(共42套)最新高中英语必修3(全册)课时配套练习 课后作业汇总+章节测试(含所有章节作业及答案)



3.The key to preventing you from falling into a state of subhealth is that you should ________.

A.work hard B.sleep more

C.form good living habits D.take more medicine

解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“The key to preventing and recovering from subhealth...is to form good living habits...”可知答案为C。


4.As for food,experts suggest that ________. A.we should never eat meat B.we should have a variety of food C.we should eat less than usual

D.we should have meals without salt and sugar

解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“As for meals....They should also eat more fresh vegetables...”可知要吃不同种类的食物,所以B为正确答案。

答案:B Ⅱ.阅读七选五


A good friend can help you study.You can have fun together and make each other happy.__1__ They will be with you as long as you have money or luck,but when you are down,they will run away.How do I know when I have found a good friend?I look for certain qualities of character, especially understanding,honesty and reliability.

__2__ A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling.He is not quick to judge.Instead,he tries to learn from others.He puts himself in the other person’s place,and he tries to think of ways to be helpful.

At the same time,however,a good friend is honest.__3__ He notices their good points.In short,a friend will try to understand me and accept me.

__4__ I can always depend on a good friend.If I need a favor,he will do his best to help me.If I am in trouble,he will not run away from me.

There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special.A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun.We should enjoy our lives,and we would enjoy our friendship.A good friend likes the same things I like.__5__ A good friend has a good sense of humor,too.When I meet

someone who is reliable,honest,and understanding,I know I’ve found a good friend!

A.But what is a good friend?

B.He is ready to help you when you are in trouble. C.Sometimes you will meet fair-weather friends. D.Above all else,I look for understanding in a friend. E.He does not look for faults in others. F.Another quality of a friend is reliability. G.We share experience and learn from each other. 答案:1.C 2.D 3.E 4.F 5.G

Unit 2 Exercise 4



In some countries,people eat rice every day.__1__ they eat it two or three times a day,for breakfast,lunch and supper.They can __2__ it,fry (煎) it or __3__ it into rice noodles.They usually eat it __4__ meat,fish and vegetables.

Some people do not eat some kind of __5__ .Muslims,for example,do not eat pork,and Hindus do not eat beef.

The Japanese eat a lot of fish.Japan is an island and its __6__ go all over the Pacific looking for fish to __7__.The Japanese sometimes eat uncooked fish,and they also eat a lot of rice.

In __8__ such as Britain,Australia and the United States,the most important food is __9__ or potatoes.People there usually make their bread from wheat flour.They __10__ potatoes in different ways.They can boil them,fry them and roast(烤)them.

In Africa,maize (玉米) is the most important food.__11__ rice and wheat,maize is a kind of cereal (谷物).African people make the maize __12__ flour.From this flour they make __13__ kinds of bread and cakes.Many Africans are very __14__ and they can’t afford to eat much __15__ with their cereal. Cereal is a very important kind of food __16__ we also need plenty of vegetables and lots of fresh __17__. Some people eat __18__ fruit and vegetables.They do not eat meat or fish or __19__ that comes from animals.They eat only food from __20__.Some people say that food from plants is better for us than meat.

[语篇解读] 由于各国人们的生活风俗不同,各地食物也不一样,本篇介绍了世界各国人们的食物。



C.Some time D.Some times

解析:在一些国家,人们每天吃大米,有时,一天吃两三次。sometimes有时,符合句意。sometime将来的某些时候;some time一段时间;some times许多次。

答案:A 2.A.drink C.have

B.eat D.boil

解析:由下文第四段最后一句可知选D。 答案:D 3.A.make C.change

B.turn D.eat

解析:make...into... 把……加工制成…….符合句意。turn... into... 和change... into... 都是“把……变成……”的意思。

答案:A 4.A.as C.with

B.like D.together

解析:他们通常把大米和肉、鱼以及蔬菜放在一起吃,故选C。 答案:C 5.A.apples C.meat

B.fish D.vegetables

解析:由Muslims,for example,do not eat pork,and Hindus do not eat beef.可知一些人不吃某种肉。故选C。

答案:C 6.A.trains C.fishing boats

B.planes D.life boats

解析:本段提到的是日本人吃鱼,日本是岛国,渔船遍及整个太平洋,故选C。 答案:C 7.A.buy C.hold

B.weigh D.catch

解析:渔船当然是寻找鱼来抓的,故选D。 答案:D 8.A.area C.fact

解析:后面列举的是国家,故选B。 答案:B 9.A.bread C.flour

B.cake D.vegetables B.countries D.place

解析:由下一句People there usually make their bread from wheat flour.可知本空填bread。 答案:A 10.A.cook C.make

B.eat D.take

解析:“煮,炸,烤”都是“cook”的方式。故用cook。 答案:A 11.A.Like C.Being

解析:这里用介词like意为“像”。 答案:A 12.A.of C.into

B.from D.up to B.As D.With

解析:非洲人把玉米加工成面粉,make... into... 把……加工制成……,在第一段第三句也提到过。

答案:C 13.A.any C.every

B.different D.each

解析:他们把用玉米做成的面粉再加工做成不同种类的面包和蛋糕。 答案:B 14.A.rich C.strong

B.poor D.weak

解析:由后面 they can’t afford to eat... 可知许多非洲人都很穷,故选B。 答案:B 15.A.meat C.flour

B.maize D.bread

解析:上文提到用玉米这种谷物做成面包,故此题选D。 答案:D 16.A.so C.because

B.as D.but

解析:由本句句意可知前后表示转折关系,故选D。 答案:D 17.A.rice C.fruit

B.cakes D.potatoes

解析:由下段开头可知这里提到的是蔬菜和新鲜的水果。 答案:C 18.A.hardly

