
title('Group Delay of a Butterworth Bandstop Filter');



[N, Wn] = cheb1ord(0.2,0.4,0.5,40);Rp=0.5;

[num,den] = cheby1(N,Rp,Wn);[g, w] = Gain(num,den); % Plot the gain response figure(1);

plot(w/pi,g);grid; axis([0 1 -60 5]);

xlabel('\\omega /\\pi'); ylabel('Gain in dB');

title('Gain Response of a Type 1 Chebyshev Lowpass Filter'); figure(2);

w2 = 0:pi/511:pi;

Hz = freqz(num,den,w2); Phase = unwrap(angle(Hz)); plot(w2/pi,Phase);grid;

xlabel('\\omega /\\pi'); ylabel('Unwrapped Phase (rad)'); title('Unwrapped Phase Response of a Type 1 Chebyshev Lowpass Filter'); % Find and plot the group delay figure(3);

GR = grpdelay(num,den,w2); plot(w2/pi,GR);grid;

xlabel('\\omega /\\pi'); ylabel('Group Delay (sec)');

title('Group Delay of a Type 1 Chebyshev Lowpass Filter');

Gain Response of a Type 1 Chebyshev Lowpass Filter0-10-20Gain in dB-30-40-50-6000. /?
