
Practice makes perfect. May 1st

Zip: Will you come to the party? Today is Rabbit¡¯s birthday. Zoom: Sorry, I can¡¯t. I want to practise my song. May 2nd

Rabbit: Will you play football with me after school? Zoom: Sorry, I can¡¯t. I want to practise the song. May 3rd

Cat: Let¡¯s watch TV together.

Zoom: Sorry. I need more practice. May 4th

Music teacher: Good job, Zoom. Zoom: Thank you, Miss Bird. Cat: I¡¯ll go swimming tonight. Will you go? Zoom: Of course!

Words in unit 4 first £¨1st£©µÚÒ»µÄ second £¨2nd£©µÚ¶þµÄ third £¨3rd£©µÚÈýµÄ fourth £¨4th£©µÚËÄµÄ fifth £¨5th£©µÚÎåµÄ

twelfth £¨12th£©µÚÊ®¶þµÄ twentieth £¨20th£©µÚ¶þÊ®µÄ twenty-first £¨21st£©µÚ¶þʮһµÄ twenty-third £¨23rd£©µÚ¶þÊ®ÈýµÄ thirtieth £¨30th£©µÚÈýÊ®µÄ fool ´ÀÈË£»Éµ¹Ï

special ÌرðµÄ£»ÌØÊâµÄ kitten Сè diary ÈÕ¼Ç

still ÈÔÈ»£»ÒÀ¾É£»»¹ÊÇ

noise ÉùÒô£»ÏìÉù£¨ÓÈÖ¸£©ÔëÒô fur £¨Ä³Ð©¶¯ÎïµÄ£©Å¨ÃܵÄÈíë open ¿ª×ÅµÄ walk ÐÐ×ß

Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A¡ªLet¡¯s talk

Chen Jie: The yellow picture is mine.

Are these all ours? Mike: Yes, they are.

Chen Jie: Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it?

Mike: It¡¯s Zhang Peng¡¯s.

Chen Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. Mike: It¡¯s Yifan¡¯s. Chen Jie: Oh, yes! It¡¯s his.

B¡ªLet¡¯s talk

(Sam is at Chen Jie¡¯s home.) Sam: Where is Fido now? Chen Jie: He¡¯s in the kitchen. Sam: Is he drinking water? Chen Jie: No, he isn¡¯t. He¡¯s eating.

Sam: Can I play with him now?

Chen Jie: Yes. Can you take him to the park? Sam: Woof, woof!

Robin at the zoo

Sarah and Robin are at the zoo. Robin is excited!

I¡¯m looking at a bear. I¡¯m dancing like a bear. I¡¯m looking at the rabbits. I¡¯m eating like a rabbit. I¡¯m looking at a tiger. I¡¯m running like a tiger. I¡¯m looking at an elephant. I¡¯m walking like an elephant. I¡¯m looking at a monkey. I¡¯m climbing like him. I¡¯m looking at a bird. I like flying.

I want to be a bird.

Robin, do you want to swim like a fish? No! No! I don¡¯t want to be a fish!

C¡ªStory time

Zip: Here comes a tiger. Zoom: Where is it? Zip: Shh. Be quiet. Zoom: Ah-choo!

Zip: Whose tail is that? It¡¯s running so fast. Zoom: Is it the tiger? Zip: Yes, it is.

Zip: I see two monkeys. Zoom: Where are they? Zip: Shh. They¡¯re climbing. Zoom: Wow! They¡¯re fast, too. Zoom: What are they doing? Zip: Why are they looking at us? Zoom: I don¡¯t know.

Zip: Look! They¡¯re taking pictures, too. Zoom: That¡¯s cute. They¡¯re copying us!

Words in unit 5 mine ÎÒµÄ

yours Ä㣨ÃÇ£©µÄ his ËûµÄ hers ËýµÄ

theirs ËûÃǵģ»ËýÃǵģ»ËüÃÇµÄ ours ÎÒÃǵÄ

climbing £¨climbµÄ-ingÐÎʽ£©£¨ÕýÔÚ£©Åʵǣ»ÅÊÅÀ eating£¨eatµÄ-ingÐÎʽ£©£¨ÕýÔÚ£©³Ô playing£¨playµÄ-ingÐÎʽ£©£¨ÕýÔÚ£©ÍæË£ jumping£¨jumpµÄ-ingÐÎʽ£©£¨ÕýÔÚ£©Ìø drinking£¨drinkµÄ-ingÐÎʽ£©£¨ÕýÔÚ£©ºÈ£¨Ë®£© sleeping£¨sleepµÄ-ingÐÎʽ£©£¨ÕýÔÚ£©Ë¯¾õ each ÿһ£»¸÷¸ö other ÆäËûµÄ each other Ï໥

excited Ð˷ܵģ»¼¤¶¯µÄ like Ïñ¡­¡­ÄÇÑù

Unit 6 Work quietly! A¡ªLet¡¯s talk

Chen Jie: Look at the pandas. Mike: What are they doing?

Chen Jie: Haha. They¡¯re eating lunch! They¡¯re so cute.

Mike: Oh, yes! They like bamboo.

Chen Jie: What¡¯s the little monkey doing? Mike: it¡¯s playing with its mother! Chen Jie: Do you see any elephants?

Mike: Yes! Look there!

The elephant is drinking water.

B¡ªLet¡¯s talk

Tom: My name is Tom. What¡¯s your name?

John: Shh. Talk quietly. I¡¯m John.

I can show you the English books. Tom: Thanks.

John: Here they are.

Tom: OK. Can I read the books here? John: Yes. Of course. Tom: Anything else?

John: Yes. Keep your desk clean. Tom: OK, I will. Thanks.

The world robot exhibition Ni hao. Ni zai gan shen me ne? Sorry. What are you saying? I¡¯m speaking Chinese. Oh, hello.

What are you doing? I¡¯m drawing a picture. Have a look. It¡¯s lovely.

Are you cooking?

Yes. I¡¯m cooking rice. Asako is making sushi.

Can we play music with you? Sure. Please take turns. Are you from China? Yes, I am.

You¡¯re so cool! Can you teach me? Sure!

Are you doing kung fu? Yes, I am. I¡¯ll show you.

C¡ªStory time Zip: I love the film.

Zoom: Yes. The gorilla is great!

Zip: Wow! The gorilla is eating bananas. Zoom: It¡¯s so big and strong. Zip: What¡¯s that noise? Zoom: I¡¯m eating popcorn. Zip: It¡¯s so exciting! Zoom: Yes, it is!

Tiger: Shh! Talk quietly! Zoom: Sorry!

Zip: Look at the sign. Zoom: Oh, no!

Words in unit 6

doing morning exercises£¨ÕýÔÚ£©Ôç¶ÍÁ¶ having ¡­ class£¨ÕýÔÚ£©ÉÏ¿Î eating lunch£¨ÕýÔÚ£©³ÔÎç·¹ reading a book£¨ÕýÔÚ£©¿´Êé

listening to music£¨ÕýÔÚ£©ÌýÒôÀÖ keep±£³ÖijÖÖ״̬ keep to the right¿¿ÓÒ

keep your desk clean ±£³ÖÄãµÄ¿Î×ÀÕû½à talk quietly СÉù½²»° turn ˳Ðò

take turns °´Ë³ÐòÀ´ bamboo Öñ×Ó

itsËüµÄ£»ËûµÄ£¨Ö¸ÊÂÎï¡¢¶¯Îï»òÓ׶ù£© show Òýµ¼£»Ö¸Òý anything ÈκÎÊÂÎï else ÁíÍ⣻ÆäËû exhibition Õ¹ÀÀ say ˵£»½²

have a look ¿´Ò»¿´ sushi ÊÙ˾ teach ½Ì

Canadian ¼ÓÄôóµÄ Spanish Î÷°àÑÀµÄ

Recycle 2

Thirty days has September, April, June and November; February has twenty-eight alone. All the rest have thirty-one Except in leap year. That¡¯s the time

When February¡¯s days are twenty-nine.
