
香山红叶杨 朔




译文1: I heard long ago that the leaves on Xiangshan (Fragrance Hill) display the best reds of autumn in the whole of Beijing. Of course I was only too happy to go and have a look.

译文2: I had long heard that the red autumn leaves on the Fragrant Hill manifested the most luxuriant autumnal color in Beijing.If I could have a chance to see it,I'd be so happy.


译文1: Luckily, on the day I went the weather could not have been better --- bright , clear and dry --- and we were just as lucky to find a guide.

译文2: The day I finally did go,it was a fine day.The sky was clear and as nice as nice could be.I was lucky enough to find a man who happened to be an old tourist guide.


译文1 : The old man lived right at the foot of the Western Hills. After working as guide for over forty years till his whiskers turned white, he still held himself straight, altogether looking quite fit.

译文2 : This old man happened to live right at the foot of the West Hill. He had worked as a tourist guide for forty years and although he had become a man bearing a white beard, he was still quite strong.


译文1:First we took our old guide to lunch at a small village restaurant. 译文2:At first we invited the old tourist guide to dine with us in a small restaurant in a small village.


译文1 : Half a cup of rye whisky consumed with a few rustic dishes put the old man in an expansive mood. Slowly he said:

译文2: Having been served several p1ates of game and half a cup of barley wine,the o1d man opened his mouth and said slowly,

“香山这地方也没别的好处,就是高,一进山门,门坎跟玉泉山顶一样平。 译文1: \position. You'll notice it as soon as you enter the Buddhist temple not far up the hill; its threshold is almost level with the top of Yuquanshan.

译文2: ―Except for its height,there is nothing worth seeing on the Fragrant Hill.Entering through the hill gate,you can see that its threshold is at the same level as the top of the Yuquan Hill (the Jade Spring Hill).


In such a high terrain, the air is naturally fresh and people like to come here.In the spring they come to walk amid the greenery; in the summer they are here to escape the heat and in the fall . . . \


译文1: \in our group impatiently broke in.

译文2: A companion asked in eagerness:―I don't know if the leaves on the hill have turned red.\


Advertising is a way of bringing information to the public for the purpose of selling a product, a service, an idea, or an event. 1. information2. eye-catching3. raise the desire to purchase. 广告手段(Advertising Media) 1. Press Advertising 报刊广告

2. Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电广告 3. Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告 4. Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售点陈列广告 5. Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易会 6. Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 7. Cinema 电影广告 广告的功能

广告具有信息功能(informative function) 美感功能(aesthetic function) 表情功能(expressive function) 祈使功能(vocative function)

英美现代广告学认为,广告的作用在于: 1. Information (提供信息) 2. Persuasion (争取顾客)

3. Maintenance of Demand (保持需求) 4. Creating Mass Markets (扩大市场) 5. Quality (确保质量)


吸引力(attractive --- catch the reader’s attention) 创造力(creative --- project an image) 说服力(persuasive --- urge the reader to act) 影响力(impressive --- produce an impact) 广告的语言特点

词汇特征(Verbal Characteristics of English advertising) 句法特点(Features of Advertising sentences) 词汇特征:

Frequent Use of Compounds复合词多

satin-soft, good-buy, high-quality, up-to-the-minute,undreamed-of, lemon-fragrant.

More Use of Adjectives 大量使用形容词

finestfood,most attractivesurroundings and afriendly disposition(餐馆广告) Incrediblesale:beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,topquality,latest styles for garments.(服装广告)

Originality in Spelling创新拼写

twogether— ―together‖的变异形式,用“two‖代替“to‖ eggsactly—―exactly‖ 的变形,是为了与所宣传的“egg‖相对应 句法特点

More Use of Shortened 、Simple Sentences 多用省略句和简单句 省略句:

Quality first. Customer supreme.质量第一,用户至上。(金龙电扇) Perfect care for you and your family—soft and comfortable.对您和家人的呵护—柔软舒适。 (手帕纸广告)


Add Cheer To Your Chicken.(一则辣椒番茄酱的广告语)

See A World Difference With New Transitions Comfort Lenses.(一种商标为Transitions的眼镜)

Ask for MORE.(MORE牌香烟广告)

Frequent Use of Rhetorical Questions and Imperative sentences 频繁使用设问句

Is microwave cooking fast? —You bet! 微波炉煮饭炒菜很快吗?—那还用说!

Ever wonder why most guys in pants ads are standing up? 想过吗?为什么西装裤广告里的男人总是站着? Let the New York Times find you. Go for the sun and fun.

Frequent Use of Present Tense 频繁使用一般现在时 One’s life begins with children’s shoes.(童鞋广告)

Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. (Rolex手表广告语) She works while you rest. (洗衣机广告)


翻译方法:直译法、意译法、弥补法、归化法、变通法、拆译法、套译法。 广告英语常用的修辞手法: Figures of Speech 比喻

比喻是广告英语中常见的主要修辞格之一,包括明喻(simile)和隐喻(metaphor)。比喻可以化抽象为形象,化陌生为熟悉,化平淡为生动。 Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine. (桔汁广告)


Light as breeze, soft as cloud (服装广告)轻飘飘如微风,软绵绵似彩云。 Cool as a mountain stream….Cool as fresh Consulate (Consulate 香烟)凉如高山溪流…爽似Consulate 香烟。

Feather water, light as a feather (Feather water眼镜广告)Feather water眼镜,轻如鸿毛。

As soft as Mother’s hands (童鞋广告)像母亲的手一样柔软。 Life is a journey. Travel it well. 人生如旅程,应尽情游历. (Metaphor) As soft as Mother’s hands.像母亲的手一样柔软.(童鞋广告) Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. 轻如云,柔如云. (服装广告) Personification 拟人

Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart. (鲜花广告)英特拂劳拉的鲜花倾诉衷肠。

Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. (Rolex手表广告) 和我不同,我的劳力士从不需要休息。

We are proud of the birthplaces of our children, the grapes of Almaden. (葡萄酒广告)我们为孩子们的出生地而自豪—Almaden的葡萄酒 She works while you rest.(洗衣机)她工作,你(主人)休息。 Pun双关

The unique spirit of Canada. spirit一词双义:既指精神,又指烈性酒。 翻译方法: 拆译法。别具风味的加拿大酒,独特的加拿大民族

Try our sweet corn, and you’ll smile from ear to ear. ear一词双义:耳朵,穗。拆译为:尝一尝我们的甜玉米,你将笑得合不拢嘴,吃了一个又一个。 She wants to put her tongue in your mouth. (香港语言中心广告) tongue一词双义:语言、舌头。意译为:她要把她的语言教给你。

You can buy Happiness. (染发水广告)意译为:购买“幸福”,拥有幸福。 Make your every hello a real good—buy.(电话广告)good—buy与good—by同音异行异义形成双关。意译为:让您的每次通话都货真价实。 谐音双关(Homophonic Pun):

湖南三湘大市场Hunan Sunshine Supermarket 东塘百货大楼Downtown Department Store

Make you every hello a real good buy.让你的每一声“哈罗”都真的物有所值。 WEAR-EVER introduces a new concept in glass oven ware: CLEANABILITY:“恒久”玻璃炉具带给您一个全新的概念:洁净。 一词多义双关(Homographic Pun)

She wants to put her tongue in your mouth.她要把她的语言教给你。 The unique spirit of Canada.别具风味的加拿大酒,独特的加拿大民族精神。 Spoil yourself and not your figure.尽情大吃,不增体重。 I’m More satisfied.我更满意摩尔香烟。

A deal with us means a good dealto you. 译文:和我们做买卖意味着您做了一笔好买卖。

语法双关(Grammar Pun)

-----Which lager can claim to be truly German? ------This can.(旁边画有一罐啤酒)

译文:----啤酒可称得上是地道的德国货?-----这罐。 Coke refreshes you like no other can. 译文:没有什么能像可乐那样令您神清气爽。 成语或俗语双关:

You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux. 译文:纳克斯坚果让你爱不释口。

Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. 译文:一天一块玛斯巧克力,让您工作像工作,娱乐像娱乐。 Hyperbole 夸张

Probably the best beer in the world. (Carlsberg beer 广告)

翻译方法:直译法。(夸张一般都采用直译)直译为:Carlsberg beer , 世界上最好的啤酒。

Take Toshiba, take the world. (Toshiba广告)东芝在手,世界在握。 Repetition 反复

Perfect ingredients for perfect hair. (Phytojoba洗发水的广告) 直译为:完美发水,完美发质。

When you’re sipping Lipton, you’re sipping something special.(果茶广告)当你在品抿立顿果茶时,你是在品抿非凡的茶。

We put them through water to make sure they don’t leak. We put them through mud and salt to make sure they won’t rust.我们把它们放置于水中以确信它们不会渗漏,我们让它们穿过泥泞和盐水以确信它们不会生锈。 Extraordinary cola, extraordinary choice.非常可乐,非常选择。

Fine old platinum engagement rings and wedding bands at fine prices.这里的两个―fine‖属于一词多义,不宜采用直译。

翻译方法: 意译法,用译文读者易懂的切合原文意思的词语和恰当式来表达原文的内涵和精髓。


Better connections create better understanding. And that makes a better world. (PCCW的电信广告)通更顺畅,了解更深入,世界更美好 广告英语中的仿拟现象

Where there is a mountain, there is a road; where there is a road, there is Toyota.

浅析:该广告巧妙地仿用了英语中“Where there is a will, there is a way.‖这句家喻户晓的谚语,顾客很容易地就把丰田车记住了,其劝说功能显而易见。 译文可直译为:有山必有路,有路必有丰田车。 A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play.

浅析:一看这个广告,大家很容易联想到两则英语谚语:“An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一苹果,医生原离我。”和“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明小孩也变傻。”这则广告似乎告诉人们吃了这种巧克力既可以保持身体健康又可以聪明,激起了人们购买的欲望。这里可直译:一日一块马尔斯牌巧克力,给你工作、休闲、娱乐添精力。 Give me Green World, or give me yesterday.

浅析:大家都知道美国独立战争时期杰出的政治家Patric Henry 的名句“Give me liberty, or give me death! 不自由,毋宁死!”

这里不可以直译为:要么给我绿世界晚霜,要么给我昨天。要作意译处理:要么给我绿世界晚霜,要么还我昨日容颜。这样翻译,很容易在消费者心理产生共鸣,因而激起他们购买的欲望。 He who runs last laughs best.(轮胎广告) 谁跑在最后,谁笑得最好。

Go with the flow. 紧随潮流。(服装广告)

浅析:套用了美国作家玛格丽泰.密西尔的传世之作Gone With the Wind.(飘) Where there is a road, there is Toyota.这则广告仿拟习语Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

翻译方法:套译法,即套用英语在汉语中已经沉积下来的固有模式。能好地表达广告的原意,加深消费者对该产品的印象。 可译为:有路就有丰田车。

Hero Meets Hero.英雄识英雄。(招聘广告) 仿拟了英语谚语:Like knows like. Rhymes 押韵:

More experience in express. (DHL特快专递广告)可译为:更多经验,更好服务尽在DHL特快专递

Go with the flow. Soft, swaying shapes, so right for summer.紧随潮流,柔软摇曳的形态,夏天穿着是如此舒适。

Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion only from Sony.高度保真,高级趣味,高尚名流,来自索尼

Sea, Sun, Sand, Seclusion- and Spain (海滨旅馆)。海水、阳光、沙滩、幽僻之乡—西班牙情调!

Good teeth, good health. (高露洁牙膏广告) 牙齿好,身体就好。




Life is a journey, Travel it well (联合航空)人生之旅,尽情游历 Feel the new space. (三星电子)感受新境界 Tide’s in, dirt’s out. (汰渍洗衣粉)汰渍到,污垢逃。 Ideas for life.(松下)我们为生活出主意。

Come for price. Stay for service. (Lexus 汽车)购时价格公道,售后服务周到。 If you drive, don’t drink; if you drink, don’t drive.严谨酒后驾车。 Just do it。跟着感觉走。(Nike) 2、简洁


Avoid debt and stay merry. (State Farm 保险公司)无债一身轻。 牡丹香烟醇味盖冠 ---牡丹香烟 Peony stands out for taste.

不求今日拥有,但求天长地久。 ---青岛牌电视机 Choose once and choose for good.

Can’t beat the real thing.(Coca-Cola)挡不住的诱惑。 3、


品味更胜一筹(食品广告) Better than ever! Taking the lead in a Digital World. ---三星 领先数码,超越永恒

A diamond is forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传

Intelligence everywhere. –--摩托罗拉智慧演绎,无处不在。 4、


艾诗助您散发自然韵味。---艾诗芬香润肤露Enchanteur Unfolds your natural magic.

We try harder. (出租车公司广告)我们在努力。

M&M’s melt in your mouth, not in your hands.(巧克力广告)只溶在口,不溶在手。 5、


Buy a Diamond brand watch, if every second counts for you.人带梅花,准时乐道。

Connecting People---Nokia科技以人为本 Better late than the late.晚到总比完蛋好。 你不理财,财不理你

If you leave ―Managing Money‖ alone, Money will manage to leave you alone 中药材广告:“药材好,药才好。” Only fine medicinal herbs Make fine herbal medicines

茅台酒的广告语:茅台一开,满室生香;国酒茅台,渊源流长。 Mao-tai - a vintage liquor

A VIP treat which diffuses the finest aroma;A national favor that won a 1915 diploma Originated in 135 B.C.)


Mao-tai: A liquor of national status that makes your life gracious.



―一切皆有可能”(李宁服饰) Anything is possible. ―给我一个机会,还你一个惊喜”(嘉亨印务) Give me a chance, and you’ll have a big surprise. ―拥有完美肌肤的秘诀” The secret for perfect skin. 国酒茅台,相伴辉煌。Good and vigorous spirit. 运动休闲,我行我速。Go my own way. 我有我的品质。What we do, we do well.

爱您一辈子(绿世界化妆品) Love me tender, love me true.

一册在手,纵览全球(《全球》杂志的广告语) With a copy of The Globe in your hand, the world unfolds before you so grand.

中原之行哪里去?郑州亚细亚。(亚细亚商场) While in Zhengzhou, do as the Zhengzhounese do --- Go shopping in the Asian Supermarket. 随身携带,有备无患;随身携带,有惊无险。(速效救心丸) A friend in need is a friend indeed.



Falling water is a study in opposites-motion and stability ,change and permanence, power and ephemerality-that make the human condition a paradox of welcome adventure and anxious uncertainty.

Where to now? I’ll tell you: the oasis, the best Mexican food at that altitude in the city- and the most spectacular sunset.


城隍庙译为Chenghuang Temple 民族饭店译为Mingzu Hotel 海南景点“鹿回头”可译为“Luhuitou (turn-round deer scenic spot)

天涯海角可译为Tianya-Haijiao (the end of the earth and the edge of the sea) ―兵马俑‖译为―Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses‖, ―十三陵”译为“Ming Tombs‖, ―故宫”译为“the Imperial Palace‖, ―颐和园”译为“the Summer Palace


译文:Inside the Huaqing Hot Spring, there is a bathing pool called Guifeichi, which is said to have been the bathing place of Yang Guifei.

在景点和景区的翻译中,音译加意译的方法更为常用。比如,把“中山陵”译为Dr Sun Yat-sen’s mausoleum, 把苏州著名园林“拙政园”译为Garden of Humble Administrator


译文The Great Vehicle Temple faces south with its walls shaped after the Eight Diagrams ( combinations of the whole or broken lines formerly used in divination).八卦是我国古代的占卜符号,是中国特色词汇,需要经过说明才能为外国读者所接受。 1.Hyde Park(海德公园) 2.Painted Desert(彩色沙漠)

3.Museum of History and Technology(历史与工艺博物馆) 4.Pentagon(五角大楼)

Fresh Summer Flavors

Stay refreshed with a special selection of food and beverages at Hong Kong Disneyland this summer season. Across the park you can try out our

refreshing summer treats, including frosty drinks with grass jelly and red bean, ice cream treats and fresh summer fruits to chill your taste buds! Follow the flavor trail to the Disney hotels, and you'll find fine summer dining to sample at our signature restaurant, Crystal Lotus

原文中重点描述的是夏日里清凉新鲜的诱人美食,翻译时重点应放在special selection of food and beverages 、refreshing summer treats 、frosty drinks with grass jelly and red bean, ice cream treats and fresh summer fruits 、chill your taste buds 等信息上。而译文对原文中生动的Across the park 、Follow the flavor trail 作了淡化处理。请看: [参考译文] 夏日滋味乐透心

香港迪士尼乐园满载丰富的美食体验。乐园内的餐厅献上多款的消暑美食和冻饮,包括凉粉红豆冰、特色雪糕和夏日鲜果等,可口透心凉。此外,香港迪士尼乐园酒店的晶荷轩更可让馋嘴的您品尝创新的夏日美食 Summer Shopping Spree

Get ready for some unforgettable shopping this summer, with great gift ideas for the whole family. Dress for the summer with baseball caps and

snazzy sunglasses featuring an all-star cast of Disney friends. If you're feeling thirsty, signature Disney drinking cups will add fun to any beverage! And don't forget to check out the great new clothes, toys and accessories for the park's newest attractions, including the car driving adventure attraction

Autopia, and Stitch Encounter, featuring everyone's favorite little blue alien! [参考译文] 夏日购物乐


用的水杯,以及夏日全新游乐设施驰车天地与幸会史迪仔的主题衣饰、玩具和精品,全都不容错过。一身夏日装束,一系列夏日精品,令旅程更添乐趣。 Shark Aquarium

Then again. Most sharks are harmless…to people! But not all. Here you’ll

come face to face with 70 sharks from 35 species as you travel through Asia’s first underwater tunnel. Watch them as they glide over head, and learn about every species, including the rare species. Ocean Park has been able to breed in captivity. You’ll never be this close to a shark again. [参考译文] 鲨鱼馆



1. 欢迎各位参加“丝绸之路游”,为期两周的游览将成为您一生中最难忘的经历之一。

Welcome to our Silk Road Tour. This two-week tour/ trip/ excursion will (may) turn out to be one of the most unforgettable (memorable) experiences in your life.

2. 丝绸之路的历史可以追溯到公元前2世纪,当时一名中国官员、朝廷使者张骞沿着这条连接亚欧两大洲的贸易通道出使西域。

The Silk Road can be traced back to (traces back to/ dates back to ) the

second century before B.C., when Zhang Qian, a Chinese official and imperial envoy, went on business to Xiyu (the Western Region) along this trade route that linked (joined/ connected ) [connecting] Asia and Europe. (结构调整) 3. 这条通道源于长安城(今天的西安),一路穿越陕西省、甘肃省境内的河西走廊、新疆塔里木盆地、帕米尔山区、阿富汗、伊朗、伊拉克以及叙利亚,最后抵达地中海的东岸,全程七千公里,其中有四千多公里的路段在中国境内。 The route began at Chang’an City (the present Xi’an), passed Shanxi province, the Hexi Corridor in (of) Gansu Province, the Tarim Basin and the Pamir mountains in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, as well as such foreign countries as Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria, and finally (it) reached (ended at) the eastern coast (shores ) of the Mediterranean. Of the route’s 7,000 kilometers,

over (more than ) 4, 000 were within Chinese territory. [It was 7,000 kilometers with more than 4,000 in China. (用foreign countries进行概括) 4. 15世纪前的一千多年里,中国通过这条通道给西域各国带去了丝绸织物、火药、造纸术和印刷术。

For the more than 1,000 years (the millennium) before the 15th century, through (along, via) this route Chinese brought (dispatched/ delivered/sent) to the West (to Western countries) their silk cloth (fabrics), gunpowder, paper-making technique, and printing technique.

5. 同时,这条通道给我们引进了佛教,伊斯兰教,以及葡萄、核桃、石榴、黄瓜、玻璃、香水等产品。

Meanwhile, through this route, we Chinese introduced from foreign countries Buddhism and Islam as well as such products as grapes, walnuts, pomegranates, cucumbers, glass and perfume.

6. 因为中国丝绸是沿着这条道进入西方国家的,所有欧洲学者将此道称作“丝绸之路”。

Since (As, Because) China’s silk (the Chinese Silk) reached Western countries along this route (followed this road to enter the West), European scholars call (called) it the Silk Road.

7. 丝绸之路沿途的大批历史人物、引人入胜的自然风景以及富有情趣的地方文化,使这一长途远游成了世界上最精彩的旅游项目之一。

The Silk Road is abundant (rich) in historical relics, attractive (enchanting) scenery (landscape) and varied local cultures, which make this long trip (journey) one of the world’s most interesting tour programs.

8. 在丝绸之路的中国段,沿线散居着许多少数民族,他们对来自世界各地的游客都以礼相待,热情好客。

Along the Chinese section of the route live (reside) many Chinese ethnic minorities (minority nationalities), who are polite and hospitable to visitors from other parts of the world.

9. 这里的食物和工艺品不同于中国中部的食物和工艺品。这里的民间传说,如同天方夜谭一般神奇,听来别有一番情趣。

The food and crafts (handcrafts) here differ from those in he central part of China (in central China). The legends (folk legends/ folklore) here are as mysterious (miraculous) and fascinating as the stories/tales from the Arabian Nights.

10. 我社安排的“丝绸之路游”,始于西安古城,止于新疆首府乌鲁木齐,期间我们还要游览兰州、敦煌以及吐鲁番。

The Silk Road organized by this travel agency starts at the ancient city of Xi’an and finishes at Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang. Along the way, we are going to visit Lanzhou City, Dunhuang [for its murals] and Turpan Basin.

11. 沿线您可以领略自然景观的魅力,欣赏古代艺术家高超的工艺,品尝地方风味小吃,结识当地居民。这次游览一定会给您留下可与家人朋友共享的美好回忆。

En route (Along the route) you will see the charms of the natural scenery, appreciate the fine (excellent) workmanship of ancient artists, taste (savor) the local food (delicacies), and meet (become acquainted with) the local people. The tour is sure to leave you wonderful memories which you can share with you family and friends.

乐山是一座拥有独特旅游资源的城市,以世界文化和自然遗产峨眉山和乐山大佛为中心,还有4处国家级文化遗址、2处国家级风景名胜、1 处国家级自然保护区以及15处省级风景区和森林公园。旅游项目丰富多彩,如观佛拜佛、旅游探险、民风民俗以及保护生态为宗旨的旅游活动。乐山大佛峨眉山成了环状旅游线路的中心。2001年1月乐山被评为“中国优秀旅游城市”。旅游经济得到持续发展。2000年的旅游收入达217,700万元乐山还被列为“全国44个重点旅游城市”之一,名列全国A级旅游景点。

Leshan is a city featuring with unique tourist resources. With Mt. Emei and Leshan Giant Buddha the world’s cultural and natural heritage as the core, located are 4 state-level cultural relics sites, 2 state-level scenic attractions, 1 state-level natural protection zone and 15 other provincial-level scenic spots and forest parks. The tourist programs are diversified with full ranges such as

Buddhist temple and Buddha worshiping, exploration, folk custom, and ecology orientation. Leshan Giant Buddha-Mt. Emei becomes the center of a circle of tourist routings. In Jan. 2001, Leshan was honoured ―Top Tourist City in China‖. The tourist economy has increased steadily. The year of 2000 saw a tourism income of 2.177 billion yuan. Leshan is also listed as one of ―the 44 key tourist cities of the country‖ and ranked among the Class A tourist spots in the countrywide.

获悉你们将招聘一名秘书,本人万分欣喜。I am very excited and delighted over the news that you are recruiting\\seeking\\looking for a secretary.


Learning from the Entrance and Employment Office of our school that you are looking for an assistant to the general manager, I hope to offer myself to the


As the spring festival is coming, it occurs to me that you may need additional helpers in selling goods for the new year. I have a whole month’s vacation, from January 10 to February 10, during which I can work as a shop assistant.

本人23岁,今年7月即可大学毕业。I am graduating from college in this coming July, and I am 23 years old.

我是北京师范大学教育系的在读研究生,在读大学本科时,曾主修汉语和大众传媒学。 I am enrolled in the graduate division of the Department of Education in Beijing Normal University. As a graduate, I had a double major of Chinese and Mass Communication.

本人读大学期间,曾通过大学英语六级考试。本人能非常熟练的读、说、听、写英语。At college, I passed CET6,I can read, speak, listen to and write English very well.

在上东农业大学机械工程系学习的四年,使我奠定了坚实的理论基础,而在潍坊塑料厂任助理工程师的最近三年,则使我在机械设备方面积累了丰富的实践经验。 My four years study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong

Agricultural University, has given me a lot of theoretical foundation. And the recent three years employment by the Weifang Plastics, as an assistant engineer, has given me a lot of experience in maintenance of machinery equipment.

如果我的申请获得成功,我要求每个月3000元的工资,希望您能接受此要求。 If my application is successful, I should require a salary of 3000 yuan per month. I hope that will be acceptable.

关于薪水,请您们考虑本人的能力定夺。As regards salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience my capacity.

本人要求贵公司提供一套单元房,如有困难,我要求一开始能在公司集体宿舍里有一个床位。I should require that your company provide me with an apartment. If impossible, I can accept a bed in the company’s dormitory to begin with.

关于福利,本人唯一希望就是享受医疗保险。As for welfare, my only hope is to enjoy medical insurance.

希望你们将对我的申请给与优先考虑,并在你们方便的侍候及早安排面试。I hope that you will be kind enough to consider my application and schedule me for an interview at your earliest convenience

本人将以极大的兴趣期待着贵公司对我求职的答复。I am looking forward with great interest to hearing from you regarding my application.

本人愿向你们保证,如蒙聘用,我会努力工作让你们满意。I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you very satisfaction.

如果您有什么问题或要与我联系,我的通讯地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址都写在个人简历上。Should you have any questions or wish to contact me, my address, telephone number and E-mail address are all on my resume.

1. 提出攻读学位的申请

为了进一步深造,我特向贵校申请攻读工商管理专业的硕士学位。With a view to get some advanced studies, I am writing to you to apply for the admission to pursue the Master’s degree in Business Administration and Management in you university.

我写此信是希望能有机会到贵校攻读应用物理硕士学位。I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university. 2. 索要申请表格及有关资料

如蒙速寄研究生申请表、奖学金申请表以及物理学院的详细介绍和其他有关资料,感激不尽。I should greatly appreciate it if you would send me the

Graduate Application Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships, a detailed introduction to the School of Physics, and other relevant information at your earliest convenience.

3. 询问学费及奖学金资助情况

考虑到我的学业成绩、教学成绩,以及在美国无可作经济资助人的亲友,故烦请告知,贵系能否给与我全额奖学金。Would you please tell me wether it is possible for your department to grant me a full scholarship considering my academic records, teaching ability and my having no relatives or friends in America to be my sponsor? 4. 已参加的考试情况

我已参加过―托福‖和―研究生入学考试‖,成绩分别为615和2034。I have taken the TOEFL and GRE test. My scores of the two were 615 and 2034 respectively.


? 从上文中可以看到,汉语四字结构工整对仗,读来朗朗上口,起伏跌宕,悦耳动听,首先满足了读者的视觉听觉上的享受,符合人们审美习惯与心理态势,同时又体现了作者扎实的文化功底,蕴含着丰富的语言符号意义。陈宏薇(1998:132)认为,翻译时,译者“应力求达到译文与原文在内容和形式上的统一,向英语读者介绍中国的语言文化精华”。 [参考译文]

Beijing, being one of the world’s great cities, is full of tourist attractions. Among these are the magnificent Tiananmen Gate, the majestic Palace

Museum, the imposing Great Wall, the scenic Summer Palace, the ingenious Temple of Heaven, the enchanting Beihai Park and the carefully laidout Ming Tombs. Unrivaled and of world renown, these ancient structures remain attractions to both domestic and foreign travelers.

译者将多个装饰性的四字结构整合为极具特色的英语单词,充分表现了这些景点独特魅力之处。同样描写古建筑雄伟壮丽,译文则采用了magnificent, majestic, imposing构成的几个短语排比,分别表现了天安门的雄伟、故宫的庄严、长城的壮丽;而对颐和园只用了一个scenic体现了其景色秀美如画,通过这些简单而不重复的词语再现了原文的美感功能。对烟波浩淼黛色风光的北海公园译者则认为它展现的是一幅妩媚迷人的画面,所以用enchanting更为细腻,贴切到位。又如:



城内外遍布名胜古迹。寒山寺,诗韵钟声,脍炙人口;虎丘,千年古塔,巍然屹立;天平山,奇石嶙峋,枫林如锦;洞庭东山,湖光山色,花果连绵。 别具匠心的园林驰名中外。沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园、留园、网师园、怡园等,亭台楼阁,池石林泉,疏密适度,相映生辉;廊榭曲折,沟壑幽深,移步换景,引人入胜;布局结构,各显特色,表现了宋、元、明、清各个时期园林艺术的不同风格,反映了我国历代劳动人民的高度智慧和卓越的创造才能。 ?


阁成严谨均衡的几何图形空间布局的静态美与径缘池转、廊引人随、步移景换的立体动感美,将一幅美轮美奂的自然山水与人文景观在读者面前展露无遗。译文也应体现原文的动静之美,达到与原文形式美学上等化的效果。 [参考译文]

Located on the Shanghai-Nanjing railway and off Lake Taihu, Suzhou is a city of historical fame south of the Yangtze, which claims its founding in 514 B.C.

The city abounds with fine scenery and historical interest. The popular haunt of Hanshan Temple, with its charming bell, has inspired many poetic mind. On Tiger Hill, a thousand-year-old pagoda stands in majesty; and while luxuriant fruit-trees add to the natural beauty of East Dongting Hills and lake around, Tianping Hill is featured by grotesque rock formations and red maple woods.

The unique style of widely reputed Suzhou gardens is seen in Gentle Waves Pavilion, Lion Grove Garden, the Humble Administrator’s Garden, Lingering Garden, the Master-of-Nets Garden and Joyous Garden. Their towers, gazeboes, terraces, winding corridors and water-side pavilions are so

artistically laid out among ponds, rockeries, trees and grottoes that visitors

are impressed by the depth they create, and find a different vista at every turn. All this makes a visit most enjoyable. The classical gardens of Suzhou bear the characteristics of the Chinese landscape architecture of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and stand as a monument to the wisdom and creativity of the working people of ancient China.

