Unit 6 Man and Animals新编大学英语第二版第三册教案

4. The word “constructive” derives from “construction”, “aggressive” from “aggression” and “destructive” from “destruction”. Similar word formation can be found in: appreciation—appreciative extension—extensive creation—creative investigation—investigative production—productive impression—impressive competition—competitive generation—generative deception—deceptive perception—perceptive exclusion—exclusive inclusion—inclusive conclusion—conclusive evaluation—evaluative protection—protective 5. Unable in these conditions to channel their aggression into creative work, people will probably express it through resentment and anger. The word ―channel‖ means ―to direct something into a particular place or situation‖ (把……引导向……,转到……). If she could only channel all that nervous energy into something useful. A lot of money has been channeled into research in that particular field. He channeled his thought toward one phase of the problem. III. Post-Reading Reading Comprehension 1. Understanding the Main Idea of the Passage A Comparison of Animal and Human Aggression Animals Human beings 8) Living conditions in crowded cities. Consequences 2) It will show abnormal 9) People A once may behave self-employed aggressiveness. aggressively toward each other. Causes of aggression 1) Abnormal conditions 3) A tiger once came out of the 10) man. Examples jungle into a village and attacked a crafts-man and people who once worked in a small firm will aggression 4) The caged lion often becomes express in the wild. more aggressive than it would be through resentment and anger. 11) A man may kill thousands of people by dropping a bomb from a plane. 5) The tiger would have stayed in 12) People might have been no the jungle and hunted for food in more aggressive than their the customary way. fellow creatures. Behavior in desirable 6) The caged lion would be 13) The man would hesitate situations continually active, ranging over to hit another person in front of long distances, hunting in family his eyes. groups. 7) The lion should be free to 14) Hostility and aggression Possible solutions wander on the grassy plains of should Africa. be expressed activity and inconstructive non-violent competition. 2. Understanding Specific Information 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) D 6) B 3. Questions for Group Discussion 1) –Yes. There were 2 world wars before, during which large numbers of people were killed and the great majority of them were innocent. Human beings or the whole world can be destroyed if nuclear or biological weapons should be used by violent insane people. We have never heard of anything like these in the animal world. Besides humans have killed large numbers of animals for food, clothes, medical research, pleasure, or for no reason at all. So I think humans are much more aggressive than animals. – No, animals are, in general, more aggressive than humans. Humans are good by nature, while animals have no power of reasoning. What’s more, animals have more physical force and other defenses such as claws and fangs. Without weapons, man is weaker and less aggressive than animals. 2) – Yes, sports are generally a good way to channel energy and aggression, especially boxing, wrestling, ball games, etc. International sports enable athletes from many countries to meet and to compete for medals. To prepare for international sports competitions, they have to improve their skills, strengthen their muscles, develop effective strategies, etc. Others, non-athletes, will feel concerned with them, excited with them, and proud of them, and cheer for them. – No, the Olympic Games are just sports competitions. They won’t change the political ideas of nations. We have never heard of any sports games that have stopped disputes, conflicts, wars, etc., but on the other hand there were athletes who were prevented from participating in the Games because of international conflicts. And there have been acts of terrorism, and examples of unfair judgments and aggressive behavior at the Olympic Games. Vocabulary Verb aggress / behave / / disable compare destroy resent construct compete / 2. violent —non-violent doubtfully — undoubtedly satisfied — dissatisfied normal — abnormal constructive — destructive personal — impersonal diminish — increase encourage — discourage 3. 1) survive 5) injuring 9) hesitated 4. Aggression is the fighting instinct in beast and man, which is directed against members of the same species. It is theorized that in natural conditions aggression helps to ensuresurvival of individuals (and thus the species), by preventing too dense a population from developing and exhausting all of its food sources. Fighting is generally considered to be a trait characteristic of males and uncharacteristic of females. However, 6) absorbed 10) similar 7) competition 8) instinct 2) conflicts 3) available 4) likely Noun aggression violence behavior territory hostility disability comparison destruction resentment construction competition evidence Adjective aggressive violent / territorial hostile disabled Adverb aggressively violently / / / / comparative/comparable comparatively/comparablely destructive resentful constructive competitive evident destructively resentfully constructively competitively evidently many but not all female mammals exhibit aggression during the postpartum (产后的) period in defense of their young. The great animal behaviorist Konrad Lorenz observed that in every individual the readiness to fight is greatest in the most familiar place: in the middle of its territory. As the distance from territory increases, readiness to fight decreases proportionately. This was not the case with my pet rat; he was ready and willing to beat up his neighbors the minute he stepped through their door. What causes some rats to be more aggressive than others? There is certainly evidence that aggression has a genetic basis, at least in some animals.


1. She always behaves badly when her aunt comes to visit.

2) If it hadn’t been for your help, we wouldn’t have been able to finish the task in time.

3) I warned him off going to the east coast because it was full of tourists. 4) The fact that something is cheap doesn’t necessarily mean it’s of low quality. 5) Without anyone to turn to for help, making an appropriate choice can be difficult. 6) His sadness at the death of his wife found expression in his music. 7) Only if Peter goes to the evening party will she go. 8) I can only compare the experience to a nightmare. Reading for Fun

Reading for Fun

Directions: Work in pairs. Choose one joke to read and then share it with your partner.

Bear Alert

The Colorado State Department of Fish and Wildlife is advising hikers, hunters, fishermen, and golfers to take extra precautions and be on the alert for bears.

They advise people to wear noise-producing devices such as little bells on their clothing to alert but not startle the bears unexpectedly.

They also advise people to carry pepper spray in case of an encounter with a bear. It is also a good idea to watch for signs of bear activity.

People should be able to recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly(灰色的)bear droppings.

Black bear droppings are smaller and contain berries and possibly squirrel fur. Grizzly bear droppings have bells in them and smell like pepper spray. Catching A Rabbit
