41success 是抽象名词具体化,表示成功的人或事。 ○
[第6~7段译文] 然而,肢体语言有时也会引发歧义。虽然世界上的每种文化都用同样的姿势和表情,但他们使用的方法不同。例如,一个美国游客在一家德国旅馆会用手指做出一个圆圈表示“OK”。在美国这个手势表示一切顺利,可是在德国,它却会冒犯他人。另一个例子是在大多数文化里,点头表示“是”,摇头表示“不”,可是在其他一些文化里却刚好相反! 尽管有这些不同,世界各地的专家却一致认为有一种肢体语言是全世界都认可的,那就是微笑。微笑传递信息的成功率很高,所以可以大胆使用——即使当你紧张的时候——尤其在外国!
Pre-reading Please match the words with their proper meanings. 1.mate A.the feeling that sb./sth. is good or acceptable
B.transmitting light; able to be
seen through with clarity
3.approval C.to buy 4.transparent family as sb. else
5.purchase E.used as a friendly way of addressing sb., especially between men
6.explicit F.from a lower to a higher position 7.unconscious G.(feelings, thoughts, etc.) existing or happening without your realizing or being aware; not deliberate or controlled
8.upwards H.precisely and clearly expressed 9.congratulate I.to look like or be similar to another person or thing
10.resemble J.to tell sb. that you are pleased about their success or achievements
1~5____________ 6~10____________ 答案:1~5 EDABC 6~10 HGFJI Lead-in
How can we communicate our ideas to others? Please match the words with the pictures.
D.a person who is in the same
①music ②facial expressions ③tone of voice ④language
Scan the text and choose a heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading.
(1)Para.1 (2)Para.2 body language
(3)Para.3 (4)Para.4 confusing
C.The disadvantages of smiling D.Why body language can be A.An aid to travelers B.Conscious and unconscious
(6)Para.6 (7)Para.7