. 17. The fire

18. The firefighters were fighting against the fire for six hours. 19. Nobody was hurt in the fire.

20. The cause (起因) of the fire is already clear. Ⅱ.知识运用(共两个部分,20小题,计20分)

A)单项选择。从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案填空。(共l0小题,计l0分) 21. —Jenny, what' s your favorite ? —I like bananas best.

15. have time for concerts night A. vegetables B. fruit C. drink 22. —What can I do for you?

—I want ipad for my daughter. She needs . A. an, one B. a, one C. an, it 23. doctors are against H7N9 in China. A. Thousands B. A thousand of C. Thousands of 24. —Mum, I' m hungry. Is there to eat? —Yes, you can have some bread on the table.

A. something B. nothing C. anything 25. —Laura enjoys story books. —Me, too.

A. reading B. read C. to read 26. My parents asked me computer games. A. not playing B. not to play C. not play 27. Teenagers allowed to drive . A. should not be B. should be not C. not should be 28. —Look at these stamps. I them for five years. —Wow, they are wonderful.

A. kept B. have kept C. have bought 29. I love the school I have studied in for three years. A. where B. when C. that 30. The days last too long. We hate them.

A. fog B. foggy C. fogy

B) 完形填空。阅读短文,掌握大意,从所给的A、B、c三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(共l0小题.计l0分)

Big schoolbags have been a big problem for students for a long time. Maybe your schoolbag is too 31 to carry, and it troubles you a lot 32 you want to find out a book to read. Now e -textbooks will 33 you.

It is said that many Chinese middle schools are going to use e - textbooks. An e - textbook, in fact, is a small 34 for students. It is much lighter than a usual schoolbag

and 35 to carry. Though it is as 36 as a book, it can hold (容纳) everything for study. The students can read the text page by page on the 37 , take notes 38 t

Some people say e- textbooks are good, but some say they may be 40 for the students' eyes. What do you think of it.?

31. A. expensive B. heavy C. light 32. A. till B. after C. when 33. A. trouble B.

34. A. TV B. radio C. computer 35. A. easy B. difficult C. hard 36. A. smaller B. small C. harmful 37. A. paper B. keyboard C. screen 38. A. with B. in C. by 39. A. computer B.

40. A. bad B. dangerous C. good Ⅲ.阅读技能(共四个部分,20小题,计40分)



A lot of people are crazy doing second, s

On the other hand, some people don' t like this ne

But I think more and more people will like this new kind of s 41. Many people are interested in s 42. S 43. All t

44. Some people dislike s 45. T


阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答所提问题。(共5小题,计l0分) Linda loves her dog Davy. T

While Linda was buying a neon the telephone, Davy met another dog outside the

station. While t 46. W

47. Ho

48. What did Linda do when she couldn't find her dog?

49. Who gave Linda the tip (提示) to find Davy?

50. Who found Davy finally?



As teenagers, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize, or they can be small, you may just want to become the best student in your class. Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream ○1real?

Andrew Matt○2challenge. You may think you're not very good at some school subjects or ○3 is impossible for you to become a writer. These kinds of thoughts stop you from getting your dream. In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is. Don't let it leave your heart. eep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step and your dream will come true faster because a big dream is made up of many small dreams.

You must also never give up your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty ○4)comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important.

○5)Without dreams, you won' t make up your mind to learn more skills and find new interests. 51. 写出①处划线部分单词的副词形式: 52. 写出②划线部分单词的中文意思:
