
7. It’s six o’clock. It’s time for English class. Step2 Presentation 1. Show six clocks, review the time 6:15 7:05 11:45 5:00 6:20 10:00 T: What time is it? It’s six fifteen in the morning…. (复习时间,并将钟面贴在黑板) Guess: What do I usually do at 6:15 in the morning? Ss: get up/have breakfast… T: I usually get up at 6:15 板书:I(usually)…at… Teach: usually When do you get up? Ss: I get up at… 2. In the same way to teach: go to school at 7:05 have lunch at 11:45 go home at 5:00 have dinner at 6:20 go to bed at 10:00 3. T: I do different things at different time. (Chant) I get up at six fifteen. I go to school at seven o five. I have lunch at eleven fifteen . I go home at five. I have dinner at six twenty I go to bed at ten. So this is my day. 揭题:Unit 3 My day 4. Talk in groups. Make a new chant, say something about your day. Step3 Story time T: We’re having an English lesson and we’re talking about our days. Mike is talking about his day too. Let’s listen to Mike, try to find out Mike’s activities in the morning. (Part1) Ss listen and then choose the pictures.(出示五幅图:起床、看电视、上学、睡觉、吃午饭,学生听第一段,根据Mike的介绍选出早上的活动) 1. Listen again and match(再听一遍介绍,出现三个钟面,将Mike的活动与时间配对) 2. T: What else does Mike do in the morning? Ss: have lessons T: Yes. And how many lessons does he have in the morning. Ss: Four.

T: So Mike has four lessons in the morning. 3. Listen and read Part 1. (Part2) 1.T: How many lessons does Mike have in the afternoon? And what else does Mike do in the afternoon? Let’s listen again, and try to answer. Q1. How many lessons does Mike have in the afternoon? Q2. What else does Mike do in the afternoon? Teach: go home do my homework In the afternoon: have lessons/play football/go 2.Listen and read Part 2 (Part3) 1.Read Part3 by selves, try to fill in the blanks. Activity Have dinner 7:00 Time 2. Talk in groups: When does Mike do these things? Say like this:…at… 3.Listen and read Part3 Step4Consolidation 1.Read in three. 2.Act as Mike, choose one part and talk about your activity.(三人一小组,扮演Mike,选择早、中、晚其中一个时间说说自己的活动) 作业布置 1. Listen and read the story, try to recite it. 2.Describe your day to your family, then write it down. 板书设计 Unit 3 My day I (usually) …at… In the morning/ afternoon / evening/ at night 6:20 11:45 7:05 5:00 6:15 get up go to school have lunch go home have dinner go to bed 10:00

课时 课题 教学 内容 个人初备案 第二课时 Unit 3 My day Vocabulary & Fun time 1、能听懂会说:When do you ...? I...at?并能在情境中熟练的运用。 2、能熟练说出有关日常活动和时间的短语have lunch, play football, have dinner, go to bed, at night等。 3、能熟练运用本课所学的词汇和句型描述人物的日常活动。 4、学会统筹的安排时间,合理的安排自己的日程表,养成良好的生活和学习习惯。 掌握句型: When do you...? I usually ...at ... 并能熟练运用本课所学的词汇和句型描述人物的日常活动。 .X 1. 运用句型When do you...? I usually ...at ... 描述人物的日常活动 Q-and-A method、work in pairs、 free discussion、Group works PPT、板书 1课时 Step1 Greeting and warm up 1.Review the time: T: What time is it now?(师拨时钟,学生迅速说出时间,最后拨时间8:00) 2.T: I watch TV at eight evening.(做看电视的动作) Now let’s play a game: Guess and say!(师做动作,学生快速说出表示的单词或短语) Step 2 Presentation 1. (Show Mike.) Yesterday we learnt about Mike’s daily life. Now let’s look back again. 2. (出示钟面) What time is it? Ss: It’s seven o’clock. T: Yes, it’s seven o’clock in the morning. What does Mike do at 二次修改 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 教学手段 教时安排 教学过程

seven o’clock?(出示图片剪影)Guess! Ss: He gets up at seven. 3. (出示另一个钟面) Teach:go to school in the same way. And what about this one? Ss: go to school Teach: get up/ go to school 3.T: What does Mike usually do in the afternoon? Show two pictures. Ss: He … Teach: play football at four/go home at four forty in the afternoon. 4:Show three pictures(have dinner/watch TV/go to bed) How about in the evening or at night? Please talk in groups. Then teach these phrases according to their answers: Have dinner at six thirteen Watch TV at seven in the evening Step3 Fun time 1. Show a timetable and finish it. T: Do you want to know something about my day? You can ask me like this: Teach: When do you…? Ss: When do you get up? T: I get up at six in the morning. Ss ask ,T answers and draw the clocks. 2. T: Look ,this is my day.(Introduce the T’s day) How about yours? 3. Ss draw and write. 4. Ask and answer in pairs(同桌各自询问对方的timetable。并两人一组上台展示自己的完成情况:S1:When do you get up? S2: I get up at 6:30. ) 作业布置 5. Copy the new words and phrases. 6. Introduce your day to your parents. 7. Ask your friends about their days. Unit 3 My day 板书设计 in the morning get up … When do you go home in the afternoon … watch TV in the evening … go to bed at night
