
What are the most potential career roles for the only children? What is the passage mainly about? 【14题详解】

此题为听力题,解析略。 【15题详解】

此题为听力题,解析略。 【16题详解】


Questions are based on the following passage. 17.

A. Because of their durability. B. Because they are symbols of status. C. Because of the trend in fashion. D. Because they look quite appealing. 18.

A. The man was the creator of jeans. B. The man applied for a patent for jeans. C. Levi’s led to the popularity of jeans. D. Levi’s led to a flood of fake products. 19.

A. They are durable and wash easily. B. They appear on sex and violence ads.

C. They win the favor of many women liberalists.

D. They are influenced by cowboy style and rebellious spirit. 20.

A. The advantages of jeans. B. The culture of western America. C. The history of jeans.

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D. The change of jeans.

【答案】17. A 18. C 19. D 20. C 【解析】

W: Dan, long time no see. How are you going these days? M: I’ve spent the whole summer vacation preparing my essay. W: What is it about?

M: Jeans. The history of jeans.

W: Sounds quite appealing. In my memory, jeans were only worn by poor people and laborers. They are affordable and highly valued as work wear.

M: Exactly. They were rough clothing worn by working men because of its durability. They wear well and wash easily, which is superior to other materials. W: What did middle class people wear at that time?

M: In contrast, middle and upper class people wore suits made of material like linen as a symbol of status.

W: Then, why did jeans become trendy?

M: I think there are three factors contributing to their popularity. Firstly, in 1908, the expiration of a patent “Levi’s” led to jeans on the market. W: You mean, the imitation jeans flooded on the market.

M: Yes. Secondly, the Romanization of “cowboy lifestyle” made jeans popular. W: I agree. A large number of western films helped their popularity such as Rebel Without a Cause and The Wild One. In the film, heroes wore jeans as a way of rebelling against social expectations. What else?

M: In the 1980s, interest in jeans ran high with the release of a series of sex and violence ads.

W: As you mentioned, jeans were a symbol of rebellion, were they allowed in schools or other formal occasions?

M: No, but as time went on, they become acceptable. People often wear them when they are not on duty to show their identity and a positive and casual lifestyle. W: That’s why they become popular after World War II. M: That’s quite reasonable. I didn’t realize it.

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W: To women, jeans have another advantage. They don’t need to be washed often and don’t need to be ironed. Women can save more time on housework. Why were jeans favored by working people? Why did the man mention Levi’s?

What was the second reason for the popularity of jeans? What were the two speakers mainly talking about? 【17题详解】

此题为听力题,解析略。 【18题详解】

此题为听力题,解析略。 【19题详解】

此题为听力题,解析略。 【20题详解】


II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A

Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Time to Learn How to Sort

Whatever we don’t want ---- no matter whether it’s eggshells, newspapers, soda cans or old socks ---- it’s all garbage. And garbage goes to the garbage bin. There seems to be ___21___wrong with that. But do you really know how to throw away garbage properly?

China ___22___ (promote) garbage sorting for over a decade, but for the majority of the public the concept hasn’t sunk in. Shenzhen issued a new regulation. It says residents will be fined up to 100 yuan and organizations 1,000 yuan for not sorting rubbish ___23___specific groups.

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“It’s evident that the government is determined to push this forward,” said Zhang Ning, a program officer ___24___(serve) in a Beijing-based public welfare organization. “But I’m afraid the regulation will prove to be counter-productive because garbage sorting has never been achieved by merely imposing severe punishments.”

A recent survey found that 49.5 percent of the respondents said they still don’t know how to sort garbage, ___25___45.5percent just can’t be bothered to do it. “Lots of citizens ___26___(confuse)about what’s recyclable and what’s general waste. For example, it’s scarcely known that tissue is non-recyclable because it’s too moisture-prone and usually too polluted ___27___ (recycle).” said Zhang, a representative.

According to Zhang, 70 percent of garbage is a“ ___28___(misplace)resource”. For instance, a ton of waste steel can be refined into 0.9 tons of usable steel, and a ton of kitchen waste is able to produce 0.3 tons of organic fertilizer.

But all of this is based on the condition ___29___the garbage is categorized properly. And the behavior of households ____30____the sorting process initially starts ---- is the key. Garbage sorting is a chain effect. Misconduct at the very beginning will make all the following efforts go in vain.

Garbage sorting is a complex issue and takes patience. So next time when you throw away what is called “garbage”, do it in the right way. 【答案】21. nothing

22. has promoted/ has been promoting 23. into 24. serving 25. while 26. are confused 27. to be recycled 28. misplaced 29. that 30. where 【解析】


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