
Jay Criche, a teacher, died several months ago. He taught English for 30 years. For most of that time, he wore sport coats most of the year, in weather cold or warm, and if I remember correctly, there were patches(补丁) on these sport 35 . He wore small glasses, a thick mustache, and his hair was dark, dusted with gray.

I took his course when I was a junior, and the first 36 we read was ―A Portrait(肖像) of the Artist as a Young Man.‖ He showed us a picture of James Joyce-the writer. In it, Joyce’s hands were as if paddling through water. Mr. Criche asked if anyone knew why the artist had 37 Joyce that way, and I raised my hand. ―Is he swimming through a stream of consciousness(意识)?‖

Mr. Criche 38 the answer, and a wave of support swept over me. I hadn’t known, until that moment, how badly I’d 39 his support. I was going through some 40 times at school and at home-my face and back were covered in acne(痤疮), my chest was concave(凹的), my last name sounded like food---but in that class, I felt I had worth.

He was 41 to me, but he took particular notice of me. Near the end of the term, we read “Macbeth”. I wrote a paper about the play- the first paper-and turned it in the next day.

I got a good grade on it, and below the grade Mr. Criche wrote, ― Sure hope you become a writer.‖ 42 those six words. It was the first time he or anyone had showed writing was a career (职业) 43 for me. I don’t remember Mr. Criche 44 us how to take standardized tests, but when we took them, we did well. I don’t remember Mr. Criche teaching his lesson toward any state-regulated curricula, but we did pretty well. Why? Because he was hungry for 45 , so we were hungry, too. He made us want to impress(给……以深刻印象) him with the contents of our brains. He taught us how to 46 and why.

Teachers live on in a thousand hearts and minds. We follow them everywhere and always. 35. A. shoes 36. A. newspaper 37. A.imagined

B.sweaters B. letter B. drawn

C. coats C. magazine C. described

D. trousers D. book D. introduced

38. A. praised B. accepted C. explained D. gave 39. A. expected 40. A. happy 41. A. kind

B. received B. hard B.friendly

C. wanted C. sad C. polite

D. enjoyed D. exciting D. thankful

42. A. Only B. Even C. Still D. Just


43. A. plan 44. A. showing 45. A. learning 46. A. write

B. chance B. teaching B. trying B. study

C. choice C. helping C. working C. think

D. way D. telling D. changing D. express




Students’ Plans for Holiday I’m going to Australia in my summer holiday. It would be lots of fun. There are lots of animals like kangaroos and koalas there. I do love animals. I don’t want to lie in bed and watch TV for 10 hours every day. It’s boring. Linda I’m planning to go to a real cold place like Antarctic, and I’d like to take photos with penguins. I like penguins very much. They are so lovely. I hate lying on a hot beach doing nothing. Jim I’m dreaming of a trip to the Disneyland in America in my holiday. But I know it would cost a lot of money. I’d like to go there with one of my pen friends in California. He often sends me postcards. But my mum wants me to learn swimming this summer. Actually, I don’t like swimming at all. Sarah I want to go to some very hot and sunny places in my holiday, like Egypt. I’d like to travel on a camel. Me, my camel and sand, sand, sand everywhere. It would be a perfect holiday. I don’t want to be on that island I went to last summer. I’m so afraid of big mice there. Jack 47. How many students’ plans for holiday are there in the passage? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5. 48. What is Sarah planning to do? A. Take photos with penguins. B. Go to see kangaroos and koalas.


C. Go to Disneyland in America. D. Go to some very hot and sunny places. 49. Who went to an island last year?

A. Linda. B. Jim. C. Sarah. D. Jack.


Johnny went to see his grandparents on their farm, and they gave him a slingshot (弹弓) to play with out in the woods. He was excited and practiced for some time. But he could never hit the target he had set.

Getting a little upset, he headed back for dinner. As he was going back, he saw his grandma’s duck. Without thinking, he let the slingshot fly, hitting the duck in the head and killing it. In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the woodpile(柴堆), only to see his sister watching! But Sally said nothing. After lunch the next day, Grandma said, ―Sally, help me with the dishes.‖ But Sally said, ―Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.‖ Then she whispered(耳语) to Johnny, ―Remember the duck?‖ So Johnny did the dishes.

Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to ride horses, and Grandma said, ―I’m sorry but I need Sally to help me make supper.‖

Sally just smiled and said, ―Well, that’s all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help you.‖ She whispered again, ―Remember the duck?‖

So Sally went to ride horses and Johnny stayed behind to help make supper. After several days of doing both his chores and Sally’s, Johnny finally couldn’t stand it any more.

He went to his grandma and said that he had killed the duck.

Grandma smiled. ―Sweetheart, I know,‖ said Grandma. ―You see, I saw the whole thing at the window that day, but because I love you, I forgave you. I just waited to find out when you would tell me what you did.‖

50. How did Johnny feel when he couldn’t hit the target? A. Upset. B. Bored. C. Happy. D. Excited. 51. Why did Johnny keep helping Sally do chores?


A. Because he had told her he would do them.

B. Because Sally didn’t know how to do them. C. Because he wanted Sally to keep the secret. D. Because Grandma asked him to do the chores.

52. What has Johnny learned from his experience? A. One should be brave. B. One should be honest. C. One should be helpful. D. One should be patient.


Have you ever felt sleepy and unable to think clearly in a crowded classroom? The problem is caused by what we breathe out ourselves-carbon dioxide, or CO2.

There are rules about how much fresh air we need in buildings to keep us healthy. When there isn’t enough new air coming in to push the old air out, pollutants(污染物) build up. One of these pollutants is CO2, which increases every time we breathe out.

The truth is that CO2 has always been considered harmless. After all, how poisonous(有毒的)could it be since it comes out of our own body? But this view changed when an American scientist named William Fisk happened to watch an experiment by Hungarian scientists six years ago. Their findings showed that people have difficulty doing paperwork when CO2 levels are high.

Fisk and his team repeated the experiment at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in California, US. They asked students to participate over three different periods. During each period, there were different carbon dioxide levels. Students had to take part in role-playing games on a computer: They were told they were managers and the organization they were running was having some problems. Each student was then graded on how well they dealt with these problems.

Like the experiment from six years before, the results showed that students were more likely to make careful, smart decisions with less CO2 in the air. Their ability was reduced when the CO2

