
能存在于人们所厌恶之地,那就接近于懂得“道”了。 居处适应于任何之地,心灵沉静有如深渊。

交往善于择人,立言善于守信,执政谋求治平,作事善有耐性,举动善择时机。 他总是不与人争,所以永远不招怨恨。

42 Version I Chapter 8

The perfect goodness is like water. Water approaches all things

instead of contending with them. It prefers to dwell where no one would like to stay;

Hence it comes close to the Tao. A man of perfect goodness

chooses a low place to dwell as water, He has a heart as deep as water,

He offers friendship as tender as water, He speaks as sincerely as water, He rules a state as orderly as water, He does a thing as properly as water, He takes action as timely as water.

Like water, he never contends with others, So he never commits a mistake. Tran. By 辜正坤

Version II Chapter 8

The highest good is like that of water. The goodness of water is that it benefits the ten thousand creatures; yet itself does not scramble, but is content with the places that all men disdain. It is this that makes so near to the Way.

And if men think the ground the best place for building a house upon,

If among thoughts they value those that are profound, If in friendship they value gentleness,

In words, truth; in government, good order; In deeds, effectiveness; in action, timeliness– In each case it is because they prefer what does not lead to strife,

And therefore does not go amiss.
