
necessary to ensure your safety and keep calm, pay close attention to the cabin attendants and follow their directions.”

2) 安全检查(依据实际情况作以下广播)


Please pass your food tray and all other service items for pick up.


Please put the high-heeled shoes, denture, necklace, tie, pens, watches and jewelry in the overhead bin or hand them to them to the flight attendants.


Fasten your seat belt, bring seat backs to the upright position and stow all tray tables. Stow footrests and in-seat video units. Please put all of your baggage under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin.” 3) 示范救生衣的使用方法:


Now the flight attendants will explain the use of life vest. Please take your life vest on and follow the instruction of your flight attendants. 救生衣在您座位底下。

Your life vest is located under your seat. 取出并撕开包装,将救生衣经头部穿好。

Pull the tab to open the pouch and remove the life vest. To put the vest on, slip it over your hand.


The fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist.


Upon leaving the aircraft, inflate your life vest by pulling down on the two red tabs. But do not inflate it while you are in the cabin.

充气不足时,可将救生衣上部人工充气管拉出,用嘴向里吹气。 If your life vest needs further inflation, you can pull the mouthpieces from the upper part of the vest and blow into them.

现在,乘务员将协助任何需要帮助的旅客穿上救生衣。 Your flight attendants will help any passnger who needs assistance. 4) 介绍应急出口位置,脱出区域划分:


Now the flight attendants are pointing to the exits nearest to you. Please identify them and be aware your closest exit may be behind you. When evacuating Leave everything on board! 5) 示范防冲击安全姿势:


Now we will explain the bracing for impact position.



● 两脚分开用力蹬地,手臂交叉抓住前方椅背,收紧下颚,头放


When instructed to brace for impact, put your legs apart, place your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms like this. Lean forward as far as possible, and hold the seat back in front of you, rest your face on your arms.

● 收紧下颚,双手虎口交叉置于脑后,低下头,俯下身。

When instructed to brace for impact, cross your hand and above your head, then bend over, keep your head down, stay down.


When you hear “Brace! Brace!” take the position, and keep this position until you hear Open your seat belt!”


Now please take this position, so that the flight attendant can assist you. 6) 选择救援者:


Ladies and gentlemen, if there are any airline employees, law enforcement, fire rescue or military personnel on board, please identify yourself to a flight attendant. We need your assistance. We will also be asking some of you to change seats to better help those needing assistance or to be closer to an exit to help evacuate. Please remain seated unless you are asked to move. 7) 备撤离时携带的物品 8) 再次进行安全确认:

“请乘务员再次进行安全确认。” [夜间] 调暗客舱灯光。 9) 自身确认,报告乘务长 10) 报告机长“客舱准备完毕” 11) 发出指令:


“All attendants prepare yourself.”


