4. In 1825.【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:Sequoyah的书写系统什么时候成为了官方的书面语?根据最后一段第三句“In 1825, Sequoyah’s system was made the official written language for Cherokee people.”可知,Sequoyah的书写系统在1825年成为了官方的书面语。 5. Because of/For his important contribution to Cherokee people. / Because he created the writing system for Cherokee language. / Because he made the official written language for Cherokee people.【解析】题干意为:Sequoyah为什么会被人们永远纪念?阅读短文可知,Sequoyah为切诺基人的语言发展做出了巨大的贡献,据此表述即可,答案不唯一。
Passage 4
Garbage(垃圾) Island
You can’t see it from the air. It’s almost impossible to see from a ship. But somewhere in the North Pacific is a huge island of garbage, just below the water surface.
What is the island made of?
The garbage island is not an island, but a collection of millions of plastic and other objects(物体). The water movements of the Pacific Ocean bring the objects together and cause them to go around in a big circle.
Charles Moore found it in 1997 and named it “the Great Pacific Garbage Patch”.
Where does all the plastic come from?
Much of the garbage comes from everyday objects, such as shopping bags and water bottles. Some of these objects finally reach the ocean.
Garbage from the western coast of North America takes about six years to reach it. Objects from East Asia take about a year. Other garbage comes from ships passing through the area.
Is the Garbage Patch dangerous?
The larger pieces of garbage are a problem for wildlife. For example, sea turtles(海龟) and seabirds often think the plastic is their food. They eat the plastic and die.
In addition, the plastic stops sunlight from reaching deeper water. Without sunlight, very small sea animals die. Then, there is less food for larger fish to eat.
What can we do to help stop it?
Cleaning up the island isn’t easy. But we can make people realize the problem. One environmentalist(环保主义者), David de Rothschild, is sailing around the world on a boat made of plastic bottles to teach people about the problem of garbage in the sea.
Another idea is that we can recycle the plastic garbage. Environmental engineer Cesar Harada is building a robot that collects pieces of plastic. Harada hopes to use his robot in the Pacific. Harada also has a website for reporting environmental problems. He says, “I hope everybody can become an environmental activist.” 1. What is the garbage made of?
___________________________________________________________ 2. How long does it take objects from East Asia to reach the island? ___________________________________________________________ 3. Is the garbage island dangerous?
___________________________________________________________ 4. Why is David de Rothschild sailing on a bottle boat?
___________________________________________________________ 5. According to the writer, what can we do to help stop garbage island? ___________________________________________________________
1. It is made of millions of plastic and other objects. 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:垃圾是由什么组成的?根据第二段中“but a collection of millions of plastic and other objects(物体).”可知垃圾是由数百万塑料及其他物品组成。
2. About a year. 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:物品从东亚到这个岛需要多久?根据第四段中“Objects form East Asia take about a year.”可知需要大约一年的时间。
3. Yes, (it is). 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:岛上的垃圾危险吗?根据第五段中海龟和海鸟把垃圾当成食物,之后死亡的例子,可知岛上的垃圾是危险的。
4. Because he wants to teach people about the problem of garbage in the sea. 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:David de Rothschild 为何用瓶子船航行?根据第六段中“David de Rothschild, is sailing around the world on a boat made of plastic bottles to teach people about the problem of garbage in the sea.”故可知答案。
5. We can make people realize the problem and recycle the plastic garbage. 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为: 根据作者,我们能做什么来帮助阻止垃圾岛的形成?根据文章第六段中“but we can make people realize the problem”和第七段中“Another idea is that we can recycle the plastic
Passage 5
People can’t see you when you’re speaking on the phone, but they can hear you. So, the way you speak is especially important. In fact, researchers have found that 80% of communication over the phone is through your tone(语气)of voice; and only 20% is from the words you use. Here are our top tips on how to speak over the phone.
1. Facial Expressions
Your facial expressions can influence your voice. For example, if you smile, your voice will sound warm and friendly, just the opposite, if you have an angry look on your face, it can make you sound unpleasant.
2. Volume(音量)
If you speak too loudly, you could sound angry. And if you speak too softly, it’ll be difficult to hear you. So, speak loudly enough to be heard clearly, but not so loud that you’re shouting.
3. Pace
The pace of your voice is how quickly you speak. And this can show how you feel. For example, an angry person might speak faster than normal. Or a downhearted person might speak very slowly. Try speaking a little more slowly than normal. This will make you sound confident, and it’ll make it easier for the other person to understand you.