
38 接触不同的文化可以促进创新

Exposure to different cultures can encourage creativity. 接触不同的文化能够促进创新,这是企业或者国家的财富。 Exposure to different cultures can encourage creativity, which is an asset for enterprises or countries. 47审美观是因文化而异的。

Perception of beauty differs from culture to culture. 48:环境保护运动可以跨越国界。

Environmental protection campaigns can transcend /超越(重音在后)/national boundaries.

55: 贫穷国家的首要问题是满足人们基本生存需求

The top priority for deprived countries is to satisfy citizens' basic needs. 贫穷国家的首要问题是满足人们基本生存需求,这是维持国家稳定一个有效方法。

The top priority for deprived countries is to satisfy citizens' basic needs, and by doing this, governments can sustain social stability. 57: 因为全球化,人们需要和来自不同背景的人工作。

Because of globalisation, people need to work with those from diverse backgrounds.


Immigrants are sometimes recognised as a threat to social cohesion. 政府&社会:


The investment in space technology should be supported by the government.


The investment in space technology should be supported by the government because the commercialization of such technology will bring more business opportunities and improve people's living standards. 24 有些公共服务很难收支平衡

Some public services have problems in breaking even. 一些公共服务很难收支平衡,需要政府资金。

Some public services have problems in breaking even and need government funds.

36 平等的教育能帮助解决学生学习成绩不好

Equal access to education can help tackle educational underachievement. 当地政府应该保证平等教育,这样能够帮助落后学生去解决学习的落后。

Local authorities should ensure equal access to education, which can help tackle educational underachievement, a problem found among disadvantaged children.

44 政府应该重视社会福利,尤其是医疗服务。

The government should give priority to social welfare, especially the healthcare.


When it comes to distribution of public funds, some people suggest that the government should give priority to social welfare, especially the healthcare, which helps stop the disadvantaged population dying needlessly.


With an increasing number of young people participating in volunteer work, community cohesion will be enhanced.

71:在一个消费社会里,人们不再满足生活必需品(bare necessities)。 In the consumer society, people are no longer satisfied with bare necessities.


The aging population has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age.


The aging population leads to a shortage of highly skilled workers, a problem which has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement

age. 健康:

12:工作很多的人没有时间去休息,去充电(recharge batteries) People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest and recharge batteries. 工作很多的人没有足够的时间去休息和充电,这样对他们的健康有害。

People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest and recharge batteries, which can be harmful to their fitness. 51:不健康的生活方式让人们处于生病的危险之中。 An unhealthy lifestyle may put people at risk of illness. 74:人们不健康的生活方式是他们倾向于依赖科技的结果。 People’s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology.


People’s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology, despite the fact that technology has made their lives convenient and improved their lives significantly. 建筑:

10 高层建筑有时候被认为是城市的eyesore(难看的东西,眼中钉)。 High-rise buildings are sometimes regarded as eyesores of the city.
