


招标(invitation for bid ):工程建设单位运用竞争机制选择工程建设承包者的工作。


投标(bidding):承包者按照招标要求提出报价,争取获得承包任务的工作。 是与招标相对应的概念,它是指投标人应招标人的邀请或投标人满足招标人最低资质要求而主动申请,按照招标的要求和条件,在规定的时间内向招标人递价,争取中标的行为。



T4 Project

Section I - Invitation for Bids, Section II - Instructions to Bidders, Section III - Bid Data Sheet,

Section IV - General Conditions of Contract, Section V - Special Conditions of Contract Section VI - Technical Specification Section VII - Sample Forms and Procedures Section VIII - Eligible Countries

Section IX–Appendix A – Specification and Reference Documents and Drawings Bid Submission Forms(Bid Submission Form,Bidder Information Form,Bidder's JV Information Form)

3. 有关问题

1、 问:用户的招标书一般包括哪些内容?



◆ 投标须知 ◆ 投标人资格 ◆ 招标文件 ◆ 投标文件 ◆ 评标 ◆ 授予合同 ◆ 合同条款

但在有些地方项目中,招标书的内容只包含这个范本中的部分内容,但其中投标须知、招投标文件、合同条款是必须具备的。 5、 问:用户对投标书的要求都有哪些? 答:◆对投标文件的组成作出具体规定:构成内容 ◆ 投标文件的编制:格式和顺序 ◆ 投标报价的格式:报价表的格式 ◆ 投标文件的递交:递交格式,密封形式 ◆ 投标文件的费用:费用分担的内容 ◆ 投标文件的澄清:关于澄清内容的交流形式 ◆ 投标保证金:金额和形式

6、 问:在招标书中关于评标的描述包括什么内容? 答:评标依据:说明对投标书进行评审的基本原则。



评标因素:声明影响评标结果的关键因素,如价格、服务、质量等,从而让投标在这几个方面详细应答,以满足用户的需求。 7、 问:授予合同时招标方和中标方的注意事项? 答:中标通知如何发送 合同的签订的生效 合同变更数量权利 拒绝投标的权利 增加订货的选择权

8、 问:合同条款的内容需要注意哪些方面? 答:交货时间 付款方式


交货、运输和验收 服务 保修 技术支持

9、 问:什么是投标保证金,如何操作?


现金支票或银行出具的投标保证金保函金额:投标总价格的2% 。对招标人或其代理机构而言,要求的投标保证金不得高于投标总价格的2%;对投标人而言,只要提交的保证金不低于投标总价格的2%,其投标就不应被否决。 递交:投标时同时出具,否则视同投标无效 。 10、 问:标书密封一般有什么要求?

答:投标报价和投标保证金单独密封,密封处应盖有效印章; 投标书正、副本单独密封,并密封在标书中 密封条上单独注明项 。

4. Section I - Invitation for Bids

(1)The Volta River Authority intends to construct a 186MW gas turbine com-bined cycle power plant under the Takoradi 4 Thermal Power Plant Project (T4 Project).

(2)30-month completion period,EPC

5. Section II - Instructions to Bidders

A. Introduction 1.

Source of Funds 2. Eligible Bidders 3. Eligible Plant, Equipment and Services 4. Cost of Bidding B. The Bidding Documents 5.

Content of Bidding Document 6. Clarification of Bidding Documents and Pre-Bid Meeting 7. Amendment of Bidding Document C. Preparation of Bids 8.

Language of Bid 9. Documents Comprising构成 the Bid 10. Bid Form and Price Schedule11. Bid Prices 12. Bid Currencies 13. Bid Security投标保证金;投标担保14. Period of Validity of Bid 15.Format and Signing of Bid D. Submission of Bids


16. Sealing and Marking of Bids投标书的密封和标记 17. Deadline for Sub-

mission of Bids 18. Late Bids 19.Modification and Withdrawal n. 撤退,收回;提款;取消;退股of Bids E. Bid Opening and Evaluation

20. Opening of Bids by Employer 21.Clarification of Bids 22.Preliminary Examination of Bids 23.Conversion to Single Currency 24. 权 27.Contacting the Employer

F. Award of Contract授予合同;[经] 签订合同

28. Post-Qualification 29.Award Criteria 30.Employer’s Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids 31.Notification of Award中标通知书 32.Signing the Contract Agreement 33.Performance Security 34.Adjudicator 35.Fraud and Corruption欺诈和贿赂


Evaluation 25.Commercial Evaluation 26. Domestic Preference 国内优先

6. Section III - Bid Data Sheet


PART B: Evaluation and Qualification Criteria and Requirements C.Bid Submission Forms,Table of Forms Bid Submission Form Bidder Information Form

Bidder's JV(合资企业(Joint Venture)) Information Form ANNEX 1: Power of Attorney委托书 Form 1(a) Form 1(b) Form 1(c)

ANNEX 2: Bidder’s Eligibility and Qualifications Form 2-1 Form 2-2 Form 2-3 Form 2-4

Bidder Information Financial Information Litigation History诉讼史

Attach Any Additional Business or Financial Information Which the Form of Power of Attorney (in Respect of Contract Signature (Sin-Form of Power of Attorney (Joint Venture)

Form of Power of Attorney in Respect of Contract Signature (Joint

gle Company) to be Submitted with the Bid

Venture) to be Submitted at the Time of the Contract

Bidder Wishes to Submit

