大学体验英语综合教程1 - - 课文翻译 - 重点词汇解析

大学体验英语综合教程1 课文翻译及重点词汇解析 Unit 1 ~ Unit 8

1. … joined hands with my three most intimate friends: …held hands with my closest friends. … 与三个最亲密的朋友手拉手…

2. … spent that day together just being freshmen:

… spent that day merely doing typical things that freshmen do. … 就像大学新生一样度过了那一天。

3. … saying goodbye at the end of the first year can feel like saying goodbye forever.

When you say goodbye at the end of the freshman year it's easy to imagine you'll never see each other again. …


4. acquaintance:

a person whom one knows, esp. through work or business, but who is not a close friend 相识的人


He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他有许多熟人。

We began the semester as acquaintances and ended it as friends. 开学时,我们还只是相识,期末时我们成了朋友。

5. Your freshman year moments are irreplaceable.

You're only a freshman once, so you should cherish this experience. 但大学第一年的时光却是无法代替的。

6. You may grow completely apart from the people you spent your first year with… You may end your friendship with those people you spent your first year with.


7. compare…to:

1) to examine or judge (one thing) in relation to another thing in order to show the points of similarity or difference 把…与…相比


I compared several brands of cars before choosing one.

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大学体验英语综合教程1 课文翻译及重点词汇解析 Unit 1 ~ Unit 8


2) showing that two things are alike 把…比作…


When we won the local basketball championship we naturally compared ourselves to the NBA.


8. barely:

almost not; hardly几乎不


I could barely understand my roommate's jokes but I laughed anyhow. 我几乎不明白我室友开的是什么玩笑,但我还是笑了。 The scar on her cheek is barely noticeable now. 她脸颊上的疤痕现在几乎看不到了。

9. You will do a lot more growing up:

You will experience many things before you become more mature. 你会在成长过程中经历更多的事情。

10. motioning toward Atherton Hall

pointing or waving toward Atherton Hall 指向阿瑟顿大厦

11. And I have never had nor will ever have better teachers than Alisa, Karen and Gabrielle. I learned more about friendship from these three friends than from anyone else.


12. That lesson can best be summarized by something Alisa and Karen told me when I was upset at the end of last semester and needed a shoulder to cry on.

The definition of friendship was the lesson that Alisa and Karen made clear to me

when I was upset at the end of last semester and they gave me some friendly concern. 那一课可以用艾莉莎和卡伦对我说过的一番话来做一个最好的总结。当时是最后一个学期期末,我灰心沮丧,需要靠在一个人肩上痛哭一场。

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大学体验英语综合教程1 课文翻译及重点词汇解析 Unit 1 ~ Unit 8

13. a shoulder to cry on:

someone you can go to, to get sympathy 可以倾诉苦处的人。


The embarrassed child needed his mother's shoulder to cry on. 那个受了委屈的小孩需要母亲来安抚她。

When the student got the score from the entrance exam she needed a shoulder to cry on. 当那名学生得知入学考试成绩的时候,她需要有人来安慰。

14. no matter how:

it makes no difference; however 无论


Don't believe the rumor, no matter how often you hear it. 不管你听到多少次,决不能相信谣言。

No matter how angry you are you should try to control your temper. 不管你有多生气,你都应该设法控制自己的情绪。

15. couldn't agree more:

completely and enthusiastically agree. 完全同意


I couldn't agree more with the President's speech about the environment. 我举双手赞同总统有关环境的演讲。

I couldn't agree more with your excellent choice of friends. 我完全同赞你择友的高明之处。

16. far from:

a long way from being; not at all 远不


The dispute over the missing money is far from over. 有关丢失钱的争论还远远没完。

On graduation day your education is far from over. (That's why it's sometimes called commencement day.)


17. make it back:

return (but perhaps with some difficulty)

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大学体验英语综合教程1 课文翻译及重点词汇解析 Unit 1 ~ Unit 8


I'll go shopping, and I'll try to make it back for dinner. 我要去买东西,会尽量在晚餐前赶回来。

I'll make it back to our next college reunion if I can. 可能的话,我会尽量参加下次大学同学聚会活动。

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