四 VCS2011.DC2008.PT2009破解方法

(一)相信大家参考以上教程都能成功安装synopsys的软件,最搞人的就算那个license了,下面讲讲正确生成license的办法(用虚拟机安装的请参考百度文库里面的破解经验) 关键之处在于你要生成单机版的license的话:运行LicGen.exe选择“select HostID”选择custom(而不是联机用的ethernet),不要选择“useDaemon”。keygen.exe所使用的hostid一定要保证与LicGen.exe所使用的ID是一致的。而且该hostid要与lmhostid是一致的。lmhostid的查看方法:安装synopsysSCL之后,进入linux/bin目录下,运行lmhostid即可查看。步骤如下(生成license必须在window环境下):

(1). 进入EFA LicGen0.4b文件夹,双击运行LicGen.exe,会弹出一个对话框,点击“open”按钮,找到pack目录下的Synopsys.lpd打开。“select HostID”选择custom(而不是ethernet),并输入hostID,hostID就是由运行/scl/linux/bin/lmhostid得到的。不要选择“useDaemon”。最后点击“Generate”生成license文件,将生成的license文件保存为synopsys.dat,放在“Synopsys SSS Feature Keygen”文件夹中

(2).打开windows的命令提示符CMD。(开始---->运行---->输入cmd) 进入“SynopsysSSS Feature Keygen”,运行命令“sssverify.exe synopsys.dat”,此时便生成一串20个字符的SECRET DATA(如SECRET DATA = 034f 00004db0 0000 2fc0),将这20个字符复制到剪切板,进入下一步

(3). 运行KeyGen.exe,将刚才的20个字符复制到“SECRETDATA框中”,点击Generate,此时将会有一个文件叫license.dat的文件生成.

(4). 打开license.dat,将FEATURESSS之后的所有行复制到第一部生成的synopsys.dat文件中,并把synopsys.dat中原有的FEATURESSS全部删除。

(5). 如果生成的synopsys.dat最前面没有SERVER (计算机名) (hotsid) 27000那么加进去,如果用虚拟机安装在第一步选择了use Daemon的话都会有这一行(我开始制作license都选择了use Daemon就能看到,但总是不成功,我根据自己在win7中修改的计算机名和运行/scl/linux/bin/lmhostid得到的hotsid加了一行SERVER ubuntu 00235ac5ed9d 27000),这样synopsys.dat就制作成功了


(1). 切换到ubuntu linux环境下,可以看到刚才在win7下生成的synopsys.dat,把它拷贝到根目录下的/usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat (我的软件都是安装在/usr/synopsys目录下,license在/usr/synopsys/license/目录下,和网上大多数网友的目录设置差不多)




export PATH=\


export PATH=\#Design Compiler

export PATH=\#pts

export PATH=\


export PATH=\#start synopsys license using lmgrd

alias lmli2=\

export SYNOPSYS=\export SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=27000@ubuntu

export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat export VCS_HOME=\

export DVE_HOME=\export PT_HOME=\

alias dc=\

alias dv=\alias vcs=\alias dve=\

alias pt=\

以上为需要各位根据自己的计算机名,hostid,安装目录修改。此处和网上大多数不同的是加入了export LM_LICENSE_FILE这一行,用来设置license的环境变量,如果不设置,会提示Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file,or contact your software provider for a license file.Filename: /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat,当然你也可以根据提示新建目录/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/,把synopsys.dat拷贝在这个目录下并把文件改名为license.dat

(3). 启动终端 输入sudo -i,输入你的密码切换到root权限下, 输入:lmstat -c /usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat


lmstat - Copyright (c) 1989-2006 Macrovision Europe Ltd. and/or Macrovision Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Flexible License Manager status on Mon 9/12/2011 15:49 License server status: 27000@ubuntu

License file(s) on ubuntu: /usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat:

lmgrd is not running: Cannot connect to license server system. (-15,570:115 \progress\

再输入:lmgrd -c /usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat 启动license管理器


15:49:36 (lmgrd) The license server manager (lmgrd) running as root: 15:49:36 (lmgrd) This is a potential security problem 15:49:36 (lmgrd) and is not recommended.

root@ubuntu:~# 15:49:36 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10.8.5.0 build 31891 i86_re3) started on ubuntu (linux) (9/12/2011)

15:49:36 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2006 Macrovision Europe Ltd. and/or Macrovision Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

15:49:36 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.

15:49:36 (lmgrd) World Wide Web: http://www.macrovision.com 15:49:36 (lmgrd) License file(s): /usr/synopsys/license/synopsys.dat 15:49:36 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 27000

15:49:36 (lmgrd) The license server manager has found no vendor daemons to start 15:49:36 (lmgrd) (There are no VENDOR (or DAEMON) lines in the license file), lmgrd exiting. 再输入:dv&

结果:DC Professional (TM)

DC Expert (TM) DC Ultra (TM)

FloorPlan Manager (TM) HDL Compiler (TM) VHDL Compiler (TM) Library Compiler (TM) DesignWare Developer (TM) DFT Compiler (TM) BSD Compiler

Power Compiler (TM)

Version B-2008.09 for linux -- Aug 25, 2008 Copyright (c) 1988-2008 by Synopsys, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

This software and the associated documentation are confidential and proprietary to Synopsys, Inc. Your use or disclosure of this software is subject to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement between you, or your company, and Synopsys, Inc.

The above trademark notice does not imply that you are licensed to use all of the listed products. You are licensed to use only those products for which you have lawfully obtained a valid license key.

Initializing... 然后跳出软件界面,^_^成功了。

再输入:dve vcs的图形仿真界面也出来了,其他软件也可以都搞定了吧!


(1).进入root权限 sudo passwd root :修改密码,su :密码 ,就进入了root权限了



(4).Can't make directory /usr/tmp/.flexlm, errno

(5).启动vcs总是报 Illegal option -h 解决办法:

修改ubuntu 上的/bin/sh

在ubuntu上,/bin/sh默认是链接到/bin/dash的,当你从源代码编译软件的时候,dash可能会导致一些错误,至少我遇到过 类似问题,因此,我把/bin/sh的连接改为了/bin/bash 应该这样做:

rm -f /bin/sh

ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh


(6).Warning-[LNX_OS_VERUN] Unsupported Linux version

Linux version '' is not supported on 'i686' officially, assuming linux compatibility by default. Set VCS_ARCH_OVERRIDE to linux or SUSE32 to override.

Please refer to release notes for information on supported platforms.

Chronologic VCS (TM)

Version D-2009.12 -- Sun Jun 19 21:49:46 2011 Copyright (c) 1991-2009 by Synopsys Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 解决办法:

在.bashrc中设臵export VCS_ARCH_OVERRIDE=linux


其中还遇到了下述列表一些问题,按照上述方法都解决了,很多都算license没有生成好,虽然sssverify也能通过好像license没问题。我开始也是sssverify什么都看上去可以,用lmgrd启动license,查看lmgrd记录的log文件有: Serving features for the following vendor names:snpslmd CADABRA EPIC ISETCADd TE_CATS adalmd anagram avantd chrysalisd everest hscd innologd la_dmon leda metasoftd nassd numeritchd saber_dmn slat ssilmd synopsysd tmald vcsd

13:39:56 (snpslmd) Checking the integrity of the license file.... 13:39:56 (snpslmd) Valid SSS feature found.

13:39:56 (snpslmd) The feature is needed to enable the other keys in your license file.之类的东东

root@ubuntu:~# Unable to obtain feature 'Design-Vision ' because: Error: Software is not licensed for this machine. (SEC-10) Unable to obtain feature 'Design-Analyzer ' because:

Error: Software is not licensed for this machine. (SEC-10) Fatal: At least one of the following must be enabled : Design-Vision, Design-Analyzer. (DCSH-10)

Design Compiler is not enabled

license manager: can't initialize: Cannot find license file.

The license files (or license server system network addresses) attempted are listed below. Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file, or contact your software provider for a license file. Filename: /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat License path: /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat

license manager can't initialize: No SERVER lines in license file ####################################################
