

参考答案 听力原文

第一部分 听对话回答问题

1. M: Mum, can I have something to eat? I’m hungry.

W: I’ve just made some apple pies. They are very delicious.

2. M: Can you help us take care of our baby? We need to go out for a day. W: Of course.

3. M: You’re going to the UK next week, right?

W: Yes. I’m going to its capital. So I’m reading a book about the city. 4. W: Tomorrow is Dale’s birthday. What present shall we buy for him? M: Let’s buy him a CD player. It’s useful for his English study.

5. W: Why is little Tony crying? Is he hungry? M: No. His favourite toy car was broken.

6. W: Frank was shy but now he is outgoing.

M: Yes. And he used to be serious but now he is funny. 7. W: Excuse me, is the post office far away from here?

M: No. It’s only 300 metres away. Just go along this street. 8. M: Ann, have you been to Hawaii before? W: Yes. I went there in 2012.

9. W: I didn’t see Tom in the office yesterday. M: He had a bad headache and stayed at home. 10. W: How was your school today?

M: Quite good, Mum. We played an interesting game during the English class. 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题 听一段对话,回答第11—12小题。答题完毕,请等待

“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。 W: Oh, dear. I can’t fix this seat-belt. M: Can I help you? W: Oh, thank you.

M: See? It’s very easy. Is this your first flight? W: Yes.

M: I see. Are you going to stay in Sydney for a while?

W: Yes. I’m going to see my grandson. My daughter lives in Australia. She married an Australian. M: That’s nice.

听第一篇短文,回答第13—15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。答题 完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一篇短文。

Now time for some news. First, some bad news. Some computers were stolen from our

school last night. If you have any information about the thief, do contact the police. A student of our school was seriously injured in a car accident and is in need of money for treatment. If you want to help, please give us a call. Then, some good news. The new Sports Centre opens

tomorrow morning at ten. At four in the afternoon, there will be a table tennis match. It is open to everyone in our school. Also, the summer holiday is coming soon. We wish you a happy



holiday. This is all for today. See you tomorrow.




After graduating from school, I didn’t go directly to university. Instead, I spent a year

travelling around the world. I started my trip in London, the UK. I saw the Big Ben and visited the amazing churches. From there, I flew to Paris, and went down to the south of France, which is famous for

its lovely beaches. Next, I flew to India, and travelled around the country for about three months. Although the cities were crowded, the countryside was beautiful. I stayed in a small fishing village by the sea and it was the happiest time of my life. Then I went to China, a country I had always wanted to visit. I travelled around Beijing. I climbed up the Great Wall. I also took a trip to see some villages where I learned a lot about Chinese local customs. Then, at last, I flew all the way home. It had been a great experience, but I was glad to be home again.

一、 1–5 CACCB 6–10 CBACC 11–15 CBBAB 16–20 ABBCB 二、21–25 DDCAD 26–30 BBBCD 31–35 BCDAA 三、36–40 DACBD 41–45 ABDCA 四、46–50 ADBAA 51–55 BCDAA 56–60 CBDDC 五、61. continued 62. Canadian 63. refuses 64. married 65. except

66. European 67. ugliest 68. recently 69. further 70. successful 71. receiving 72. to reach 73. turning 74. has changed 75. crying 六、76. keep in touch with; by email 77. be stopped from putting the waste into

78. telling me how to use 79. With a smile on his face 80. You must be tired out after a long journey. 七、81. tired 82. part 83. ways 84. energy 85. favourite

86. yourself 87. mind 88. Conclusion 89. habit 90. feel 八、91. window 92. found 93. phoned 94. someone/somebody

95. waited 96. ago 97. because 98. police 99. caught 100. nobody 九、Sample writing

Changes in my hometown

Great changes have taken place in my hometown during the past few years. In the past, the roads were very dirty and narrow. What’s more, there was rubbish everywhere. People lived in low houses. They could only listen to the radio or watch TV in their free time. There were a lot of open spaces.

But now the dirty narrow roads have been turned into wide clean ones, with green trees, modern shops and tall buildings on both sides of them. People here have moved into new flats. More people have bought their own computers, mobile phones and even private cars!

I feel satisfied with life in my new hometown. I will work hard to make it more beautiful in the future.

