瞬态分析的命令。要观察模态分析和特征值屈曲分析的3-D 模态形状,必须用激活单元结果扩展模态(MXPAND 命令Elcalc=YES 的选项)
Linearized Stress
It is customary in beam design to employ components of axial stress that contribute to axial loads and bending in each direction separately. Therefore, BEAM188 provides a linearized stress output as part of its SMISC output record, as indicated in the following definitions:
对于梁设计很常规的轴力由轴向荷载和在各个端点的弯曲独立提供。因此,beam188 提供线性的应力输出作为它的SMISC 输出命令的一部分,由下面的定义来指示:
SDIR is the stress component due to axial load.
SDIR 是轴力引起的应力分量。
SDIR = FX/A, where FX is the axial load (SMISC quantities 1 and 14) and A is the area of the cross section.
SDIR=FX/A,FX 是轴力(SMISC 的数值为1 和14),A 表示截面面积。
SBYT and SBYB are bending stress components.
SBYT 和SBYB 是弯曲应力分量。
SBYT = -MZ * ymax / Izz SBYB = -MZ * ymin / Izz SBZT = MY * zmax / Iyy SBZB = MY * zmin / Iyy
where MY, MZ are bending moments (SMISC quantities 2,15,3,16). Coordinates ymax, ymin, zmax, and zmin are the maximum and minimum y, z coordinates in the cross
section measured from the centroid. Values Iyy and Izz are moments of inertia of the cross section. Except for the ASEC type of beam cross section, ANSYS uses the maximum and minimum cross section dimensions. For the ASEC type of cross section, the maximum and minimum in each of Y and Z direction is assumed to be +0.5 to -0.5, respectively.
这里MY、MZ 是弯距(SMISC 数值是2、15、3、16)。坐标ymax, ymin, zmax, 和 zmin 是y 和z 坐标的最大和最小值。Iyy 和Izz 是截面惯性距。对于ASEC 梁截面,ANSYS 用最大和最小截面尺度,对于ASEC 种类的截面,最大最小的Y 和Z 方向直接分别假定在+0.5 到-0.5。
Corresponding definitions for the component strains are:
EPELDIR = EX EPELBYT = -KZ * ymax EPELBYB = -KZ * ymin EPELBZT = KY * zmax EPELBZB = KY * zmin
where EX, KY, and KZ are generalized strains and curvatures (SMISC quantities 7,8,9, 20,21 and 22).
这里EX、KY 和KZ 是总应力和曲率(SMISC 数值是7,8,9, 20,21 和22)
The reported stresses are strictly valid only for elastic behavior of members.
BEAM188 always employs combined stresses in order to support nonlinear material behavior. When the elements are associated with nonlinear materials, the component stresses may at best be regarded as linearized approximations and should be interpreted with caution.
输出的应力仅仅对于单元的弹性行为有效。Beam188 总是组合应力来支持非线性材料的行为。当单元和非线性材料相关的时候,组合应力最好作为线性近似来对待,应该谨慎的说明。
The Element Output Definitions table uses the following notation:
A colon (:) in the Name column indicates the item can be accessed by the Component Name method [ETABLE, ESOL]. The O column indicates the availability of the items in the file Jobname.OUT. The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results file.
name 列表示该项目可以通过构成名字的方法来获得[ETABLE, ESOL]。第O 列表示该项有效的说明在文件Jobname.OUT 中。R 列表示该项的结果显示在results 文件中。
In either the O or R columns, Y indicates that the item is always available, a number refers to a table footnote that describes when the item is conditionally available, and a - indicates that the item is not available.
无论在0 还是R 列中,Y 表示该项一直是可用的。数值表示描述哪里该项是选择性提供的脚注,-表示该项不提供。
Table 188.1 BEAM188 Element Output Definitions 表 188.1 BEAM188单元输出定义
Name EL NODES MAT C.G.:X, Y, Z AREA SF:Y, Z SE:Y, Z Element number Element connectivity Material number Center of gravity Area of cross-section Section shear forces Section shear strains Definition O R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1Y 1Y 1Y S:XX, XZ, XY Section point stresses E:XX, XZ, XY Section point strains MX KX KY, KZ EX FX MY, MZ BM BK SDIR SBYT SBYB SBZT SBZB EPELDIR EPELBYT EPELBYB EPELBZT EPELBZB TEMP Torsional moment Torsional strain Curvature Axial strain Axial force Bending moments Bimoment Bicurvature Axial direct stress Bending stress on the element +Y side of the beam Bending stress on the element -Y side of the beam Bending stress on the element +Z side of the beam Bending stress on the element -Z side of the beam Axial strain at the end Bending strain on the element +Y side of the beam. Bending strain on the element -Y side of the beam. Bending strain on the element +Z side of the beam. Bending strain on the element -Zside of the beam. Temperatures T0, T1(1,0), T2(0,1) 2Y 2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3333- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1Name Definition O R Note More output is described via the PRSSOL command in /POST1. 1. See KEYOPT(6) description.参照KEYOPT(6)功能说明。
2. See KEYOPT(7), KEYOPT(8), KEYOPT(9) descriptions. 参照KEYOPT(7)、
3. See KEYOPT(1) description. 参照KEYOPT(1)功能说明。
Table 188.2: \ lists output available through ETABLE using the Sequence Number method. See Creating an Element Table in the ANSYS Basic Analysis Guide and The Item and Sequence Number Table in this
manual for more information. Table 188.2: \ uses the following notation:
表188.2: \列出了通过etable 命令用序列号方法提供的输出。参见ANSYS Basic Analysis Guide 中的Creating an Element Table 和The Item and Sequence Number Table 来获取更多的信息。
output quantity as defined in the Table 188.1: \Definitions\
在表 188.1: \中定义的输出量
predetermined Item label for ETABLE
etable 提前定义的项目标签
sequence number for data at nodes I and J
在i 和j 节点数据的序列号